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Heterologous Protection against Asian Zika Virus Challenge in Rhesus Macaques

Fig 2

ZIKV-002 macaques challenged with ZIKV MR766 are protected from heterologous reinfection with ZIKV-FP.

A. Study timeline with dates of primary and secondary, heterologous ZIKV challenges. Samples were collected daily from 0 to 10 dpi, and then weekly thereafter until secondary challenge (denoted by ticks along the timeline). Challenge stocks were derived from the East African and French Polynesian virus strains detailed above the timeline. B. Plasma viral loads, shown as vRNA copies/mL for each of the macaques challenged with 1 x 106 (solid green line), 1x 105 (solid orange line), or 1 x 104 (solid blue line) PFU/mL of ZIKV MR766 challenge stock from the date of primary challenge through 10 days post heterologous challenge with ZIKV-FP. For comparison of plasma viral loads between ZIKV strains, solid light grey lines depict the plasma viral load trajectories for animals that were challenged with the same dose of ZIKV-FP and then rechallenged with homologous ZIKV-FP [22]. C. Oral swab and D. pan urine viral loads.

Fig 2
