Simon Barthel

Simon Barthel

Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
101 Follower:innen 102 Kontakte


In my recent Projects I had two major focuses in which I am most skilled and interested…



  • TableCheck Grafik


    Tokyo, Japan

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    Braunschweig und Umgebung, Deutschland

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    Braunschweig und Umgebung, Deutschland




  • Autonomous Driving Project


    - Development of a convenient interface to the vehicles sensor network as well as the actuating elements of the vehicle
    - Training of several neural networks used for autonomous driving purposes
    - Built a simulation pipeline based on recordings that was able to "react" to the neural networks output

    Tools: Python, Tensorflow, opencv

  • Traffic Light Prediction Project

    - Developed a scalable and fast infrastructure that is able to process and serve phase change
    information for all traffic lights in multiple cities every second
    - Developed a REST-service to monitor the prediction quality for each intersection in real-time

    Tools: AWS, Docker, Cassandra, Scala, Play-Framework, Akka

  • Classifier/ Label Recommendation for papers in the area of mathematics

    - Classification w.r.t. MSC (Mathematics Subject Classification) classes of mathematical publication based on its abstract and title
    - Special focus on classification of formulas in combination with text
    - Implementation for editors in Zentralblatt MATH
    + Recommendation of MSC classes based on title and abstract
    + Continuous improvement based on editors


  • Japanisch


  • Deutsch

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Englisch


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