Martin, what inspired you to transition from academia to a corporate role?
💬 I wanted to make a real impact in everyday life, not just stay theoretical. This led me to company job right after my PhD. At Heraeus, I’m surrounded by colleagues with scientific backgrounds who contribute in various roles. The new technical career path allows us to pursue our passion for research while advancing in our careers. That is why I am particularly honored to be the first Fellow. 🌟
In what ways has your experience at Heraeus contributed to your professional growth?
💬 My time at Heraeus has enabled me to explore many different areas, across Europe, Asia, and America in R&D, sales, production. This experience deepened my market understanding and helped me to engage with the right people to drive meaningful change.
What advice do you have for those on their technical career path?
💬 My advice is simple: “Just go out and give it a try.” Open your eyes, but most importantly, act on what you find. Connect with people, meet clients, and understand their challenges, then use your know-how and dedication to develop solutions. Interdisciplinary work is key, and that's exactly what our technical career path at Heraeus is designed for, to equipe us to do so. 🛠️🤝