The yb-admin utility, located in the bin directory of YugabyteDB home, provides a command line interface for administering clusters.

It invokes the yb-master and yb-tserver servers to perform the necessary administration.


To use yb-admin from the YugabyteDB home directory, run ./bin/yb-admin using the following syntax.

yb-admin \
    [ -master_addresses <master-addresses> ]  \
    [ -init_master_addrs <master-address> ]  \
    [ -timeout_ms <millisec> ] \
    [ -certs_dir_name <dir_name> ] \
    <command> [ command_flags ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.

  • init_master_addrs: Allows specifying a single YB-Master address from which the rest of the YB-Masters are discovered.

  • timeout_ms: The RPC timeout, in milliseconds. Default value is 60000. A value of 0 means don't wait; -1 means wait indefinitely.

  • certs_dir_name: The directory with certificates to use for secure server connections. Default value is "".

    To connect to a cluster with TLS enabled, you must include the -certs_dir_name flag with the directory location where the root certificate is located.

  • command: The operation to be performed. See command for syntax details and examples.

  • command_flags: Configuration flags that can be applied to the command.

Online help

To display the online help, run yb-admin --help from the YugabyteDB home directory.

./bin/yb-admin --help


Universe and cluster commands


Gets the configuration for the universe.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Changes the configuration of a tablet.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    change_config <tablet_id> \
    <peer_uuid> \
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier (ID) of the tablet.
  • ADD_SERVER | REMOVE_SERVER: Subcommand to add or remove the server.
  • peer_uuid: The UUID of the tablet server hosting the peer tablet.
  • PRE_VOTER | PRE_OBSERVER: Role of the new peer joining the quorum. Required when using the ADD_SERVER subcommand.


If you need to take a node down temporarily, but intend to bring it back up, you should not need to use the REMOVE_SERVER subcommand.

  • If the node is down for less than 15 minutes, it will catch up through RPC calls when it comes back online.
  • If the node is offline longer than 15 minutes, then it will go through Remote Bootstrap, where the current leader will forward all relevant files to catch up.

If you do not intend to bring a node back up (perhaps you brought it down for maintenance, but discovered that the disk is bad), then you want to decommission the node (using the REMOVE_SERVER subcommand) and then add in a new node (using the ADD_SERVER subcommand).


Changes the master configuration.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    change_master_config \
    <ip_addr> <port> \
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ADD_SERVER | REMOVE_SERVER: Adds or removes a new YB-Master server.
  • ip_addr: The IP address of the server node.
  • port: The port of the server node.
  • uuid: The UUID for the server that is being added/removed.



yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_tablet_servers <tablet_id>
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier (ID) of the tablet.


Lists all tablets and their replica locations for a particular table.

Use this to find out who the LEADER of a tablet is.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_tablets <keyspace_type>.<keyspace_name> <table> [max_tablets]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace_type: Type of the keyspace, ysql or ycql.
  • keyspace_name: The namespace, or name of the database or keyspace.
  • table: The name of the table.
  • max_tablets: The maximum number of tables to be returned. Default is 10. Set to 0 to return all tablets.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    list_tablets ysql.db_name table_name 0
Tablet UUID                       Range                                                     Leader
cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a  partition_key_start: "" partition_key_end: "\177\377"
e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479  partition_key_start: "\177\377" partition_key_end: ""


Lists all tablet servers.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Displays a list of all YB-Master servers in a table listing the master UUID, RPC host and port, state (ALIVE or DEAD), and role (LEADER, FOLLOWER, or UNKNOWN_ROLE).


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses node7:7100,node8:7100,node9:7100 \
Master UUID         RPC Host/Port          State      Role
...                   node8:7100           ALIVE     FOLLOWER
...                   node9:7100           ALIVE     FOLLOWER
...                   node7:7100           ALIVE     LEADER


Prints a list of replica types and counts for the specified table.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_replica_type_counts <keyspace> <table_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: The name of the database or keyspace.
  • table_name: The name of the table.


Prints the status of the YB-Master servers.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


List the locations of the tablet server logs.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Lists all tablets for the specified tablet server (YB-TServer).


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_tablets_for_tablet_server <ts_uuid>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ts_uuid: The UUID of the tablet server (YB-TServer).


Splits the specified hash-sharded tablet and computes the split point as the middle of tablet's sharding range.

yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    split_tablet -master_addresses <master-addresses> <tablet_id_to_split>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • tablet_id_to_split: The identifier of the tablet to split.

For more information on tablet splitting, see:


Forces the master leader to step down. The specified YB-Master node will take its place as leader.


  • Use this command only if recommended by Yugabyte support.

  • There is a possibility of downtime.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    master_leader_stepdown [ <new_leader_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • new_leader_id: (Optional) The identifier (ID) of the new YB-Master leader. If not specified, the new leader is automatically elected.


Prints the current YSQL schema catalog version.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \

The version output displays:


Table commands


Prints a list of all tables. Optionally, include the database type, table ID, and the table type.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_tables \
    [ include_db_type ] [ include_table_id ] [ include_table_type ]
yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_tables
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • include_db_type: (Optional) Add this flag to include the database type for each table.
  • include_table_id: (Optional) Add this flag to include the unique UUID associated with the table.
  • include_table_type: (Optional) Add this flag to include the table type for each table.

Returns tables in the following format, depending on the flags used:

<db_type>.<namespace>.<table_name> table_id table_type
  • db_type: The type of database. Valid values include ysql, ycql, and unknown.
  • namespace: The name of the database (for YSQL) or keyspace (for YCQL).
  • table_name: The name of the table.
  • table_type: The type of table. Valid values include catalog, table, index, and other.


To display a list of tables and their UUID (table_id) values, open the YB-Master UI (<master_host>:7000/) and click Tables in the navigation bar.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \


Triggers manual compaction on a table.

Syntax 1: Using table name

yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master_addresses> \
    compact_table <db_type>.<namespace> <table> [timeout_in_seconds] [ADD_INDEXES]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • db_type: The type of database. Valid values include ysql and ycql.
  • namespace: The name of the database (for YSQL) or keyspace (for YCQL).
  • table: The name of the table to compact.
  • timeout_in_seconds: Specifies duration (in seconds) yb-admin waits for compaction to end. Default value is 20.
  • ADD_INDEXES: Whether to compact the secondary indexes associated with the table. Default is false.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    compact_table ysql.yugabyte table_name
Compacted [yugabyte.table_name] tables.

Syntax 2: Using table ID

yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master_addresses> \
    compact_table tableid.<table_id> [timeout_in_seconds] [ADD_INDEXES]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • table_id: The unique UUID associated with the table.
  • timeout_in_seconds: Specifies duration (in seconds) yb-admin waits for compaction to end. Default value is 20.
  • ADD_INDEXES: Whether to compact the secondary indexes associated with the table. Default is false.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    compact_table tableid.000033eb000030008000000000004002
Compacted [000033eb000030008000000000004002] tables.


Modifies the placement information (cloud, region, and zone) for a table.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    modify_table_placement_info <keyspace> <table_name> <placement_info> <replication_factor> \
    [ <placement_id> ]

or alternatively:

yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    modify_table_placement_info tableid.<table_id> <placement_info> <replication_factor> \
    [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: The namespace, or name of the database or keyspace.
  • table_name: The name of the table.
  • table_id: The unique UUID associated with the table whose placement policy is being changed.
  • placement_info: Comma-delimited list of placements for Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1.
  • replication_factor: The number of replicas for each tablet.
  • placement_id: Identifier of the primary cluster. Optional. If set, it has to match the placement_id specified for the primary cluster in the cluster configuration.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    modify_table_placement_info  testdatabase testtable \,, 3

Verify this in the Master UI by opening the YB-Master UI (<master_host>:7000/) and clicking Tables in the navigation bar. Navigate to the appropriate table whose placement information you're changing, and check the Replication Info section.


Setting placement for tables is not supported for clusters with read-replicas or leader affinity policies enabled.

Use this command to create custom placement policies only for YCQL tables or transaction status tables. For YSQL tables, use Tablespaces instead.


Creates a transaction status table to be used in a region. This command should always be followed by modify_table_placement_info to set the placement information for the newly-created transaction status table.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_transaction_table \
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • table_name: The name of the transaction status table to be created; this must start with transactions_.

The transaction status table will be created as system.<table_name>.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    create_transaction_table \

Verify this in the Master UI by opening the YB-Master UI (<master_host>:7000/) and clicking Tables in the navigation bar. You should see a new system table with keyspace system and table name transactions_us_east.

Next, set the placement on the newly created transactions table:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    modify_table_placement_info system transactions_us_east \,, 3

After the load balancer runs, all tablets of system.transactions_us_east should now be solely located in the AWS us-east region.


The preferred way to create transaction status tables with YSQL is to create a tablespace with the appropriate placement. YugabyteDB automatically creates a transaction table using the tablespace's placement when you create the first table using the new tablespace.


Add a tablet to a transaction status table.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    add_transaction_tablet \
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • table_id: The unique UUID associated with the table to be compacted.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    add_transaction_tablet 000033eb000030008000000000004002

To verify that the new status tablet has been created, run the list_tablets command.


Flush the memstores of the specified table on all tablet servers to disk.

Syntax 1: Using table name

yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master_addresses> \
    flush_table <db_type>.<namespace> <table> [timeout_in_seconds] [ADD_INDEXES]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • db_type: The type of database. Valid values include ysql and ycql.
  • namespace: The name of the database (for YSQL) or keyspace (for YCQL).
  • table: The name of the table to flush.
  • timeout_in_seconds: Specifies duration (in seconds) yb-admin waits for flushing to end. Default value is 20.
  • ADD_INDEXES: Whether to flush the secondary indexes associated with the table. Default is false.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    flush_table ysql.yugabyte table_name
Flushed [yugabyte.table_name] tables.

Syntax 2: Using table ID

yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master_addresses> \
    flush_table tableid.<table_id> [timeout_in_seconds] [ADD_INDEXES]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • table_id: The unique UUID associated with the table.
  • timeout_in_seconds: Specifies duration (in seconds) yb-admin waits for flushing to end. Default value is 20.
  • ADD_INDEXES: Whether to flush the secondary indexes associated with the table. Default is false.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    flush_table tableid.000033eb000030008000000000004002
Flushed [000033eb000030008000000000004002] tables.


Backfill all DEFERRED indexes in a YCQL table.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    backfill_indexes_for_table <keyspace> <table_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: Specifies the keyspace ycql.keyspace-name.
  • table_name: Specifies the table name.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    backfill_indexes_for_table ybdemo table_name

A new backfill job is created for all the DEFERRED indexes of the table. The command does not have any output.

Backup and snapshot commands

The following backup and snapshot commands are available:

YugabyteDB Anywhere

If you are using YugabyteDB Anywhere to manage point-in-time-recovery (PITR) for a universe, you must initiate and manage PITR using the YugabyteDB Anywhere UI. If you use the yb-admin CLI to make changes to the PITR configuration of a universe managed by YugabyteDB Anywhere, including creating schedules and snapshots, your changes are not reflected in YugabyteDB Anywhere.


Creates a snapshot of the specified YSQL database.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_database_snapshot <database_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • database: The name of the YSQL database.

When this command runs, a snapshot_id is generated and printed.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \

To see if the database snapshot creation has completed, run the yb-admin list_snapshots command.


Creates a snapshot of the specified YCQL keyspace.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_keyspace_snapshot <keyspace_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: The name of the YCQL keyspace.

When this command runs, a snapshot_id is generated and printed.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \

To see if the database snapshot creation has completed, run the yb-admin list_snapshots command.


Prints a list of all snapshot IDs, restoration IDs, and states. Optionally, prints details (including keyspaces, tables, and indexes) in JSON format.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_snapshots \
    [ show_details ] [ not_show_restored ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • show_details: (Optional) Print snapshot details, including the keyspaces, tables, and indexes.
  • not_show_restored: (Optional) Do not show successful "restorations" (that is, COMPLETE). Use to see a list of only uncompleted or failed restore operations.
  • show_deleted: (Optional) Show snapshots that are deleted, but still retained in memory.

Possible state values for creating and restoring snapshots:

  • restore_snapshot: COMPLETE, DELETING, DELETED, or FAILED.

By default, the list_snapshot command prints the current state of the following operations:

  • create_snapshot: snapshot_id, keyspace, table, state
  • restore_snapshot: snapshot_id, restoration_id, state.
  • delete_snapshot: snapshot_id, state.

When show_details is included, the list_snapshot command prints the following details in JSON format:

  • type: NAMESPACE
    • id: <snapshot_id> or <restoration_id>
    • data:
      • name: "<namespace_name>"
      • database_type: "YQL_DATABASE_CQL"
      • colocated: true or false
      • state: "<state>"
  • type: TABLE <== Use for table or index
    • id: "<table_id>" or "<index_id>"
    • data:
      • name: "<table_name>" or "<index_id>"
      • version: "<table_version>"
      • state: "<state>"
      • state_msg: "<state_msg>"
      • next_column_id: "<column_id>"
      • table_type: "YQL_TABLE_TYPE"
      • namespace_id: "<namespace_id>"
      • indexed_table_id (index only): <table_id>
      • is_local_index (index only): true or false
      • is_unique_index (index only): true or false


In this example, the optional show_details flag is added to generate the snapshot details.

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    list_snapshots show_details

Because show_details was included, list_snapshots prints the details in JSON format, like this:

f566b03b-b85e-41a0-b903-875cd305c1c5  COMPLETE
{"type":"TABLE","id":"a7e940e724ef497ebe94bf69bfe507d9","data":{"name":"tracking1","version":1,"state":"RUNNING","state_msg":"Current schema version=1","next_column_id":13,"table_type":"YQL_TABLE_TYPE","namespace_id":"8053dd55d478437cba57d9f67caac154"}}

If show_details is not included, list_snapshots prints the snapshot_id and state:

f566b03b-b85e-41a0-b903-875cd305c1c5  COMPLETE


Creates a snapshot of the specified YCQL tables and their indexes. Prior to v.2.1.8, indexes were not automatically included. You can specify multiple tables, even from different keyspaces.

Snapshots don't auto-expire

Snapshots you create via create_snapshot persist on disk until you remove them using the delete_snapshot command.

Use the create_snapshot_schedule command to create snapshots that expire after a specified time interval.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_snapshot <keyspace> <table_name> | <table_id> \
    [<keyspace> <table_name> | <table_id> ]... \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: The name of the database or keyspace formatted as <ycql|ysql>..
  • table_name: The name of the table name.
  • table_id: The unique UUID associated with the table.
  • flush_timeout_in_seconds: Specifies duration (in seconds) before flushing snapshot. Default value is 60. To skip flushing, set the value to 0.

When this command runs, a snapshot_id is generated and printed.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    create_snapshot ydb test_tb
Started flushing table ydb.test_tb
Flush request id: fe0db953a7a5416c90f01b1e11a36d24
Waiting for flushing...
Flushing complete: SUCCESS
Started snapshot creation: 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295

To see if the snapshot creation has finished, run the yb-admin list_snapshots command.


Restores the specified snapshot, including the tables and indexes. When the operation starts, a restoration_id is generated.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    restore_snapshot <snapshot_id> <restore-target>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • snapshot_id: The identifier (ID) for the snapshot.
  • restore-target: The time to which to restore the snapshot. This can be either an absolute Unix time, or a relative time such as minus 5m (to restore to 5 minutes ago). Optional; omit to restore to the given snapshot's creation time.


./bin/yb-admin restore_snapshot 72ad2eb1-65a2-4e88-a448-7ef4418bc469

When the restore starts, the snapshot_id and the generated restoration_id are displayed.

Started restoring snapshot: 72ad2eb1-65a2-4e88-a448-7ef4418bc469
Restoration id: 5a9bc559-2155-4c38-ac8b-b6d0f7aa1af6

To see if the snapshot was successfully restored, you can run the yb-admin list_snapshots command.

./bin/yb-admin list_snapshots

For the example above, the restore failed, so the following displays:

Restoration UUID                      State
5a9bc559-2155-4c38-ac8b-b6d0f7aa1af6  FAILED


Lists the snapshots restorations.

Returns one or more restorations in JSON format.

restorations list entries contain:

  • the restoration's unique ID
  • the snapshot's unique ID
  • state of the restoration


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_snapshot_restorations <restoration_id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • restoration_id: the snapshot restoration's unique identifier. The ID is optional; omit the ID to return all restorations in the system.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    list_snapshot_restorations 26ed9053-0c26-4277-a2b8-c12d0fa4c8cf
    "restorations": [
            "id": "26ed9053-0c26-4277-a2b8-c12d0fa4c8cf",
            "snapshot_id": "ca8f3763-5437-4594-818d-713fb0cddb96",
            "state": "RESTORED"


Generates a metadata file for the specified snapshot, listing all the relevant internal UUIDs for various objects (table, tablet, etc.).


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    export_snapshot <snapshot_id> <file_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • snapshot_id: The identifier (ID) for the snapshot.
  • file_name: The name of the file to contain the metadata. Recommended file extension is .snapshot.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    export_snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 \
Exporting snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 (COMPLETE) to file test_tb.snapshot
Snapshot meta data was saved into file: test_tb.snapshot


Imports the specified snapshot metadata file.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    import_snapshot <file_name> \
    [<keyspace> <table_name> [<keyspace> <table_name>]...]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • file_name: The name of the snapshot file to import
  • keyspace: The name of the database or keyspace
  • table_name: The name of the table


The keyspace and the table can be different from the exported one.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    import_snapshot test_tb.snapshot ydb test_tb
Read snapshot meta file test_tb.snapshot
Importing snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 (COMPLETE)
Target imported table name: ydb.test_tb
Table being imported: ydb.test_tb
Successfully applied snapshot.
Object            Old ID                            New ID
Keyspace          c478ed4f570841489dd973aacf0b3799  c478ed4f570841489dd973aacf0b3799
Table             ff4389ee7a9d47ff897d3cec2f18f720  ff4389ee7a9d47ff897d3cec2f18f720
Tablet 0          cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a  cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a
Tablet 1          e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479  e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479
Snapshot          4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295  4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295


Imports only the specified tables from the specified snapshot metadata file.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    import_snapshot_selective <file_name> \
    [<keyspace> <table_name> [<keyspace> <table_name>]...]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • file_name: The name of the snapshot file to import
  • keyspace: The name of the database or keyspace
  • table_name: The name of the table


The keyspace can be different from the exported one. The name of the table needs to be the same.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    import_snapshot_selective test_tb.snapshot ydb test_tb
Read snapshot meta file test_tb.snapshot
Importing snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 (COMPLETE)
Target imported table name: ydb.test_tb
Table being imported: ydb.test_tb
Successfully applied snapshot.
Object            Old ID                            New ID
Keyspace          c478ed4f570841489dd973aacf0b3799  c478ed4f570841489dd973aacf0b3799
Table             ff4389ee7a9d47ff897d3cec2f18f720  ff4389ee7a9d47ff897d3cec2f18f720
Tablet 0          cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a  cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a
Tablet 1          e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479  e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479
Snapshot          4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295  4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295


Deletes the specified snapshot.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    delete_snapshot <snapshot_id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • snapshot_id: The identifier (ID) of the snapshot.


Creates a snapshot schedule. A schedule consists of a list of objects to be included in a snapshot, a time interval at which to take snapshots for them, and a retention time.

Returns a schedule ID in JSON format.


yb-admin create_snapshot_schedule \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • snapshot-interval: The frequency at which to take snapshots, in minutes.
  • retention-time: The number of minutes to keep a snapshot before deleting it.
  • filter-expression: The set of objects to include in the snapshot.

The filter expression is a list of acceptable objects, which can be either raw tables, keyspaces (YCQL) in the format keyspace_name, or databases (YSQL) in the format ysql.database_name. For proper consistency guarantees, set this up per-keyspace (YCQL) or per-database (YSQL).


Take a snapshot of the YSQL database yugabyte once per minute, and retain each snapshot for 10 minutes:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    create_snapshot_schedule 1 10 ysql.yugabyte

The equivalent command for the YCQL keyspace yugabyte would be the following:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    create_snapshot_schedule 1 10 yugabyte
  "schedule_id": "6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256"


Lists the snapshots associated with a given schedule. Or, lists all schedules and their associated snapshots.

Returns one or more schedule lists in JSON format.

Schedule list entries contain:

  • schedule ID
  • schedule options (interval and retention time)
  • a list of snapshots that the system has automatically taken

Snapshot list entries include:

  • the snapshot's unique ID
  • the snapshot's creation time
  • the previous snapshot's creation time, if available. Use this time to make sure that, on restore, you pick the correct snapshot, which is guaranteed to have the data you want to bring back.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_snapshot_schedules <schedule-id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • schedule-id: the snapshot schedule's unique identifier. The ID is optional; omit the ID to return all schedules in the system.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    list_snapshot_schedules 6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256
  "schedules": [
      "id": "6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256",
      "options": {
        "interval": "60.000s",
        "retention": "600.000s"
      "snapshots": [
          "id": "386740da-dc17-4e4a-9a2b-976968b1deb5",
          "snapshot_time_utc": "2021-04-28T13:35:32.499002+0000"
          "id": "aaf562ca-036f-4f96-b193-f0baead372e5",
          "snapshot_time_utc": "2021-04-28T13:36:37.501633+0000",
          "previous_snapshot_time_utc": "2021-04-28T13:35:32.499002+0000"


Schedules group a set of items into a single tracking object (the schedule). When you restore, you can choose a particular schedule and a point in time, and revert the state of all affected objects back to the chosen time.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    restore_snapshot_schedule <schedule-id> <restore-target>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • schedule-id: The identifier (ID) of the schedule to be restored.
  • restore-target: The time to which to restore the snapshots in the schedule. This can be either an absolute Unix timestamp, or a relative time such as minus 5m (to restore to 5 minutes ago).

You can also use a YSQL timestamp or YCQL timestamp with the restore command, if you like.

In addition to restoring to a particular timestamp, you can also restore from a relative time, such as "ten minutes ago".

When you specify a relative time, you can specify any or all of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. For example:

  • minus 5m to restore from five minutes ago
  • minus 1h to restore from one hour ago
  • minus 3d to restore from three days ago
  • minus 1h 5m to restore from one hour and five minutes ago

Relative times can be in any of the following formats (again, note that you can specify any or all of days, hours, minutes, and seconds):

  • ISO 8601: 3d 4h 5m 6s
  • Abbreviated PostgreSQL: 3 d 4 hrs 5 mins 6 secs
  • Traditional PostgreSQL: 3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6 seconds
  • SQL standard: D H:M:S


Restore from an absolute timestamp:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    restore_snapshot_schedule 6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256 1617670679185100

Restore from a relative time:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    restore_snapshot_schedule 6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256 minus 60s

In both cases, the output is similar to the following:

    "snapshot_id": "6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256",
    "restoration_id": "b1b96d53-f9f9-46c5-b81c-6937301c8eff"


Deletes the snapshot schedule with the given ID, and all of the snapshots associated with that schedule.

Returns a JSON object with the schedule_id that was just deleted.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    delete_snapshot_schedule <schedule-id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • schedule-id: the snapshot schedule's unique identifier.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    delete_snapshot_schedule 6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256

The output should show the schedule ID we just deleted.

    "schedule_id": "6eaaa4fb-397f-41e2-a8fe-a93e0c9f5256"

Multi-zone and multi-region deployment commands


Modifies the placement information (cloud, region, and zone) for a deployment.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    modify_placement_info <placement_info> <replication_factor> \
    [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • placement_info: Comma-delimited list of placements for Optionally, after each placement block, we can also specify a minimum replica count separated by a colon. This count indicates how many minimum replicas of each tablet we want in that placement block. Its default value is 1. It is not recommended to repeat the same placement multiple times but instead specify the total count after the colon. However, in the event that the user specifies a placement multiple times, the total count from all mentions is taken.
  • replication_factor: The number of replicas for each tablet. This value should be greater than or equal to the total of replica counts specified in placement_info.
  • placement_id: The identifier of the primary cluster, which can be any unique string. Optional. If not set, a randomly-generated ID will be used.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    modify_placement_info  \,, 5

This will place a minimum of:

  1. 2 replicas in
  2. 2 replicas in
  3. 1 replica in

You can verify the new placement information by running the following curl command:

curl -s http://<any-master-ip>:7000/cluster-config


Sets the preferred availability zones (AZs) and regions. Tablet leaders are placed in alive and healthy nodes of AZs in order of preference. When no healthy node is available in the most preferred AZs (preference value 1), then alive and healthy nodes from the next preferred AZs are picked. AZs with no preference are equally eligible to host tablet leaders.

Having all tablet leaders reside in a single region reduces the number of network hops for the database to write transactions, which increases performance and reduces latency.


  • Make sure you've already run modify_placement_info command beforehand.

  • By default, the transaction status tablet leaders don't respect these preferred zones and are balanced across all nodes. Transactions include a roundtrip from the user to the transaction status tablet serving the transaction - using the leader closest to the user rather than forcing a roundtrip to the preferred zone improves performance.

  • Leader blacklisted nodes don't host any leaders irrespective of their preference.

  • Cluster configuration stores preferred zones in either affinitized_leaders or multi_affinitized_leaders object.

  • Tablespaces don't inherit cluster-level placement information, leader preference, or read replica configurations.

  • If the client application uses a smart driver, set the topology keys to target the preferred zones.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    set_preferred_zones <>[:preference] \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • Specifies the cloud, region, and zone. Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1.
  • preference: Specifies the leader preference for a zone. Values have to be contiguous non-zero integers. Multiple zones can have the same value. Default value is 1.


Suppose you have a deployment in the following regions:,,, and Looking at the cluster configuration:

curl -s http://<any-master-ip>:7000/cluster-config

The following is a sample configuration:

replication_info {
  live_replicas {
    num_replicas: 5
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-west1"
        placement_zone: "us-west1-a"
      min_num_replicas: 1
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-west1"
        placement_zone: "us-west1-b"
      min_num_replicas: 1
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-east4"
        placement_zone: "us-east4-a"
      min_num_replicas: 2
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-asia-northeast1"
        placement_zone: "us-asia-northeast1-a"
      min_num_replicas: 1

The following command sets the preferred region to and the fallback to zone

   ~/master/bin/yb-admin --master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
    set_preferred_zones \ \ \

Verify by running the following.

curl -s http://<any-master-ip>:7000/cluster-config

Looking again at the cluster configuration you should see multi_affinitized_leaders added:

replication_info {
  live_replicas {
    num_replicas: 5
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-west1"
        placement_zone: "us-west1-a"
      min_num_replicas: 1
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-west1"
        placement_zone: "us-west1-b"
      min_num_replicas: 1
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-east4"
        placement_zone: "us-east4-a"
      min_num_replicas: 2
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "gcp"
        placement_region: "us-asia-northeast1"
        placement_zone: "us-asia-northeast1-a"
      min_num_replicas: 1
  multi_affinitized_leaders {
    zones {
      placement_cloud: "gcp"
      placement_region: "us-west1"
      placement_zone: "us-west1-a"
    zones {
      placement_cloud: "gcp"
      placement_region: "us-west1"
      placement_zone: "us-west1-b"
  multi_affinitized_leaders {
    zones {
      placement_cloud: "gcp"
      placement_region: "us-east4"
      placement_zone: "us-east4-a"

Read replica deployment commands


Add a read replica cluster to the master configuration.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    add_read_replica_placement_info <placement_info> \
    <replication_factor> \
    [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • placement_info: A comma-delimited list of read replica placements for, using the format <cloud1.region1.zone1>:<num_replicas_in_zone1>,<cloud2.region2.zone2>:<num_replicas_in_zone2>,.... Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1. Read replica availability zones must be uniquely different from the primary availability zones. To use the same cloud, region, and availability zone for a read replica as a primary cluster, you can suffix the zone with _rr (for read replica). For example, c1.r1.z1 vs c1.r1.z1_rr:1.
  • replication_factor: The total number of read replicas.
  • placement_id: The identifier of the read replica cluster, which can be any unique string. If not set, a randomly-generated ID will be used. Primary and read replica clusters must use different placement IDs.



yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    modify_read_replica_placement_info <placement_info> \
    <replication_factor> \
    [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • placement_info: A comma-delimited list of placements for Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1.
  • replication_factor: The number of replicas.
  • placement_id: The identifier of the read replica cluster.


Delete the read replica.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.

Security commands

Encryption at rest commands

For details on using encryption at rest, see Encryption at rest.


Sets the contents of key_path in-memory on each YB-Master node.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    add_universe_key_to_all_masters <key_id> <key_path>
  • key_id: Universe-unique identifier (can be any string, such as a string of a UUID) that will be associated to the universe key contained in the contents of key_path as a byte[].
  • key_path: The path to the file containing the universe key.


After adding the universe keys to all YB-Master nodes, you can verify the keys exist using the all_masters_have_universe_key_in_memory command and enable encryption using the rotate_universe_key_in_memory command.


Checks whether the universe key associated with the provided key_id exists in-memory on each YB-Master node.

yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> all_masters_have_universe_key_in_memory <key_id>
  • key_id: Universe-unique identifier (can be any string, such as a string of a UUID) that will be associated to the universe key contained in the contents of key_path as a byte[].


Rotates the in-memory universe key to start encrypting newly-written data files with the universe key associated with the provided key_id.


The all_masters_have_universe_key_in_memory value must be true for the universe key to be successfully rotated and enabled).


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> rotate_universe_key_in_memory <key_id>
  • key_id: Universe-unique identifier (can be any string, such as a string of a UUID) that will be associated to the universe key contained in the contents of key_path as a byte[].


Disables the in-memory encryption at rest for newly-written data files.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \


Checks if cluster-wide encryption is enabled.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.

Returns message:

Encryption status: ENABLED with key id <key_id_2>

The new key ID (<key_id_2>) should be different from the previous one (<key_id>).


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
Encryption status: ENABLED with key id <key_id_2>

Change Data Capture (CDC) commands


Create a change data capture (CDC) DB stream for the specified namespace using the following command.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_change_data_stream ysql.<namespace_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • namespace_name: The namespace on which the DB stream ID is to be created.

For example:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses \
    create_change_data_stream ysql.yugabyte
Creating a stream for Transactional CDC

Create a change data capture (CDC) DB stream for the specified namespace that can be used for Transactional CDC using the following command. This feature is TP . Use the yb_enable_cdc_consistent_snapshot_streams flag to enable the feature.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_change_data_stream ysql.<namespace_name> EXPLICIT CHANGE USE_SNAPSHOT
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • namespace_name: The namespace on which the DB stream ID is to be created.
  • EXPLICIT: Checkpointing type on the server.
  • CHANGE: Record type indicating to the server that the stream should send only the new values of the changed columns.
  • USE_SNAPSHOT: Snapshot option indicating intention of client to consume the snapshot. If you don't want the client to consume the snapshot, use the NOEXPORT_SNAPSHOT option.

For example:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses \
    create_change_data_stream ysql.yugabyte EXPLICIT CHANGE USE_SNAPSHOT
Enabling before image

To create a change data capture (CDC) DB stream which also supports sending the before image of the record, use the following command.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_change_data_stream ysql.<namespace_name> EXPLICIT <before_image_mode>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • namespace_name: The namespace on which the DB stream ID is to be created.
  • EXPLICIT: Checkpointing type on the server.
  • before_image_mode: Record type indicating the stream should include the before image.

A successful operation of the above command returns a message with a DB stream ID:

CDC Stream ID: d540f5e4890c4d3b812933cbfd703ed3
Creating stream in EXPLICIT checkpointing mode

To create a change data capture (CDC) DB stream which works in the EXPLICIT checkpointing mode where the client is responsible for managing the checkpoints, use the following command:


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    create_change_data_stream ysql.<namespace_name> EXPLICIT
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • namespace_name: The namespace on which the DB stream ID is to be created.
  • EXPLICIT: Checkpointing type on the server.

A successful operation of the above command returns a message with a DB stream ID:

CDC Stream ID: d540f5e4890c4d3b812933cbfd703ed3

IMPLICIT checkpointing is deprecated

It is recommended that you create streams in EXPLICIT checkpointing mode only (the default). IMPLICIT checkpointing mode will be completely removed in future releases.


Lists all the created CDC DB streams.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    list_change_data_streams [namespace_name]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • namespace_name: Optional - The namespace name for which the streams are to be listed, if not provided it would list all the streams without filtering.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses \

This command results in the following response. It will have all the table IDs associated with the stream ID:

CDC Streams:
streams {
  stream_id: "d540f5e4890c4d3b812933cbfd703ed3"
  table_id: "000033e1000030008000000000004000"
  options {
    key: "id_type"
    value: "NAMESPACEID"
  options {
    key: "checkpoint_type"
    value: "EXPLICIT"
  options {
    key: "source_type"
    value: "CDCSDK"
  options {
    key: "record_format"
    value: "PROTO"
  options {
    key: "record_type"
    value: "CHANGE"
  options {
    key: "state"
    value: "ACTIVE"


Get the information associated with a particular CDC DB stream.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    get_change_data_stream_info <db_stream_id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • db_stream_id: The CDC DB stream ID to get the info of.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses \
    get_change_data_stream_info d540f5e4890c4d3b812933cbfd703ed3

The previous command results in the following response. It will have the table_id(s) associated with the stream and the namespace_id on which the stream is created:

CDC DB Stream Info:
table_info {
  stream_id: "d540f5e4890c4d3b812933cbfd703ed3"
  table_id: "000033e1000030008000000000004000"
namespace_id: "000033e1000030008000000000000000"


Delete the specified CDC DB stream.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    delete_change_data_stream <db_stream_id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • db_stream_id: The CDC DB stream ID to be deleted.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses \
    delete_change_data_stream d540f5e4890c4d3b812933cbfd703ed3

The above command results in the following response:

Successfully deleted CDC DB Stream ID: d540f5e4890c4d3b812933cbfd703ed3

xCluster Replication commands


Sets up the universe replication for the specified source universe. Use this command only if no tables have been configured for replication. If tables are already configured for replication, use alter_universe_replication to add more tables.

To verify if any tables are already configured for replication, use list_cdc_streams.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    setup_universe_replication \
    <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name> \
    <source_master_addresses> \
    <comma_separated_list_of_table_ids> \
    [ <comma_separated_list_of_producer_bootstrap_ids> ] \
    [ transactional ]
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of target YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • source_universe_uuid: The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: The name for the replication.
  • source_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of the source master addresses.
  • comma_separated_list_of_table_ids: Comma-separated list of source universe table identifiers (table_id).
  • comma_separated_list_of_producer_bootstrap_ids: Comma-separated list of source universe bootstrap identifiers (bootstrap_id). Obtain these with bootstrap_cdc_producer, using a comma-separated list of source universe table IDs.
  • transactional: identifies the universe as Active in a transactional xCluster deployment.


Enter the source universe bootstrap IDs in the same order as their corresponding table IDs.


To display a list of tables and their UUID (table_id) values, open the YB-Master UI (<master_host>:7000/) and click Tables in the navigation bar.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses,, \
    setup_universe_replication e260b8b6-e89f-4505-bb8e-b31f74aa29f3_xClusterSetup1 \,, \


Changes the universe replication for the specified source universe. Use this command to do the following:

  • Add or remove tables in an existing replication UUID.
  • Modify the source master addresses.

If no tables have been configured for replication, use setup_universe_replication.

To check if any tables are configured for replication, use list_cdc_streams.


Use the set_master_addresses subcommand to replace the source master address list. Use this if the set of masters on the source changes:

yb-admin -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    alter_universe_replication <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name> \
    set_master_addresses <source_master_addresses>
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of target YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • source_universe_uuid: The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: The name of the replication to be altered.
  • source_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of the source master addresses.

Use the add_table subcommand to add one or more tables to the existing list:

yb-admin -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    alter_universe_replication <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name> \
    add_table [ <comma_separated_list_of_table_ids> ] \
    [ <comma_separated_list_of_producer_bootstrap_ids> ]
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of target YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • source_universe_uuid: The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: The name of the replication to be altered.
  • comma_separated_list_of_table_ids: Comma-separated list of source universe table identifiers (table_id).
  • comma_separated_list_of_producer_bootstrap_ids: Comma-separated list of source universe bootstrap identifiers (bootstrap_id). Obtain these with bootstrap_cdc_producer, using a comma-separated list of source universe table IDs.


Enter the source universe bootstrap IDs in the same order as their corresponding table IDs.

Use the remove_table subcommand to remove one or more tables from the existing list:

yb-admin -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    alter_universe_replication <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name> \
    remove_table [ <comma_separated_list_of_table_ids> ]
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • source_universe_uuid: The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: The name of the replication to be altered.
  • comma_separated_list_of_table_ids: Comma-separated list of source universe table identifiers (table_id).

Use the rename_id subcommand to rename xCluster replication streams.

yb-admin -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    alter_universe_replication <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name> \
    rename_id <source_universe_uuid>_<new_replication_name>
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of target YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • source_universe_uuid: The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: The name of the replication to be altered.
  • new_replication_name: The new name of the replication stream.

delete_universe_replication <source_universe_uuid>

Deletes universe replication for the specified source universe.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    delete_universe_replication <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name>
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of target YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • source_universe_uuid: The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: The name of the replication to be deleted.


Sets the universe replication to be enabled or disabled.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    set_universe_replication_enabled <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name>
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of target YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • source_universe_uuid: The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: The name of the replication to be enabled or disabled.
  • 0 | 1: Disabled (0) or enabled (1). Default is 1.


Sets the xCluster role to STANDBY or ACTIVE.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    change_xcluster_role \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100. These are the addresses of the master nodes where the role is to be applied. For example, to change the target to STANDBY, use target universe master addresses, and to change the source universe role, use source universe master addresses.
  • role: Can be STANDBY or ACTIVE.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses,, \
    change_xcluster_role STANDBY


Reports the current xCluster safe time for each namespace, which is the time at which reads will be performed.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <target_master_addresses> \
    get_xcluster_safe_time \
  • target_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of target YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • include_lag_and_skew: Set include_lag_and_skew option to show safe_time_lag_sec and safe_time_skew_sec, otherwise these are hidden by default.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses,, \
    "namespace_id": "000033f1000030008000000000000000",
    "namespace_name": "yugabyte",
    "safe_time": "2023-04-14 18:34:18.429430",
    "safe_time_epoch": "1681522458429430",
    "safe_time_lag_sec": "15.66",
    "safe_time_skew_sec": "14.95"
  • namespace_id: ID of the stream.
  • namespace_name: Name of the stream.
  • safe_time: Safe time in timestamp format.
  • safe_time_epoch: The epoch of the safe time.
  • safe_time_lag_sec: Safe time lag is computed as (current time - current safe time).
  • safe_time_skew_sec: Safe time skew is computed as (safe time of most caught up tablet - safe time of laggiest tablet).


Verify when the producer and consumer are in sync for a given list of stream_ids at a given timestamp.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <source_master_addresses> \
    wait_for_replication_drain \
    <comma_separated_list_of_stream_ids> [<timestamp> | minus <interval>]
  • source_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • comma_separated_list_of_stream_ids: Comma-separated list of stream IDs.
  • timestamp: The time to which to wait for replication to drain. If not provided, it will be set to current time in the YB-Master API.
  • minus : The minus <interval> is the same format as described in Restore from a relative time, or see restore_snapshot_schedule.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses,, \
    wait_for_replication_drain 000033f1000030008000000000000000,200033f1000030008000000000000002 minus 1m

If all streams are caught-up, the API outputs All replications are caught-up. to the console.

Otherwise, it outputs the non-caught-up streams in the following format:

Found undrained replications:
- Under Stream <stream_id>:
  - Tablet: <tablet_id>
  - Tablet: <tablet_id>
  // ......
// ......


Lists the CDC streams for the specified YB-Master servers.


Use this command when setting up universe replication to verify if any tables are configured for replication. If not, run setup_universe_replication; if tables are already configured for replication, use alter_universe_replication to add more tables.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses,, \

delete_cdc_stream <stream_id> [force_delete]

Deletes underlying CDC stream for the specified YB-Master servers.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    delete_cdc_stream <stream_id [force_delete]>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • stream_id: The ID of the CDC stream.
  • force_delete: (Optional) Force the delete operation.


This command should only be needed for advanced operations, such as doing manual cleanup of old bootstrapped streams that were never fully initialized, or otherwise failed replication streams. For normal xCluster replication cleanup, use delete_universe_replication.

bootstrap_cdc_producer <comma_separated_list_of_table_ids>

Mark a set of tables in preparation for setting up universe level replication.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    bootstrap_cdc_producer <comma_separated_list_of_table_ids>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • comma_separated_list_of_table_ids: Comma-separated list of unique UUIDs associated with the tables (table_id).


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses,, \
    bootstrap_cdc_producer 000030ad000030008000000000004000
table id: 000030ad000030008000000000004000, CDC bootstrap id: dd5ea73b5d384b2c9ebd6c7b6d05972c


The CDC bootstrap ids are the ones that should be used with setup_universe_replication and alter_universe_replication.


Returns the replication status of all consumer streams. If source_universe_uuid is provided, this will only return streams that belong to an associated universe key. If replication_name is provided, this will only return the stream that belongs to the specified replication.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <target-master-addresses> \
    get_replication_status [ <source_universe_uuid>_<replication_name> ]
  • source_universe_uuid: (Optional) The UUID of the source universe.
  • replication_name: (Optional) The name of the replication stream.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses,, \
    get_replication_status e260b8b6-e89f-4505-bb8e-b31f74aa29f3
statuses {
  table_id: "03ee1455f2134d5b914dd499ccad4377"
  stream_id: "53441ad2dd9f4e44a76dccab74d0a2ac"
  errors {
    error_detail: "Unable to find expected op id on the producer"

Decommissioning commands


Gets the tablet load move completion percentage for blacklisted nodes.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \


Changes the blacklist for YB-TServer servers.

After old YB-TServer servers are terminated, you can use this command to clean up the blacklist.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    change_blacklist [ ADD | REMOVE ] <ip_addr>:<port> \
    [ <ip_addr>:<port> ]...
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ADD | REMOVE: Adds or removes the specified YB-TServer server from blacklist.
  • ip_addr:port: The IP address and port of the YB-TServer.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    change_blacklist \
      ADD node1:9100 node2:9100 node3:9100 node4:9100 node5:9100 node6:9100



yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    change_leader_blacklist [ ADD | REMOVE ] <ip_addr>:<port> \
    [ <ip_addr>:<port> ]...
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ADD | REMOVE: Adds or removes the specified YB-TServer from leader blacklist.
  • ip_addr:port: The IP address and port of the YB-TServer.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    change_leader_blacklist \
      ADD node1:9100 node2:9100 node3:9100 node4:9100 node5:9100 node6:9100


Forces the YB-TServer leader of the specified tablet to step down.


Use this command only if recommended by Yugabyte support.

There is a possibility of downtime.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    leader_stepdown <tablet_id> <dest_ts_uuid>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier (ID) of the tablet.
  • dest_ts_uuid: The destination identifier (UUID) for the new YB-TServer leader. To move leadership from the current leader, when you do not need to specify a new leader, use "" for the value. If you want to transfer leadership intentionally to a specific new leader, then specify the new leader.


If specified, des_ts_uuid becomes the new leader. If the argument is empty (""), then a new leader will be elected automatically. In a future release, this argument will be optional. See GitHub issue #4722

Rebalancing commands

For information on YB-Master load balancing, see Data placement and load balancing.

For YB-Master load balancing flags, see Load balancing flags.


Enables or disables the load balancer.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    set_load_balancer_enabled [ 0 | 1 ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • 0 | 1: Enabled (1) is the default. To disable, set to 0.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    set_load_balancer_enabled 0


Returns the cluster load balancer state.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> get_load_balancer_state
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Checks the percentage completion of the data move.

You can rerun this command periodically until the value reaches 100.0, indicating that the data move has completed.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


The time needed to complete a data move depends on the following:

  • number of tablets and tables
  • size of each of those tablets
  • SSD transfer speeds
  • network bandwidth between new nodes and existing ones

For an example of performing a data move and the use of this command, refer to Change cluster configuration.


In the following example, the data move is 66.6 percent done.

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \

Returns the following percentage:



Finds out if the load balancer is idle.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \


Refer to Upgrade a deployment to learn about how to upgrade a YugabyteDB cluster.

For information on AutoFlags and how it secures upgrades with new data formats, refer to AutoFlags.


Returns the current AutoFlags configuration of the universe.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \


./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 get_auto_flags_config

If the operation is successful you should see output similar to the following:

AutoFlags config:
config_version: 1
promoted_flags {
  process_name: "yb-master"
  flags: "enable_automatic_tablet_splitting"
  flags: "master_enable_universe_uuid_heartbeat_check"
  flag_infos {
    promoted_version: 1
  flag_infos {
    promoted_version: 1
promoted_flags {
  process_name: "yb-tserver"
  flags: "regular_tablets_data_block_key_value_encoding"
  flags: "remote_bootstrap_from_leader_only"
  flags: "ysql_yb_enable_expression_pushdown"
  flag_infos {
    promoted_version: 1
  flag_infos {
    promoted_version: 1
  flag_infos {
    promoted_version: 1


After all YugabyteDB processes have been upgraded to the new version, these features can be enabled by promoting their AutoFlags.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \
    promote_auto_flags \
    [<max_flags_class> [<promote_non_runtime_flags> [force]]]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • max_flags_class: The maximum AutoFlag class to promote. Allowed values are kLocalVolatile, kLocalPersisted and kExternal. Default value is kExternal.
  • promote_non_runtime_flags: Weather to promote non-runtime flags. Allowed values are true and false. Default value is true.
  • force: Forces the generation of a new AutoFlag configuration and sends it to all YugabyteDB processes even if there are no new AutoFlags to promote.


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    promote_auto_flags kLocalPersisted

If the operation is successful you should see output similar to the following:

PromoteAutoFlags status:
New AutoFlags were promoted. Config version: 2


PromoteAutoFlags status:
No new AutoFlags to promote


Upgrades the YSQL system catalog after a successful YugabyteDB cluster upgrade.

YSQL upgrades are not required for clusters where YSQL is not enabled.


yb-admin \
    -master_addresses <master-addresses> \


./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \

A successful upgrade returns the following message:

YSQL successfully upgraded to the latest version

In certain scenarios, a YSQL upgrade can take longer than 60 seconds, which is the default timeout value for yb-admin. To account for that, run the command with a higher timeout value:

./bin/yb-admin \
    -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 \
    -timeout_ms 180000 \

Running the above command is an online operation and doesn't require stopping a running cluster. This command is idempotent and can be run multiple times without any side effects.


Concurrent operations in a cluster can lead to various transactional conflicts, catalog version mismatches, and read restart errors. This is expected, and should be addressed by rerunning the upgrade command.