Fountain Worker Experience Co-Design Partner
Welcome to Fountain's co-design group, we're thrilled to have you! By joining our co-design group, you'll be part of our most trusted group of users for:
  • Solution Ideation- we'll turn to you to understand problems and pain points your team is facing related to a specific product area.
  • Recurring Feedback Collection- we take an iterative approach to product design & development. We'd love to hear your feedback on each product version along the way (schedule permitting, of course). 
  • Beta Testing & Product Feedback- we'll turn to you to actually test our v1 products against your real use cases with the goal being to continuously improve our product design and usability. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your email address? *
Are you interested in joining our group of co-design customer partners? *
By joining this group, you'll be the first to find out what focus areas our product will tackle next. If this is a product focus area that is of interest to you and your team, you will have the option to participate in our product discovery and research.
Are you interested in beta testing our products? *
Are you interested in joining our Pulse beta program?
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