Baris Güzel

Baris Güzel

Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland
4366 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Experienced Project Manager in wind energy industry . Skilled in project management…


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  • RWE Grafik


    Hamburg, Germany

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    Hamburg, Germany

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    Hamburg Area, Germany

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    Hamburg, Germany

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    Istanbul, Turkey

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    Istanbul, Turkey

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    Istanbul, Turkey

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    Kocaeli, Turkey

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    Kocaeli, Turkey


Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Feasiblity Study of An Offshore Wind Farm in Bozcaada

    ICCI 2013

    Turkish Wind Energy Atlas is consulted and offshore areas having high wind potential are marked out, of which Bozcaada is chosen. In the case study of Bozcaada, WaSP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) software is used. The wind speed and direction data between 1999-2010 years are provided from General Directorate of State Meteorology and analyzed with WaSP. For the turbine siting and advanced analysis, digital topographic maps are acquired by Global Mapper Software which converted…

    Turkish Wind Energy Atlas is consulted and offshore areas having high wind potential are marked out, of which Bozcaada is chosen. In the case study of Bozcaada, WaSP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) software is used. The wind speed and direction data between 1999-2010 years are provided from General Directorate of State Meteorology and analyzed with WaSP. For the turbine siting and advanced analysis, digital topographic maps are acquired by Global Mapper Software which converted the Shuttle Radar Topography files into the vector maps. These digital maps are processed in WaSP Map Editor software with roughness, bathymetry and exclusion areas. All of the processed data are imported to WaSP so that wind atlas and resource grids are developed. For the feasibility study, two different depth scenarios; depths shallower than 20m and 45m and four different turbine scenarios that will be applied in the both depth scenarios are prepared. In each scenario, turbines are sited on resource grids of Bozcaada, total energy production is calculated with WaSP, a detailed
    cost analysis is worked out and after considering costbenefit analysis, the most feasible scenarios are pointed out.

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  • Offshore Wind Energy, Feasibility Guidelines and Bozcaada-Gokceada Case Study

    Istanbul Technical University

    Offshore wind energy is addressed with key factors and current situation in the world. The feasibility guidelines of pre-investment period are pointed out with detail in case of an offshore wind farm is planned to be installed in Turkey. Within the guidelines, two case studies are planned to be worked out.
    In the case studies of Bozcaada and Gökçeada WaSP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) software is used.

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  • Energy Economics and Policies

    EBT 538

  • Energy, Environment and Law

    EBT 529

  • Hydroelectric Energy

    EBT 540

  • Photo-Voltaic Power Systems

    EBT 542E

  • Wind Energy and Conversion Technologies

    EBT 527E




    Prüfungsergebnis: 109


  • English


  • Turkish

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • German

    Gute Kenntnisse

  • Spanish


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