Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Wenden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
1953 Follower:innen
500+ Kontakte
Experienced Executive Manager with a demonstrated history of working in various…
UK is planning to incorporate #timber into the construction sector through #innovative #modern methods of construction. More details about it can be…
UK is planning to incorporate #timber into the construction sector through #innovative #modern methods of construction. More details about it can be…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
With the scaffolding down, the garden cleared and new boundary wall in place, you can now truly see the rear of this stunning Urbancurve Architecture…
With the scaffolding down, the garden cleared and new boundary wall in place, you can now truly see the rear of this stunning Urbancurve Architecture…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Wer sich noch irgendwelchen Illusionen hingibt, muss diesen wichtigen Text von Jurko Prochasko lesen: Was die beiden Neo-Imperialisten #Putin und…
Wer sich noch irgendwelchen Illusionen hingibt, muss diesen wichtigen Text von Jurko Prochasko lesen: Was die beiden Neo-Imperialisten #Putin und…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Too smart to use?
Porsche Consulting
This White Paper takes a look at the root causes for the slow progress of smartification and identifies key measures to ensure sustainable success through smartification for all stakeholders in the value chain. Crucial factors consist of a holistic product perspective and lighthouse projects that build up customer trust. This is how smart buildings can finally become reality!
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Top-value twin
Porsche Consulting
The construction industry has been booming for years. It currently accounts for 9 percent of the EU's gross domestic product. But the industry still has plenty of room for improvement, because compared to other sectors, such as manufacturing, the construction industry is inefficient and not very productive. Above all, digital transformation is needed. A first step towards digitalization in the construction industry is Building Information Modelling (BIM). However, the full potential of BIM is…
The construction industry has been booming for years. It currently accounts for 9 percent of the EU's gross domestic product. But the industry still has plenty of room for improvement, because compared to other sectors, such as manufacturing, the construction industry is inefficient and not very productive. Above all, digital transformation is needed. A first step towards digitalization in the construction industry is Building Information Modelling (BIM). However, the full potential of BIM is still underestimated in the industry. This whitepaper shows the relevance of the data model for the entire life cycle of a building and provides assistance for a successful start with the intelligent digital building twin.
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Defining and Categorizing Modules in Building Projects: An International Perspective
American Society Of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Modularization involves breaking up a system into discrete chunks, which communicate with each other through standardized interfaces, rules, and specifications. It is a broad concept with various interpretations and meanings across research disciplines. The complexity and scope of a module is not captured sufficiently and clearly in the construction management and engineering literature, and the impact of modularization across project phases has not been fully explored and articulated…
Modularization involves breaking up a system into discrete chunks, which communicate with each other through standardized interfaces, rules, and specifications. It is a broad concept with various interpretations and meanings across research disciplines. The complexity and scope of a module is not captured sufficiently and clearly in the construction management and engineering literature, and the impact of modularization across project phases has not been fully explored and articulated. Therefore, the main question addressed in this paper relates to the inherent meaning of what is a module in the context of different phases of a building project. In addressing this question, this paper empirically investigates the use of modularity in 15 construction projects situated in Italy, Germany, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. The findings of this research suggest that a design-based and an operations-based perspective of modularity coexist, and that there is the need for an integrated view of modularity across the project lifecycle phases and for collaborative working between designers and site operators. To this aim, a unifying definition of a module in building projects is proposed along with a practical guide to help managers organize project activities for effective modularization. The actual cost analysis of the various modularization strategies provides an interesting avenue for future research. The template proposed also requires wider testing with a wider range of modules.
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The nature of choice in mass customized house building
There is a need to explore the actual uptake of specification options by clients in the context of the self-build housing industry. In so doing all the components in a house that can be customized were categorized so as to highlight the features that must be customizable and those that can be standardized. Through a longitudinal study of a German house builder, data from 16 projects over a 35-year time horizon have been collected. The extent of choice made in these projects has been determined…
There is a need to explore the actual uptake of specification options by clients in the context of the self-build housing industry. In so doing all the components in a house that can be customized were categorized so as to highlight the features that must be customizable and those that can be standardized. Through a longitudinal study of a German house builder, data from 16 projects over a 35-year time horizon have been collected. The extent of choice made in these projects has been determined by comparing the original standard building specification with the actual finalized fit-out specification of the project. In scrutinizing the collected data it became apparent that the number of changes made by the clients increased considerably over the timespan studied. More importantly, clients appreciated the freedom of choice as they were prepared to spend increasing amounts on customization. In particular specification options were made in the sanitary, internal design and façade categories. Moreover the results revealed that offering a high degree of choice is appropriate for most, but not all, components for the case house builder. Key areas for choice include those relating to sanitary ware and the façade.
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Product, process and customer preference alignment in prefabricated house building
International Journal of Production Economics
Much of the extant literature exploits the customer order decoupling point (CODP) from an aggregate product level. We develop a systematic approach to determine the alignment of CODP configurations at product, category and component levels, with customer preferences in terms of their customisation requirements. We adopt a participatory research method incorporating focus groups and interviews with personnel from a German case study company that builds prefabricated houses. From this we…
Much of the extant literature exploits the customer order decoupling point (CODP) from an aggregate product level. We develop a systematic approach to determine the alignment of CODP configurations at product, category and component levels, with customer preferences in terms of their customisation requirements. We adopt a participatory research method incorporating focus groups and interviews with personnel from a German case study company that builds prefabricated houses. From this we determine the product architecture. We also undertake a customer preference survey utilising a questionnaire that is based on a paired comparison technique. The survey informs customer preferences for choice for various elements of the architecture. We find that while at the product level the company produces a house that as a whole offers a high degree of customisation, at a category or components levels there are various offerings from pure standardisation to pure customisation. Furthermore, there is not always alignment between what customers want and what is actually being offered by the customer. So the company has options in terms of reconfiguring its operations, design new products/categories/components and/or seeking new marketplace opportunities. While the research has developed a technique that determines the extent to which the CODP positioning for a product architecture is aligned against customer preferences, there is a need for further research to test our findings beyond a single case study and into other industry sector contexts.
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WeberHaus established the World of Living to enhance the self-building experience. It operates on multiple levels, catering to various stages of the…
WeberHaus established the World of Living to enhance the self-building experience. It operates on multiple levels, catering to various stages of the…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Reliable. Professional. Thorough. Exactly what you need to kick off a project with confidence. We love hearing feedback like this — it’s why we do…
Reliable. Professional. Thorough. Exactly what you need to kick off a project with confidence. We love hearing feedback like this — it’s why we do…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
In our second episode of “People at Porsche Production” I would like to introduce Bernd Wuersching to you. Bernd is in charge of factory control and…
In our second episode of “People at Porsche Production” I would like to introduce Bernd Wuersching to you. Bernd is in charge of factory control and…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
🚀 ⚡ Du hast Lust, den Ausbau der Europäischen Stromnetze zu beschleunigen und damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Energiewende zu leisten? Dann…
🚀 ⚡ Du hast Lust, den Ausbau der Europäischen Stromnetze zu beschleunigen und damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Energiewende zu leisten? Dann…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
How can companies reduce their dependency on raw materials and build sustainable supply chains? In an ever-evolving landscape, the Circular…
How can companies reduce their dependency on raw materials and build sustainable supply chains? In an ever-evolving landscape, the Circular…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
How can companies reduce their dependency on raw materials and build sustainable supply chains? In an ever-evolving landscape, Circular Economy is…
How can companies reduce their dependency on raw materials and build sustainable supply chains? In an ever-evolving landscape, Circular Economy is…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Kurz vor dem Rückflug aus dem Urlaub erhielt ich einen Anruf aus USA. Steve van Doren von Vans war dran und erzählte, dass mir am 30.Mai die Ehre…
Kurz vor dem Rückflug aus dem Urlaub erhielt ich einen Anruf aus USA. Steve van Doren von Vans war dran und erzählte, dass mir am 30.Mai die Ehre…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Spot on: how to use and install the Porsche roof tent The Porsche roof tent is your home away from home. Whether you’re star chasing in the…
Spot on: how to use and install the Porsche roof tent The Porsche roof tent is your home away from home. Whether you’re star chasing in the…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
13 Jahre Lafuma und ich 🫶🏻 Nach vielen so wertvollen, lehrreichen und lustigen Momenten mit Kollegen und Kolleginnen, die menschlich kaum zu toppen…
13 Jahre Lafuma und ich 🫶🏻 Nach vielen so wertvollen, lehrreichen und lustigen Momenten mit Kollegen und Kolleginnen, die menschlich kaum zu toppen…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Hier ist der Beweis: Mit #Demokratie-Kampagnen können Unternehmen zu völlig neuen Zielgruppen durchdringen 😉 👨🦲 🫧 Herzlichen Dank an Henkel…
Hier ist der Beweis: Mit #Demokratie-Kampagnen können Unternehmen zu völlig neuen Zielgruppen durchdringen 😉 👨🦲 🫧 Herzlichen Dank an Henkel…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Black Tie in #Frankfurt! #GSK war von #thelegal500 nominiert im Bereich #realestateandconstruction. Zusammen mit den wundervollen Partnern Dr…
Black Tie in #Frankfurt! #GSK war von #thelegal500 nominiert im Bereich #realestateandconstruction. Zusammen mit den wundervollen Partnern Dr…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
Estonia, a country with about the same number of inhabitants as the city of Munich, is leading Europe in digitalization and digital entrepreneurship.…
Estonia, a country with about the same number of inhabitants as the city of Munich, is leading Europe in digitalization and digital entrepreneurship.…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz
1. Platz für #WeberHaus! 🏡🎉 Wir freuen uns riesig, dass unser Kundenhaus Kayser beim #Wettbewerb „Haus des Jahres 2024“ des renommierten Schweizer…
1. Platz für #WeberHaus! 🏡🎉 Wir freuen uns riesig, dass unser Kundenhaus Kayser beim #Wettbewerb „Haus des Jahres 2024“ des renommierten Schweizer…
Beliebt bei Dr. Manuel Schoenwitz