End of support notice: On February
20, 2026, AWS will end support for the Amazon Chime service. After February 20, 2026, you will
no longer be able to access the Amazon Chime console or Amazon Chime application resources. For more
information, visit the blog post
Managing global settings in Amazon Chime
You use the Amazon Chime console to manage call detail record settings and usage report settings.
Configuring call detail records
Before you can configure call detail record settings for your Amazon Chime administrative account, you must first create an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket is used as the log destination for your call detail records. When you configure your call detail record settings, you grant Amazon Chime read and write access to the Amazon S3 bucket in order to save and manage your data. For more information about creating an Amazon S3 bucket, see Getting started with Amazon Simple Storage Service in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
You can configure call detail record settings for Amazon Chime Business Calling. For more information about Amazon Chime Business Calling, see Managing phone numbers in Amazon Chime.
To configure call detail record settings
Create an Amazon S3 bucket by following the steps at Getting started with Amazon Simple Storage Service in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
Open the Amazon Chime console at https://chime.aws.amazon.com/
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For Global Settings, choose Call detail records.
Choose Business Calling Configuration.
For Log destination, select the Amazon S3 bucket.
Choose Save.
You can stop logging call detail records at any time.
To stop logging call detail records
Open the Amazon Chime console at https://chime.aws.amazon.com/
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For Global Settings, choose Call detail records.
Choose Disable logging for the applicable configuration.
Amazon Chime Business Calling call detail records
When you choose to receive call detail records for Amazon Chime Business Calling, they are sent to your Amazon S3 bucket. The following example shows the general format of an Amazon Chime Business Calling call detail record name.
The following example shows the data that is represented in the call detail record name.
The following example shows the general format of an Amazon Chime Business Calling call detail record.
"SchemaVersion": "2.0",
"CdrId": "1a234567-89bc-01d2-3456-e78f9g01234h",
"ServiceCode": "AmazonChimeBusinessCalling",
"ChimeAccountId": "12a3456b-7c89-012d-3456-78901e23fg45",
"AwsAccountId": "111122223333",
"ConferenceId": "123a4567-b890-1234-5678-cd90efgh1234",
"ConferencePin": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"OrganizerUserId": "1ab2345c-67de-8901-f23g-45h678901j2k",
"OrganizerEmail": "[email protected]",
"CallerPhoneNumber": "+12065550100",
"CallerCountry": "US",
"DestinationPhoneNumber": "+12065550101",
"DestinationCountry": "US",
"ConferenceStartTimeEpochSeconds": "1556009595",
"ConferenceEndTimeEpochSeconds": "1556009623",
"StartTimeEpochSeconds": "1556009611",
"EndTimeEpochSeconds": "1556009623",
"BillableDurationSeconds": "24",
"BillableDurationMinutes": ".4",
"Direction": "Outbound"
Configuring usage reports
When you turn on usage reports, Amazon Chime will generate a weekly file for each Team or Enterprise account managed in the Amazon Chime console.
Before you can configure usage report settings for your Amazon Chime administrative account, you must first create or choose an Amazon S3 bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket is used as the file destination for your usage reports. When you configure your usage report settings, you grant Amazon Chime read and write access to the Amazon S3 bucket in order to save and manage your data. For more information about creating an Amazon S3 bucket, see Getting started with Amazon S3 in the Amazon S3 User Guide in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
To configure usage report settings
Create or select an Amazon S3 bucket.
Sign in to your AWS account and open the Amazon Chime console
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Under Global Settings, choose Usage reporting.
Under Report destination, choose New S3 bucket to create a new location and enter a name following the guidance listed. You can also select Existing S3 bucket if you have an existing Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the files.
Choose Save to create the new Amazon S3 bucket or select an existing Amazon S3 bucket. This also turns on reporting.
New weekly reports will be placed in the Amazon S3 bucket and be available on the Monday of each week to allow for processing times.
You can turn off usage reports at any time.
To turn off usage reports
Open the Amazon Chime console
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Under Global Settings, choose Usage reporting.
Choose Turn off reporting for the applicable configuration.
Usage report contents
Weekly reports provide user activity data from Sunday 00:00 UTC through Saturday 23:59 UTC. Data processing may delay weekly reports until the Monday of the week.
To view your data, return to the AWS Console home and enter Amazon S3 in the services search.
Locate the bucket name. For more information about creating Amazon S3 buckets, navigating, and managing access to your Amazon S3 bucket, see Getting started with Amazon S3 in the Amazon S3 User Guide in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
The weekly usage report file will be placed in the following location in your Amazon S3 bucket (
represents a folder).Amazon-Chime-User-Activity-Reports/csv/
.csvFor example:
The following data is included in each report for each user in each Team or Enterprise account:
Team or Enterprise account name
Week starting date
User’s full name that is associated with their Amazon Chime account
User email address
User’s registration status
User’s account creation date
The number of meetings attended during the week
The number of meetings that the user hosted during the week
The number of messages sent (1:1, group, and chat room posts) during the week