Niels Fuglsang

Niels Fuglsang

København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark
6 t følgere 500+ forbindelser


Member of the European Parliament. Red economic policies and green energy policies. I…


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  • European Parliament Grafik

    European Parliament

    Brussels Area, Belgium

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    Greater Boston Area

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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  • The Politics of Economic Models: An Inquiry Into the Possibilities and Limits Concerning the Rise of Macroeconomic Forecasting Models and what this means for Policymaking

    Copenhagen Business School

    This dissertation studies the macroeconomic models that governments use for economic forecasts and asks what the political potential of economic models is, and how this potential plays out through time and in government negotiation processes. The dissertation analyzes Denmark as its case in order to study, on the one hand, the role that economic models have in policymaking, and on the other hand, which actors develop these models and for what purposes.
    The dissertation contributes to the…

    This dissertation studies the macroeconomic models that governments use for economic forecasts and asks what the political potential of economic models is, and how this potential plays out through time and in government negotiation processes. The dissertation analyzes Denmark as its case in order to study, on the one hand, the role that economic models have in policymaking, and on the other hand, which actors develop these models and for what purposes.
    The dissertation contributes to the literature on the politics of economic models via three papers. The papers use qualitative methods (structured, focused analysis) to study how economic models are developed and used in Denmark. The empirical sources for the papers are archival documents from the Danish Ministry of Finance and Statistics Denmark, and interviews with economists and politicians who use and develop the models.

    Se udgivelse
  • Magtens mekanismer: Regeringens udvalgsstruktur og koordineringspraksis under Nyrup og Fogh


    Mediernes fremstilling af magtforhold i regeringer fokuserer ofte på personer. Lige så vigtigt er det, hvordan regeringsapparatet struktureres og styringen af det praktiseres. Denne artikel belyser Finans- og Statsministeriets rolle i regeringskoordinationen under Nyrup og Fogh.

    Se udgivelse


  • English

    Komplet professionel færdighed

  • French

    Professionel praktisk færdighed

  • Danish

    Modersmåls- eller tosprogsfærdighed

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