Anahita Pakiman

Anahita Pakiman

Lindau (Bodensee), Bayern, Deutschland
1736 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Data scientist-engineer with strong background in knowledge graph, semantic web…


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  • PANTOPIX Grafik


    Lindau, Bavaria, Germany

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    Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany

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    Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

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    Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

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    Sankt Augustin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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    Berlin, Germany

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Göteborg Area, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Tehran, Iran

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    Tehran, Iran


  • Bergische Universität Wuppertal Grafik

    Bergische Universität Wuppertal

    Knowledge Graph for CAE-based Development in Vehicle Safety.

  • Activities and Societies: The top 10% were allocated scholarships.

     Correlation analysis and model validation of AMPAIR 600W wind turbine, 2013
     Dynamics of an offshore-based vertical axis wind turbine, 2013
     Finite element Elasto-plastic analysis of a slit tube using total deformation theory, 2012
     Finite Element Analysis of fiber-reinforced laminate, 2012

  • Activities and Societies: The top 10% were selected for the M.Sc. program without an entrance exam at IUST.

     Analyzing ring-test by ABAQUS, 2011
     Analysis of Fokker 50 wing structure (Analysis of Airframe Structures), 2011
     Glider design contest, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2009

  •  Making a laser detector for measuring sound speed, Kharazmi festival (national scientific contest), Tehran, Iran, 2006
     NDYS ambassador for disaster management, NDYS conference, Hyogo, Japan, 2005
     Spaghetti structure competition, Kherad high school, Tehran, Iran, 2005
     Making Solar Stove & Deliberation of Sun during a Day, Schoolnet conference, Isfahan, Iran, 2004
     Mechanical automatic timer switch design, Physics conference, Tehan, Iran, 2003

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Graph Extraction for Assisting Crash Simulation Data Analysis


    In this work, we establish a method for abstracting information from Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) into graphs. Such graph representations of CAE data can improve design guidelines and support recommendation systems by enabling the comparison of simulations, highlighting unexplored experimental designs, and correlating different designs. We focus on the load-path in crashworthiness analysis, a complex sub-discipline in vehicle design. The load-path is the sequence of parts that absorb most…

    In this work, we establish a method for abstracting information from Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) into graphs. Such graph representations of CAE data can improve design guidelines and support recommendation systems by enabling the comparison of simulations, highlighting unexplored experimental designs, and correlating different designs. We focus on the load-path in crashworthiness analysis, a complex sub-discipline in vehicle design. The load-path is the sequence of parts that absorb most of the energy caused by the impact. To detect the load-path, we generate a directed weighted graph from the CAE data. The vertices represent the vehicle’s parts, and the edges are an abstraction of the connectivity of the parts. The edge direction follows the temporal occurrence of the collision, where the edge weights reflect aspects of the energy absorption. We introduce and assess three methods for graph extraction and an additional method for further updating each graph with the sequences of absorption. Based on longest-path calculations, we introduce an automated detection of the load-path, which we analyse for the different graph extraction methods and weights. Finally, we show how our method for the detection of load-paths helps in the classification and labelling of CAE simulations.

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  • Knowledge Discovery Assistants for Crash Simulations with Graph Algorithms and Energy Absorption Features

    accepted Applied Intelligence

    We propose the representation of data from finite element car crash simulations in a graph database to empower analysis approaches. The industrial perspective of this work is to narrow the gap between the uptake of modern machine learning methods and the current computer-aided engineering-based vehicle development workflow. The main goals for the graph representation are to achieve searchability and to enable pattern and trend investigations in the product development history.
    In this…

    We propose the representation of data from finite element car crash simulations in a graph database to empower analysis approaches. The industrial perspective of this work is to narrow the gap between the uptake of modern machine learning methods and the current computer-aided engineering-based vehicle development workflow. The main goals for the graph representation are to achieve searchability and to enable pattern and trend investigations in the product development history.
    In this context, we introduce features for car crash simulations to enrich the graph and to provide a summary overview of the development stages. These features are based on the energy output of the finite element solver and, for example, enable filtering of the input data by identifying essential components of the vehicle. Additionally, based on these features, we propose fingerprints for simulation studies that assist in summarizing the exploration of the design space and facilitate cross-platform as well as load-case comparisons. Furthermore, we combine the graph representation with energy features and use a weighted heterogeneous graph visualization to identify outliers and cluster simulations according to their similarities. We present results on data from the real-life development stages of an automotive company.

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  • Simrank-based Prediction of Crash Simulation Similarities

    submited Applied Intelliogence

    Data searchability has been utilized for decades and is now a crucial ingredient of data reuse. However, data searchability in industrial engineering is essentially still at the level of individual text documents, while for finite element (FE) simulations no content-based relations between FE simulations exist so far. Additionally, the growth of data warehouses with the increase of computational power leaves companies with a vast amount of engineering data that is rarely reused. Search…

    Data searchability has been utilized for decades and is now a crucial ingredient of data reuse. However, data searchability in industrial engineering is essentially still at the level of individual text documents, while for finite element (FE) simulations no content-based relations between FE simulations exist so far. Additionally, the growth of data warehouses with the increase of computational power leaves companies with a vast amount of engineering data that is rarely reused. Search techniques for FE data, which are in particular aware of the engineering problem context, is a new research topic. We introduce the prediction of similarities between simulations using graph algorithms, which for example allows the identification of outliers or ranks simulations according to their similarities. With that, we address searchability for FE-based crash simulations in the automotive industry. Here, we use SimRank-based methods to predict the similarity of crash simulations using unweighted and weighted bipartite graphs. Motivated by requirements from the engineering application, we introduce SimRankTarget++ an alternative formulation of SimRank++ that performs better for FE simulations. To show the generality of the graph approach, we compare
    component-based similarities with part-based ones. For that, we introduce a method for automatically detecting components in the vehicle. We use a car sub-model to illustrate the similarity ansatz and present results on data from real-life development stages of an automotive company.

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  • Graph Modeling in Computer Assisted Automotive Development

    ICKG 2022 IEEE

    We consider graph modeling for a knowledge graph for vehicle development, with a focus on crash safety. An organized schema that incorporates information from various structured and unstructured data sources is provided, which includes relevant concepts within the domain. In particular, we propose semantics for crash computer aided engineering (CAE) data, which enables searchability, filtering, recommendation, and prediction for crash CAE data during the development process. This graph modeling…

    We consider graph modeling for a knowledge graph for vehicle development, with a focus on crash safety. An organized schema that incorporates information from various structured and unstructured data sources is provided, which includes relevant concepts within the domain. In particular, we propose semantics for crash computer aided engineering (CAE) data, which enables searchability, filtering, recommendation, and prediction for crash CAE data during the development process. This graph modeling considers the CAE data in the context of the R\&D development process and vehicle safety. Consequently, we connect CAE data to the protocols that are used to assess vehicle safety performances. The R&D process includes CAD engineering and safety attributes, with a focus on multidisciplinary problem-solving. We describe previous efforts in graph modeling in comparison to our proposal, discuss its strengths and limitations, and identify areas for future work.

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  • Graph Extraction for Assisting Crash Simulation Data Analysis

    Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning: 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2023, Berlin, Germany, September 11--13, 2023, Proceedings

    In this work, we establish a method for abstracting information from Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) into graphs. Such graph representations of CAE data can improve design guidelines and support recommendation systems by enabling the comparison of simulations, highlighting unexplored experimental designs, and correlating different designs. We focus on the load-path in crashworthiness analysis, a complex sub-discipline in vehicle design. The load-path is the sequence of parts that absorb most…

    In this work, we establish a method for abstracting information from Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) into graphs. Such graph representations of CAE data can improve design guidelines and support recommendation systems by enabling the comparison of simulations, highlighting unexplored experimental designs, and correlating different designs. We focus on the load-path in crashworthiness analysis, a complex sub-discipline in vehicle design. The load-path is the sequence of parts that absorb most of the energy caused by the impact. To detect the load-path, we generate a directed weighted graph from the CAE data. The vertices represent the vehicle's parts, and the edges are an abstraction of the connectivity of the parts. The edge direction follows the temporal occurrence of the collision, where the edge weights reflect aspects of the energy absorption. We introduce and assess three methods for graph extraction and an additional method for further updating each graph with the sequences of absorption. Based on longest-path calculations, we introduce an automated detection of the load-path, which we analyse for the different graph extraction methods and weights. Finally, we show how our method for the detection of load-paths helps in the classification and labelling of CAE simulations.

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  • A device for suspension of lamp in a vehicle

    Angemeldet am EU 17208551.6-1012

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