Move images between repositories
Consolidating and organizing your Docker images across repositories can streamline your workflows, whether you're managing personal projects or contributing to an organization. This topic explains how to move images between Docker Hub repositories, ensuring that your content remains accessible and organized under the correct accounts or namespaces.
Personal to personal
When consolidating personal repositories, you can pull private images from the initial repository and push them into another repository owned by you. To avoid losing your private images, perform the following steps:
Sign up for a new Docker account with a personal subscription.
Sign in to Docker using your original Docker account
Pull your images:
$ docker pull namespace1/docker101tutorial
Tag your private images with your newly created Docker username, for example:
$ docker tag namespace1/docker101tutorial new_namespace/docker101tutorial
docker login
from the CLI, sign in with your newly created Docker account, and push your newly tagged private images to your new Docker account namespace:$ docker push new_namespace/docker101tutorial
The private images that existed in your previous account are now available in your new account.
Personal to an organization
To avoid losing your private images, you can pull your private images from your personal account and push them to an organization that's owned by you.
Navigate to Docker Hub and select My Hub.
Select the applicable organization and verify that your user account is a member of the organization.
Sign in to Docker Hub using your original Docker account, and pull your images:
$ docker pull namespace1/docker101tutorial
Tag your images with your new organization namespace:
$ docker tag namespace1/docker101tutorial <new_org>/docker101tutorial
Push your newly tagged images to your new org namespace:
$ docker push new_org/docker101tutorial
The private images that existed in your user account are now available for your organization.