One Small Step for Rhinos, One Giant Leap for Wildlife Management- Imaging Diagnosis of Bone Pathology in Distal Limb
Figure 2
Distribution of bone pathologies in rhinoceroses’ autopodium.
Graphic numerical representation of the pathological bone sites (vertical axis) found in each autopodial element (horizontal axis). For podial elements (carpal and tarsal bones), the number of osteopathologies per bone was small and therefore we included the carpal (n = 7) and, respectively, tarsal (n = 8) joint as one unit. The data was collected from all four hind legs (“Hindleg”) and from all four front legs (“Frontleg”), therefore, for example, “Ph I-DII” of “Hindleg” represents the first phalanx of the second digit in all four hind legs. Abbreviations: Mt-metatarsal, Mc-metacarpal, S-large sesamoids, Ph-phalanx, D-digit, s-small sesamoids.