

Psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge

Berlin, BE 61 Follower:innen

Democratizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy through AI.


Aidvance is democratizing access to psychotherapy by building the first AI therapist capable of delivering comprehensive, clinical-grade cognitive behavioral therapy through natural conversations. We deliver complete 12-week CBT programs through weekly 50-minute therapy sessions, powered by our proprietary psychological intelligence engine. This enables therapeutic dialogues that maintain perfect adherence to evidence-based protocols while adapting to individual needs - making standardized, high-quality therapy accessible anytime, anywhere. Starting with depression in Germany, we're partnering with insurance providers and clinics to validate our pioneering approach. From there, we'll expand across Europe and beyond, reaching the 75% of people in developing countries who currently have no access to mental healthcare. We're building a future where psychotherapy is available to everyone, everywhere - because quality mental healthcare should be a universal right, not a privilege reserved for the few. Currently in technical validation at TU Berlin.

Psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge
2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)


Beschäftigte von Aidvance


  • Aidvance hat dies direkt geteilt

    🚀 Herzlich Willkommen Aidvance! 👋 👁 Worum geht es? Die Versorgung im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit ist durch begrenzte Ressourcen und lange Wartezeiten geprägt. Millionen von Menschen haben keinen Zugang zu therapeutischer Unterstützung. Auch das Angebot an psychologischem Coaching zur Prävention ist oft unzugänglich. 💡 Was ist die Lösung? Aidvance entwickelt eine intelligente, adaptive Software, die vollständige kognitive Verhaltenstherapie ermöglicht. Ihre sprachbasierte KI reagiert emotional intelligent und schafft durch digitale Avatare authentische Beziehungen – die erste vollständig skalierbare Lösung für KVT-Sitzungen. ❤️ Was ist der Mehrwert? Mit Aidvance erhält Jeder einen direkten Zugang zu hochqualitativer psychologischer Versorgung. Durch sofortige, niedrigschwellige Unterstützung greifen sie ein, bevor sich psychische Belastungen zu schweren Krisen entwickeln. Das bedeutet: Keine schlaflosen Nächte während monatelanger Wartezeit, keine Verschlimmerung von Angstzuständen und keine Vertiefung depressiver Phasen durch verzögerte Hilfe. Das Team wird vom Mentor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Möller und dem Quality and Usability Lab der TU Berlin unterstützt. Die Teammitglieder erhalten seit September das EXIST-Gründungsstipendium (BMWK). Zum Profil #EXIST #BMWK #MentalHealthInnovation #DigitalHealth #FutureHealth #PsychischeGesundheit #ImpactEntrepreneurship #Berlin #AI #Avatar Science & Startups EXIST - Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft Technische Universität Berlin

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  • Aidvance hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Jannis Pasoglou anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder & CEO at Aidvance | Psychologist | Democratizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy through intelligent systems

    On my commute this morning, an advertisement caught my eye: “Everything's gray: Depression diagnosis?” Another clinical trial, another medication to test. In 2024, we’re still directing people toward psychopharmaceutical medication (trials) as the default response to their struggles. You’ve probably seen these posters too—offering hope through the promise of a new drug that may alleviate one’s struggles. Our system’s reflex is to primarily reach for pharmacological solutions when many people are seeking comprehensive therapeutic support. In my opinion, true mental health care goes beyond pills—it’s about genuine understanding, therapeutic support, and lasting psychological change. So what if we transformed this paradigm entirely? Instead of a number to call to test another drug, that poster could offer immediate access to a full therapeutic journey. Not just crisis support, not just another prescription—but a gateway to genuine, comprehensive care. This also isn’t about replacing human therapists—it’s about reimagining how we deliver mental healthcare at scale. Imagine: Instead of “Call this number to join a drug trial,” the poster reads “Call now to begin your therapeutic journey.” A direct line to an intelligent therapeutic system that understands, responds, and guides—available the moment someone needs it. My hope? By 2025, when I pass through these same metro stations, Aidvance posters will offer exactly that. Because mental healthcare shouldn’t default to medication trials. It should be about meeting people exactly where they are, when they need it most, with the comprehensive support they deserve. The future of mental health support is calling. Let’s answer. #MentalHealth #DigitalHealth #Innovation #Healthcare #DigitalTherapy #CBT

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  • Aidvance hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Roman Kupkovic anzeigen, Grafik

    Building research-driven mental health support systems

    We have been overpromised by current AI-based mental health solutions. In this short article I not only uncover the central architectural flaws that prevent us from making any further therapeutic breakthroughs but also propose a novel approach based on first principles thinking.

    Structure is all you need

    Structure is all you need

    Roman Kupkovic auf LinkedIn

  • Aidvance hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Jannis Pasoglou anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder & CEO at Aidvance | Psychologist | Democratizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy through intelligent systems

    Mental health challenges affect one in three Germans annually, with €44 billion in lost productivity. This isn't just a health crisis – it's an economic imperative. Many people could benefit from structured cognitive behavioral therapy, especially for mild anxiety or early depression. Yet our current system makes it difficult to match the right level of care to each person's needs. There's a smarter way forward. We've tried the band-aid solutions. More therapy spots here, another digital waiting list there. I've watched countless startups pitch their "revolutionary" therapy-matching platforms (BetterHelp). But connecting people to €100/hour video therapy sessions isn't true accessibility. When millions need help, no amount of matchmaking will solve our capacity problem. This isn't just about making care more accessible – it's about systematically scaling what we know works. Modern digital CBT can offer comprehensive therapeutic experiences: structured reflection, personalized insights, behavioral activation, and guided emotional processing. For mild to moderate cases, research shows these approaches can be remarkably effective. Picture this: Not just exercises, but a complete therapeutic journey. Structured guidance through self-discovery, cognitive restructuring, and emotional processing – available immediately while waiting for in-person care. Tools that combine proven CBT protocols with personalized support, helping people make meaningful progress rather than just waiting. This frees up therapists to focus on complex cases while ensuring no one is left without support. Germany has always prided itself on being a healthcare pioneer, and mental health innovation presents our next big opportunity. While other countries are already scaling proven therapeutic approaches for mild cases, we have the chance to create something even better. The clinical knowledge exists. The technology exists. The only question is: do we have the courage to reimagine how we deliver proven mental health care at scale? What future will we choose? Aidvance

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