Lara Obst
Metropolregion Berlin/Brandenburg
23.563 Follower:innen
500+ Kontakte
At ClimateChoice we believe that every company can become as Climate Champion part of the…
Artikel von Lara Obst
🇩🇪 ist die drittgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Welt. Morgen wählen wir - entweder für eine moderne, klimaneutrale Wirtschaft, oder für die Rückkehr zu…
🇩🇪 ist die drittgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Welt. Morgen wählen wir - entweder für eine moderne, klimaneutrale Wirtschaft, oder für die Rückkehr zu…
Beliebt bei Lara Obst
Macht bitte mit und unterzeichnet den Appell der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz, damit die bisherigen Regelungen nicht wieder abgeschwächt…
Macht bitte mit und unterzeichnet den Appell der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz, damit die bisherigen Regelungen nicht wieder abgeschwächt…
Beliebt bei Lara Obst
Hasso Plattner Institute
The HPI School of Design Thinking (HPI D-School for short) offers a supplementary training program in Design Thinking that is unique in Europe. Students receive solid knowledge and skills in innovation methodology and practical application. In intensive collaboration with companies and social institutions, the multidisciplinary student teams develop especially user-friendly products and services
Master Program in Sustainability and Entrepreneurship. Selected students take part in a six week summer school, spend a semester abroad and participate in complimentary courses. They write a thesis on climate innovation and participate in a series of talks, courses and seminars.
Activities and Societies: IME student (Innovation and Entrepreneurship), Takewandoo
Second year of double master degree.
Activities and Societies: Supply Chain Management, Strategie and IILM culture association
Activities and Societies: Semesterticket Kultur, Startup Weekend, WerteDialog, IdeenSlam, Gründerworkshop Hamburg, Theater Scout Lüneburg, Takewandoo und Basketball Team
Mentor @Climate Hacks
Climate Founders
–Heute 4 Jahre 2 Monate
The world’s biggest challenge as your personal opportunity to create the foundation for a highly scalable and profitable ClimateTech Startup. Mentoring in ClimateTech and Entrepreneurship.
Founder of "EIT Alumni Startup Days"
EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology
– 1 Jahr 8 Monate
You know Startup-Weekends, Hackatons or BarCamps?
Join us! We organize the first "EIT Alumni Startup Days" (6.-8.11.2015), taking place in 5 different European cities (Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Stockholm, Amsterdam), where EIT Alumni, current students and externals come together to create and build ideas that help fight climate change!
It's all about exchanging ideas, learning from each other and building on synergies.
As a result, we will develop prototypes and business…You know Startup-Weekends, Hackatons or BarCamps?
Join us! We organize the first "EIT Alumni Startup Days" (6.-8.11.2015), taking place in 5 different European cities (Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Stockholm, Amsterdam), where EIT Alumni, current students and externals come together to create and build ideas that help fight climate change!
It's all about exchanging ideas, learning from each other and building on synergies.
As a result, we will develop prototypes and business models of "sustainable businesses".
Blog Info:
Startup Weekend
– 4 Jahre
Startup Weekends are 54 hours events to form a team, built a valid business model and start up. Since 2011 I am happy to be part of a vibrant founder network in Hamburg, Lüneburg and Berlin (New Delhi)!
In wonderful teams, I helped organize SWs and took part in them, focusing on the entrepreneurial sprite and aiming to bring great ideas forward. In addition, we (WerteDialog) started to organize in 2011 the Gründerworkshop in Hamburg and in Berlin we (MakeSense, Impact Hub Berlin)…Startup Weekends are 54 hours events to form a team, built a valid business model and start up. Since 2011 I am happy to be part of a vibrant founder network in Hamburg, Lüneburg and Berlin (New Delhi)!
In wonderful teams, I helped organize SWs and took part in them, focusing on the entrepreneurial sprite and aiming to bring great ideas forward. In addition, we (WerteDialog) started to organize in 2011 the Gründerworkshop in Hamburg and in Berlin we (MakeSense, Impact Hub Berlin) organized in 2015 the first Social Innovation SW.
More information: -
Event, Startup, Strategie
START Berlin
– 4 Jahre
Science and Technology
Studenteninitiative für Gründer- und Unternehmertum
Phillipe de Woot Award 2016
An association of Belgian universities and business schools, supported by the BASF Deloitte Elia Chair on Sustainability.
Lara Obst, who graduated from the University of Twente (NL) and the Technical University of Berlin (GER), won the fourth edition of the Philippe de Woot Award yesterday, 29 February 2016. She was awarded the prize for her Master thesis on Utilizing the Business Model Canvas to Enable Sustainability Measurement on the Business Model Level. An Indicator Framework Supplementing the Business Model Canvas. According to the jury, she delivered, in comparison to the other 3 finalists, the most…
Lara Obst, who graduated from the University of Twente (NL) and the Technical University of Berlin (GER), won the fourth edition of the Philippe de Woot Award yesterday, 29 February 2016. She was awarded the prize for her Master thesis on Utilizing the Business Model Canvas to Enable Sustainability Measurement on the Business Model Level. An Indicator Framework Supplementing the Business Model Canvas. According to the jury, she delivered, in comparison to the other 3 finalists, the most relevant and innovative contribution to a better awareness of sustainable business. -
Yoga Teacher
Trimurti Yoga & Sarvaguna Yoga
200 RYS in Hatha & Vinyasa
200 RYS in traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa -
Speaker at Human Welfare Conference VII, University of Oxford
Conference Committee
Personal Contribution: ArtCycle - A sustainable business model to empower consumers & reduce waste.
In low- and middle-income countries billions of people continue to be deprived of the opportunity to fulfil their potential and struggle to build a better future for their families and communities. The magnitude of the challenges they face calls for more than conventional responses: It requires seizing the technological…Personal Contribution: ArtCycle - A sustainable business model to empower consumers & reduce waste.
In low- and middle-income countries billions of people continue to be deprived of the opportunity to fulfil their potential and struggle to build a better future for their families and communities. The magnitude of the challenges they face calls for more than conventional responses: It requires seizing the technological opportunities of our time, the combined knowledge of our disciplines, and all of our creative potential. The annual Green Templeton College Human Welfare Conference brings together leading graduate students, academics, and practitioners from around the world to debate key issues that shape human welfare today.
Deutschland Stipendium
TU Berlin und Karl Schlecht Stiftung (KSG)
Das Deutschlandstipendium ist eine Initiative des Bundesbildungsministeriums für eine neue Förderkultur in unserem Land. Es fördert Studierende mit herausragenden Leistungen und/oder einer hohen Studienmotivation, für 12 Monate.
Online unter: -
Winner team of the first "Social Workshop" in Berlin
The Social Workshop, by MakeSense
Price for the business model developement of "Öko-Anarchist", a Mail-Bin Add-On that educates users about the globally ignorred and invisible problem of "data rubbish". More information here:
Berlin Geekeette Mentee
Berlin Geekettes
Mentoring program for women in tech and/or entrepreneurship. I have a wonderful mentor and a meaningful learning time with her, beside study at university! Thanks !!!
Moreover, regular meetings with the Geekettes community, workshops, talks and inspiration. I love it!
More information: -
Dies acadenicus: „Ehrenamtliches Engagement – innerhalb oder außerhalb der Universität“
Leuphana Universität
Honour for the founding and organization of the Semesterticket Kultur which became a constant part in the culture management in and around Lüneburg. The startup is voluntarily organized, allowing 7500 students to take part in more than 500 events a year and to this way support the regional art and culture production of recently 16 partners. More informationt: and…
Honour for the founding and organization of the Semesterticket Kultur which became a constant part in the culture management in and around Lüneburg. The startup is voluntarily organized, allowing 7500 students to take part in more than 500 events a year and to this way support the regional art and culture production of recently 16 partners. More informationt: and
Price: Most Innovative
Startup Weekend Mobile, Copenhagen
Price for "Comes Around" App developement. How it works: Hit the panic button and get help from the crowd around you, faster than the police! More information:
Leuphana Mentoring Program
Leuphana Universität
Mentoring Program for interested students. I had a strong female culture manager as mentor, organizing knon events in Hamburg for the Deutsche Sparkasse Stiftung. We met regularly and I was able to learn a lot from her. Thanks! More information:
Gute Kenntnisse
Hindi - leider vergessen
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