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Correction: Characterization of Lethal Zika Virus Infection in AG129 Mice

  • Matthew T. Aliota,
  • Elizabeth A. Caine,
  • Emma C. Walker,
  • Katrina E. Larkin,
  • Erwin Camacho,
  • Jorge E. Osorio
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The panels in Fig 4 are switched. The image that appears as part A should appear as part B, and the image that appears for part B should appear as part A. The image that appears as part C should appear as part D, and the image that appears for part D should appear as part C.

Fig 4. Comparative histological imaging of skeletal muscle and brain after mock infection and infection with ZIKV.

Musculature from the posterior rear limb of a ZIKV-infected mouse revealing nuclear rowing as well as degenerate muscle fibers and infiltrating inflammatory cells (A). Hippocampal section from a ZIKV-infected mouse revealing neutrophilic infiltration (B). Musculature from the same site in a mock-infected mouse (C) A section of hippocampus in the brain of mock-infected mouse (D). Scale bar, 20 μm. Data are representative of two independent experiments (n = 4 and 5).


  1. 1. Aliota MT, Caine EA, Walker EC, Larkin KE, Camacho E, Osorio JE (2016) Characterization of Lethal Zika Virus Infection in AG129 Mice. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10(4): e0004682. pmid:27093158