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GoodMills Innovation GmbH

GoodMills Innovation GmbH

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung

Hamburg, Hamburg 2.336 Follower:innen

Nourishment for a better plant-based nutrition


We develop solutions for versatile applications in the food industry with a focus on plant-based, snacks and bakery. With our cereal- and pulse-based ingredients, we always follow one aim: combine maximum enjoyment with one or even more additional benefits just like health, a future-proof planet, or more economical production. With our know-how throughout the entire value chain from raw material sourcing and processing to understanding the needs of markets and consumers, we support you not only with innovative product concepts, tailor-made solutions and application advice but also in questions of food law and marketing issues. As part of the GoodMills Group, Europe’s largest milling organisation, GoodMills Innovation stands for the highest quality, supply security, sustainability and innovation.

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung
51–200 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, Hamburg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von GoodMills Innovation GmbH


  • 📢  𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗱𝗼 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝘀? According to Innova Market Insights, a third of Europeans prioritize better taste, while around a quarter seek more natural ingredients and improved texture. Interestingly, less than 20% believe that better meat imitation is necessary. The top reasons for consuming meat substitutes? Taste and health. 🍽️🌱 With 20+ years of expertise in texturization, we are passionate about taking plant-based protein alternatives to the next level. Our colleague Antje Dittrich works closely with customers to create the perfect texture—from selecting the right texturate(s) to optimizing the interaction of texturate, water, oil, and other ingredients, and fine-tuning the mixing process to ensure outstanding product performance. 💡 By working hands-on at our customers’ production sites, we help solve even the most complex challenges. 🤝 🔜 Next week, together with Antje Dittrich, we’ll take a closer look at the production of pea-based meatballs made with VITATEX® Pea Flakes SVP & SVP Pro at our partner's Albert Handtmann Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG test facility. Stay tuned! 🎥👀 #VITATEX #texturates #plantbased #Handtmann

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  • 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗣𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗮?  Pinsa, or Pinsa Romana, is a unique artisanal pizza that stands out due to its exceptional flour blend—traditionally made from wheat, soy, and rice flours. We replaced soy flour with chickpea 🌱. This combination is key to its signature taste and texture, offering a product that’s both high-quality and delicious. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗮 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹? ✔️ Oval Shape: Rustic and visually appealing ✔️ Texture: Crispy edges with a soft, airy interior ✔️ Innovative Flour Blend: Wheat, rice, chickpea flour, and sourdough for unmatched flavour ✔️ Aromatic: Long fermentation with sourdough for a distinct, rich aroma In today’s fast-evolving food culture, driven by the “snackification” trend, consumers increasingly seek flexible, high-quality options for any time of day. Pinsa fits this demand perfectly, offering a premium, versatile product for bakers, cafés, and foodservice businesses. 🚀 We’ve developed Pinsa 100%, an innovative blend designed to help you meet these trends and stand out from the competition. Stay tuned for more details next week on how Pinsa can elevate your menu and boost customer satisfaction! 🎯📈 #Pinsa #FoodInnovation #Snackification #Artisanal #PremiumQuality

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  • 🍫 Einfach unwiderstehlich: Schokoladige Genussmomente! 🍫 Wussten Sie, dass Schokolade die Freisetzung von Dopamin und Serotonin anregen kann? Diese Wohlfühl-Botenstoffe machen sie zum perfekten Comfort Food! Unsere Schoko-Knusper-Schnitte mit dem #PHÖNIX® Schokosoft-Rührkuchen Konzentrat 25% begeistert durch: ✔ Einfache Anwendung – Kombinierbar mit Ihren Standardrohstoffen in der Bäckerei. ✔Höchste Convenience – Spart Zeit, ohne Kompromisse beim Geschmack. ✔ Perfekte Textur – Soft-saftig mit einem langanhaltenden Crunch. Besonders verführerisch wird die Kreation durch fruchtige Himbeeren und eine leichte Vanillecreme. Zu Weihnachten und Ostern wird traditionell viel Schokolade 🍫 gegessen. Wir finden, dass man unsere Schoko-Knusper-Schnitte zu jedem Anlass backen und essen kann 🎉. Unsere Rezeptur können Sie wie immer hier 👉 herunterladen. #RezepturDesMonats #Handwerksbacken #Schokoladenkuchen #ComfortFood

  • 🥖 Das Brot des Jahres 2025 steht fest! 🏆 Der #ZentralverbanddesBäckerhandwerks hat entschieden: Das Nussbrot ist das Brot des Jahres 2025! 🌰✨ Der feierliche Anschnitt fand gestern traditionell auf der #GrünenWoche in Berlin statt – ein großartiger Moment für das Backhandwerk! 👩🍳👨🍳 Probieren Sie es aus und machen Sie das Nussbrot zum Star in Ihrer Theke. 🍞🌰 Unsere Rezeptur sorgt für echten Genuss: ✔ Dinkel-Backferment für eine frische, lockere Krume ✔ Haselnüsse und Mandeln für die besondere Textur ✔ Fein abgestimmte Kombination aus Dinkel, Nüssen und Gewürzen für besonders volles Aroma 👉 Jetzt Rezept entdecken und loslegen: #BrotDesJahres2025 #Nussbrot #BackenMitLeidenschaft #Handwerkskunst

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  • HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉✨ We kicked off 2025 in style at our annual New Year’s Reception! 🎊 Freshly baked waffles 🧇, great vibes 😊, and inspiring conversations 💬 made it a truly wonderful start to the year. We’re excited to dive into the months ahead and look forward to working on exciting projects with our amazing customers and partners. 💡🤝 Here’s to a successful and inspiring 2025 – together, we can achieve great things! #HappyNewYear #NewYearsReception #StrongerTogether2025 🚀 --- HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉✨ In der ersten Januarwoche durften wir beim jährlichen Neujahrsempfang das neue Jahr 2025 gebührend einläuten. Mit selbstgemachten Waffeln 🧇, einer großartigen Atmosphäre 😊 und inspirierenden Gesprächen 💬 hatten wir einen perfekten Start ins Jahr! Wir blicken voller Energie auf die kommenden Monate und freuen uns auf spannende Projekte und die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren geschätzten Kunden und Partnern. 💡🤝 Auf ein erfolgreiches 2025 – gemeinsam können wir Großes erreichen! #HappyNewYear #Neujahrsempfang #Gemeinsam2025 🚀

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  • Tradition trifft Innovation – Erfolgreicher Besuch im Innovation Center Hamburg Der jährliche Besuch der BÄKO Ost eG ist für uns längst zur Tradition geworden. Dieses Jahr wurden unsere Gäste herzlich von unseren Kolleg:innen Kirstin Niesag und Thomas Wernsdorf empfangen, die den Besuch mit viel Engagement betreut und organisiert haben. Zu Gast waren Thomas Clausnitzer (Vertriebsleiter), Michael Korn (Großkundenbetreuer) sowie die Fachberater Andreas Grieger und Marko Rentzsch, die in unserem Innovation Center in Hamburg ein abwechslungsreiches Programm voller Einblicke in Trends und Produkte erlebten. Highlight des dreitägigen Besuchs waren wie immer die praktischen Backversuche: Gemeinsam mit unserem Anwendungstechniker André B. und Philipp Münstermann konnten die Teilnehmer die Funktionalitäten unserer Produkte – allen voran die neueste Entwicklung Pinsa 100% – selbst testen. Von der Teigherstellung über verschiedene Teigaufbereitungsarten bis hin zum Backprozess wurde jeder Schritt detailliert analysiert. Und natürlich auch selbst ausprobiert. Den krönenden Abschluss bildete die Verkostung der frisch gebackenen Pinsen: Urteil: Crunchy und lecker! 🥖✨ „Der Erfahrungsaustausch bietet für uns einen sehr hohen Mehrwert“, betonte Andreas Grieger. Genau dieser Austausch macht den regelmäßigen Besuch so wertvoll – und inspirierend für beide Seiten. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an die BÄKO Ost eG für den intensiven Dialog. Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Termin! Übrigens: Seit mehr als 15 Jahren pflegt die BÄKO Ost eG den regelmäßigen Austausch mit uns, um sich über neue Produkte zu informieren und wertvolle Fachgespräche zu führen. #Innovation #Backhandwerk #B2B #Partnerschaft #Trends

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  • Full of Protein. Full of Flavour. 💪🍞 GoWell® Tasty Protein is the ideal choice for light-colored baked goods such as bagels, burger buns, toasties, and soft bread. Plus, it’s versatile enough for sandwiches, baguettes, pretzels, pancakes, and more. 🥯🥖🥞 Get inspired by our recipe ideas and let us help bring your creations to life! What makes GoWell® Tasty Protein stand out? • 60% protein content for a nutritional boost • Delicious, slightly nutty flavour that complements your baked goods • Easy to integrate with minimal recipe adjustments • Cost-efficient, thanks to its low dosage requirement • Clean label, vegan, and rich in protein • Sustainable, made from side-stream ingredients that reduce environmental impact Partner with us to develop innovative, protein-packed products! 🚀 Get in touch with our sales team today: Regina Moré (Spain) Dominik Waas (Germany) Simon Hobler (Europe) José Rodrigues (Europe). #PlantProtein #SustainableBaking #GoWellTastyProtein #InnovationInBaking

  • Innovative Plant-Based Protein for Better Baked Goods 🌱🍞 With GoWell® Tasty Protein, we've developed a cutting-edge blend of four plant proteins 🌾 that delivers both high nutritional value and superior baking performance. This unique mix features 60% protein and a well-balanced amino acid profile, making it an excellent solution for health-conscious consumers. 💪🍴 Here’s how each protein contributes: 🌟 Fava Bean Protein: High-protein flour that enhances the nutritional profile and supports easy digestion. 🌟 Toasted Pea Protein: Improves texture and consistency for a better mouthfeel in baked goods. 🌟 Roasted Sunflower Protein: Adds a nutty flavor while improving mouthfeel. 🌻 🌟 Wheat Protein: Provides dough with elasticity and stability, ensuring great volume in your products. 🌾 GoWell® Tasty Protein makes it easy to create high-protein baked goods without compromising taste or texture. Are you ready to elevate your product line with innovative plant-based ingredients? Get in touch with us! #PlantProtein #BakingInnovation #B2B #FoodIndustry #SustainableNutrition

  • 🌱 It’s #Veganuary 2025! Did you know that in 2024, people from 228 countries and regions took part in the @Veganuary movement? 🌍 According to Veganuary , over 2,100 new products were launched globally to celebrate this inspiring initiative. #Veganuary is the perfect chance to embrace a plant-based lifestyle 🌿. While the environmental benefits - such as a lower carbon footprint, reduced land & water use, and less pollution - are well-known, many consumers are still seeking answers about the nutritional value and health benefits of plant-based alternatives, as highlighted by recent ProVeg International research. At #GoodMills Innovation, we’re here to help you meet these consumer needs and create exceptional plant-based products. With our #VITATEX® texturates made from wheat, soy and pea protein, you can craft sustainable, nutritious, and delicious solutions that connect with your audience. Together, let’s drive innovation and shape a healthier, more sustainable future. Explore the possibilities and get in touch with us 📞. #Veganuary #PlantBased #Sustainability #FoodInnovation

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  • GoWell® Tasty Protein – The Protein Booster for Baked Goods 🍞💪 The growing demand for health-conscious diets shows no signs of slowing down, with protein-rich foods leading the way. In fact, 42% of consumers now consider “protein” the most important ingredient in their diet (Innova Market Insights Health & Nutrition Survey 2023). 📊 Proteins are essential for the body, supporting the growth and repair of cells, tissues, and key functions like enzyme and hormone production. However, it’s not just about quantity—it’s the quality of the protein that matters, which depends on amino acid composition and digestibility. No Compromise on Taste and Texture with GoWell® Tasty Protein! 🌟 Our innovative blend of fava bean, yellow pea, sunflower, and wheat proteins delivers: ✅ 60% protein ✅ A balanced amino acid profile ✅ A neutral flavour without the legume aftertaste Perfect for light-colored baked goods 🥐🍰, it’s easy to integrate into recipes, requiring only a low dosage to boost protein content while maintaining cost-effective production. Boost nutrition without sacrificing taste! Are you tapping into this growing trend? Let’s explore how plant-based proteins can power the future of your products! #PlantProtein #BakingInnovation #GoWellTastyProtein #PlantBasedProtein #HealthTrends #B2BInnovation #SustainableNutrition

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