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Global incidence in hospital-associated infections resistant to antibiotics: An analysis of point prevalence surveys from 99 countries

Fig 1

Hospitalizations per year, as percentage of population, in countries with more than 5 million inhabitants.

The Y-axis represents the hospitalized proportion of a country’s population per year, represented as a percentage. The X-axis shows the country 3-letter abbreviations. Yellow bars represent low-income countries, orange bars represent middle-income countries, and blue bars represent high-income countries. LKA = Sri Lanka, DEU = Germany, RUS = Russia, CZE = Czech Republic, SVK = Slovakia, GRC = Greece, FIN = Finland, FRA = France, CHE = Switzerland, BEL = Belgium, AUS = Australia, NOR = Norway, KOR = South Korea, TUR = Turkey, ISR = Israel, CHN = China, SRB = Serbia, KAZ = Kazakhstan, POL = Poland, GBR = Great Britain, JPN = Japan, ITA = Italy, VNM = Vietnam, USA = United States of America, MYS = Malaysia, NLD = Netherlands, ESP = Spain, CHL = Chile, LBN = Lebanon, SAU = Saudi Arabia, SGP = Singapore, PRT = Portugal, IRQ = Iraq, LBY = Libya, CAN = Canada, DZA = Algeria, ECU = Ecuador, EGY = Egypt, TUN = Tunisia, BOL = Bolivia, COL = Colombia, IRN = Iran, AGO = Angola, NGA = Nigeria, CIV = Cote d’Ivoire, ARG = Argentina, BRA = Brazil, PHL = Philippines, CRI = Costa Rica, PAK = Pakistan, SDN = Sudan, CMR = Cameroon, ZAF = South Africa, RWA = Rwanda, VEN = Venezuela, BEN = Benin, MEX = Mexico, TZA = Tanzania, KHM = Cambodia, THA = Thailand, MOZ = Mozambique, MLI = Mali, UGA = Uganda, MDG = Madagascar, MMR = Myanmar, JOR = Jordan, KEN = Kenya, PRY = Paraguay, MAR = Morocco, COD = Democratic Republic of the Congo, IND = India, IDN = Indonesia, ZMB = Zambia, PER = Peru, BGD = Bangladesh, NPL = Nepal, ETH = Ethiopia.

Fig 1
