REST API endpoints for organization migrations
Use the REST API to export one or more repositories so you can move them to GitHub Enterprise Server.
About organization migrations
These endpoints are only available to authenticated organization owners. For more information, see Roles in an organization and Authenticating to the REST API.
You can use these endpoints to export one or more repositories so you can move them to a GitHub Enterprise Server instance. For more information, see Exporting migration data from
List organization migrations
Lists the most recent migrations, including both exports (which can be started through the REST API) and imports (which cannot be started using the REST API).
A list of repositories
is only returned for export migrations.
Fine-grained access tokens for "List organization migrations"
This endpoint does not work with GitHub App user access tokens, GitHub App installation access tokens, or fine-grained personal access tokens.
Parameters for "List organization migrations"
Name, Type, Description |
accept string Setting to |
Name, Type, Description |
org string RequiredThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
Name, Type, Description |
per_page integer The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API." Default: |
page integer The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API." Default: |
exclude array Exclude attributes from the API response to improve performance |
HTTP response status codes for "List organization migrations"
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
Code samples for "List organization migrations"
If you access GitHub at, replace
with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at
Request example
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Status: 200
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"allow_squash_merge": true,
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"delete_branch_on_merge": true,
"allow_merge_commit": true,
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"license": {
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"name": "MIT License",
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"updated_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00",
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE="
Start an organization migration
Initiates the generation of a migration archive.
Fine-grained access tokens for "Start an organization migration"
This endpoint does not work with GitHub App user access tokens, GitHub App installation access tokens, or fine-grained personal access tokens.
Parameters for "Start an organization migration"
Name, Type, Description |
accept string Setting to |
Name, Type, Description |
org string RequiredThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
Name, Type, Description |
repositories array of strings RequiredA list of arrays indicating which repositories should be migrated. |
lock_repositories boolean Indicates whether repositories should be locked (to prevent manipulation) while migrating data. Default: |
exclude_metadata boolean Indicates whether metadata should be excluded and only git source should be included for the migration. Default: |
exclude_git_data boolean Indicates whether the repository git data should be excluded from the migration. Default: |
exclude_attachments boolean Indicates whether attachments should be excluded from the migration (to reduce migration archive file size). Default: |
exclude_releases boolean Indicates whether releases should be excluded from the migration (to reduce migration archive file size). Default: |
exclude_owner_projects boolean Indicates whether projects owned by the organization or users should be excluded. from the migration. Default: |
org_metadata_only boolean Indicates whether this should only include organization metadata (repositories array should be empty and will ignore other flags). Default: |
exclude array of strings Exclude related items from being returned in the response in order to improve performance of the request.
Supported values are: |
HTTP response status codes for "Start an organization migration"
Status code | Description |
201 | Created |
404 | Resource not found |
422 | Validation failed, or the endpoint has been spammed. |
Code samples for "Start an organization migration"
If you access GitHub at, replace
with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at
Request example
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ \
-d '{"repositories":["github/Hello-World"],"lock_repositories":true}'
Status: 201
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"exclude_owner_projects": false,
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"permissions": {
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"temp_clone_token": "ABTLWHOULUVAXGTRYU7OC2876QJ2O",
"allow_squash_merge": true,
"allow_auto_merge": false,
"delete_branch_on_merge": true,
"allow_merge_commit": true,
"subscribers_count": 42,
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"license": {
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"node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZW1pdA==",
"html_url": ""
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"url": "",
"created_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00",
"updated_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00"
Get an organization migration status
Fetches the status of a migration.
The state
of a migration can be one of the following values:
, which means the migration hasn't started yet.exporting
, which means the migration is in progress.exported
, which means the migration finished successfully.failed
, which means the migration failed.
Fine-grained access tokens for "Get an organization migration status"
This endpoint does not work with GitHub App user access tokens, GitHub App installation access tokens, or fine-grained personal access tokens.
Parameters for "Get an organization migration status"
Name, Type, Description |
accept string Setting to |
Name, Type, Description |
org string RequiredThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
migration_id integer RequiredThe unique identifier of the migration. |
Name, Type, Description |
exclude array Exclude attributes from the API response to improve performance |
HTTP response status codes for "Get an organization migration status"
Status code | Description |
200 |
404 | Resource not found |
Code samples for "Get an organization migration status"
If you access GitHub at, replace
with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at
Request example
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
, which means the migration hasn't started yet.
, which means the migration is in progress.
, which means the migration finished successfully.
, which means the migration failed.
, which means the migration hasn't started yet.exporting
, which means the migration is in progress.exported
, which means the migration finished successfully.failed
, which means the migration failed.Status: 200
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"type": "User",
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"state": "exported",
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"exclude_releases": false,
"exclude_owner_projects": false,
"repositories": [
"id": 1296269,
"node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMjk2MjY5",
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"full_name": "octocat/Hello-World",
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"permissions": {
"admin": false,
"push": false,
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"allow_rebase_merge": true,
"template_repository": null,
"temp_clone_token": "ABTLWHOULUVAXGTRYU7OC2876QJ2O",
"allow_squash_merge": true,
"allow_auto_merge": false,
"delete_branch_on_merge": true,
"allow_merge_commit": true,
"subscribers_count": 42,
"network_count": 0,
"license": {
"key": "mit",
"name": "MIT License",
"url": "",
"spdx_id": "MIT",
"node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZW1pdA==",
"html_url": ""
"forks": 1,
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"url": "",
"created_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00",
"updated_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00"
Download an organization migration archive
Fetches the URL to a migration archive.
Fine-grained access tokens for "Download an organization migration archive"
This endpoint does not work with GitHub App user access tokens, GitHub App installation access tokens, or fine-grained personal access tokens.
Parameters for "Download an organization migration archive"
Name, Type, Description |
accept string Setting to |
Name, Type, Description |
org string RequiredThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
migration_id integer RequiredThe unique identifier of the migration. |
HTTP response status codes for "Download an organization migration archive"
Status code | Description |
302 | Found |
404 | Resource not found |
Code samples for "Download an organization migration archive"
If you access GitHub at, replace
with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at
Request example
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Status: 302
Delete an organization migration archive
Deletes a previous migration archive. Migration archives are automatically deleted after seven days.
Fine-grained access tokens for "Delete an organization migration archive"
This endpoint does not work with GitHub App user access tokens, GitHub App installation access tokens, or fine-grained personal access tokens.
Parameters for "Delete an organization migration archive"
Name, Type, Description |
accept string Setting to |
Name, Type, Description |
org string RequiredThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
migration_id integer RequiredThe unique identifier of the migration. |
HTTP response status codes for "Delete an organization migration archive"
Status code | Description |
204 | No Content |
404 | Resource not found |
Code samples for "Delete an organization migration archive"
If you access GitHub at, replace
with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at
Request example
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Status: 204
Unlock an organization repository
Unlocks a repository that was locked for migration. You should unlock each migrated repository and delete them when the migration is complete and you no longer need the source data.
Fine-grained access tokens for "Unlock an organization repository"
This endpoint does not work with GitHub App user access tokens, GitHub App installation access tokens, or fine-grained personal access tokens.
Parameters for "Unlock an organization repository"
Name, Type, Description |
accept string Setting to |
Name, Type, Description |
org string RequiredThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
migration_id integer RequiredThe unique identifier of the migration. |
repo_name string Requiredrepo_name parameter |
HTTP response status codes for "Unlock an organization repository"
Status code | Description |
204 | No Content |
404 | Resource not found |
Code samples for "Unlock an organization repository"
If you access GitHub at, replace
with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at
Request example
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Status: 204
List repositories in an organization migration
List all the repositories for this organization migration.
Fine-grained access tokens for "List repositories in an organization migration"
This endpoint does not work with GitHub App user access tokens, GitHub App installation access tokens, or fine-grained personal access tokens.
Parameters for "List repositories in an organization migration"
Name, Type, Description |
accept string Setting to |
Name, Type, Description |
org string RequiredThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
migration_id integer RequiredThe unique identifier of the migration. |
Name, Type, Description |
per_page integer The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API." Default: |
page integer The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API." Default: |
HTTP response status codes for "List repositories in an organization migration"
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
404 | Resource not found |
Code samples for "List repositories in an organization migration"
If you access GitHub at, replace
with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at
Request example
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Status: 200
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