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TI Pod

Teknologisk Institut Uddannelse

TI Pod er en podcast fra Teknologisk Institut Uddannelse, der løbende giver ny, faglig inspiration til dit arbejdsliv. Vi sætter fokus på forskellige temaer inden for den brede vifte af områder, som du finder på Teknologisk Institut – bl.a. personlig udvikling, ledelse, projektledelse og it. Gennem interviews med faglige eksperter får du gode råd, tips og tricks, der kan hjælpe dig i dit arbejde.
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Velkommen til Abakions podcast, hvor vi deler ekspertråd og nyheder om Microsoft Dynamics-løsninger som Business Central, Dynamics 365 Sales og Power BI. Vi dykker også ned i generelle IT-strategier og taler om digital transformation.
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Stories about people transforming themselves from an unconscious to a conscious life. People who have dared to live out their dreams. Going against all odds and expectations from others. Talks about spirituality in a fact based world. People sharing their life experience, pains and gains, which you will be able to reflect on and reason with. Or the time after the world was put on hold. Everything is about inspiration and insights from other people's life journeys It will be conversations abo ...
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People First er podcasten hvor vi deep-diver på hvordan progressive og moderne virksomheder skaber exceptionelle resultater ved at sætte mennesker først. Her vil vi interviewe mennesker, der har konkrete erfaringer og noget på hjertet for nysgerrigt forsøge at lære af dem. Episode efter epsiode prøver vi med podcasten at skabe et samlet billede som forhåbentlig kan inspirere dig til at sætte... ja, People First!
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Intro: "Welcome to THE DOCTIRNE OF HAPPINESS! I’m NATASHA LAJEVADRI, on a global journey to uncover what it really means to live in happiness, empowerment, and authenticity across all areas of life - both in business and in private moments. From vibrant cities to remote sanctuaries, I’m meeting people from diverse backgrounds to explore how culture, beliefs, spirituality, gender diversity, and even sexuality shape their understanding of fulfillment & happiness. Together, we’ll dive into the ...
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I dette afsnit har vi en særlig gæst med i studiet – Gitte Just. Hun er erhvervsleder, coach, forfatter og ekspert i livsbalance. Med en baggrund i Det Danske Søværn, ledelsesroller i erhvervslivet og en dyb forståelse for kroppens og sindets sammenhæng, har Gitte dedikeret sit liv til at hjælpe mennesker med at finde energi, glæde og mening i en t…
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What happens when a devoted monk falls in love with a woman? This moving story follows a monk who makes the life-altering decision to leave the monastery and follow his heart. Guided by love, he embarks on a transformative journey, discovering happiness and freedom in a world he never imagined. Now living as an artist, he channels his emotions and …
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Kultur er meget mere end landegrænser. Det kan være små, men vigtige forskelle mellem marketing og regnskabsafdeling, mellem unge og ældre medarbejdere, eller bare forskellige måder at arbejde på. Men hvad gør vi, når de her små kulturforskelle ender i konflikt? Det skal dagens gæst gøre os meget klogere på. Hun har nemlig gjort det til sin mission…
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Episode 3: Roller, rettigheder og daglig drift I tredje og afsluttende episode af serien "Din rolle som ERP-Manager" ser vi nærmere på de daglige processer og vigtigheden af korrekt opsætning af roller og rettigheder i Business Central. Hvordan sikrer du, at brugerne har de rette adgange og udnytter systemets funktioner optimalt? Vi taler også om o…
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Episode 2: Effektiv administration i Business Central Hvordan holder du styr på det hele, når din ERP-løsning er i skyen? I anden episode af serien "Din rolle som ERP-Manager" går vi i dybden med brugen af admin-centret i Dynamics 365 Business Central. Du lærer at navigere mellem produktions- og sandkassemiljøer, tester nye funktionaliteter sikkert…
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Episode 1: Introduktion til rollen som ERP-Manager i en cloud-baseret verden Hvad vil det egentlig sige at være ERP-Manager? Og hvordan har overgangen til cloud-baserede systemer som Business Central ændret denne rolle? I denne første episode ud af tre, dykker vi ned i de grundlæggende ansvarsområder for en ERP-Manager og hvordan du kan sikre en pr…
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Hør hvordan Microsoft vil bygge selvstyrende AI-agenter ind i Business Central. Lyt også til en markant udmelding fra Microsofts CEO (Vi synes, at du skal høre hans vision for fremtiden). Så i denne episode skal vi snakke om "AI-agenter"... Men vi kan godt afsløre, at vi tror ikke på, at AI-agenter kommer til at udfase ERP-systemer lige om lidt. De…
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Truslen er reel i dag. I gamle dage kunne mindre virksomheder gå under radaren, men i dag bliver alle virksomheder ramt på et tidspunkt. Det er kun et spørgsmål om tid. Denne episode er en praktisk guide til dig, der vil sikre din virksomhed mod digitale angreb – uden at blive ekspert først. Vi gennemgår 10 konkrete tiltag, der kan implementeres hu…
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I dag skal podcasten handle om mødebooking som salgsstrategi. Men er opkaldet, hvor man som sælger mødes af travle virksomheder, der hverken har tid eller lyst til at høre et pitch, ikke en håbløs gammeldags måde at tænke salg på? Ikke ifølge dagens gæst, Leon Birdi. Han mener, at mødebooking kan blive et ekstremt potent salgsværktøj, hvis bare vi …
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“Jeg ville bare være ligesom dig." De ord blev livsforandrende for Ali Najei, der er årets første gæst hos The Life After. Ali har en fortid i bandemiljøet, og har tilbragt en stor del af sit liv bag tremmer. I dag har han vendt sit liv fuldstændigt rundt og dedikerer bl.a. sin tid til at hjælpe unge med at undgå de samme faldgruber. Det er en dybt…
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Hvordan kan ChatGPT optimere dit arbejdsliv? Det spørger vi om i dette afsnit, hvor vi endnu engang har inviteret Anders Jensen ind til en snak om ChatGPT. Hvis du ikke har hørt det første afsnit om ChatGPT kan du med fordel gå tilbage og lytte til episode #112. I dette afsnit deler Anders sine erfaringer med at bruge ChatGPT til at forbedre sin pr…
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As the New Year approaches, join us on an inspiring journey into the heart of the Forbidden Kingdom—Lo Manthang, Upper Mustang. In this episode, we uncover timeless teachings from the Forbidden Lama, exploring how to cultivate true happiness and inner peace. Through centuries-old wisdom, discover how this hidden Himalayan treasure can guide you tow…
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Projekter kommer i alle former og størrelser. Lige fra ændringer af en proces til udvikling af en ny app. Og selvom man ikke har en officiel titel som projektleder, så vil de fleste i løbet af deres arbejdsliv få fingrene i hele eller dele af et projektforløb. I dagens afsnit af TI Pod skal Thomas Essendrop gøre os klogere på, hvordan man navigerer…
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Discover how this dynamic Singaporean power couple is redefining true happiness! She thrives on continuous learning and personal development , while he finds inspiration through connecting with nature and embracing new life choices. Together, they forge a path of empowerment , balance , and authentic fulfillment. Subscribe now to gain insights, mot…
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En proceskonsulent hjælper virksomhed og medarbejdere med at gennemføre og facilitere forandringsprocesser. De seneste år er der sket meget med den måde, organisationer gennemfører nye processer på. Projekterne er blevet større og mere komplekse, og det stiller stadig større krav til proceskonsulenterne, som skal finde nye måder at gennemføre proce…
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For 17 years, a yak herder has lived high in the mountains, embracing simplicity, health, and harmony with nature. In this episode, he shares profound insights into finding happiness through a life deeply connected to family and the natural world. 💡 In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How nature shapes happiness and well-being. The beauty of simplici…
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In this exciting episode, we delve deep into the heart of Nepal to explore the essence of happiness. From the ancient traditions of giving and receiving to the art of creating happiness, this episode brings together inspiring stories, cultural insights, and delicious culinary experiences. Key Highlights The Art of Giving, Receiving, and Creating Ha…
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Forestil dig, at du sidder med data fra hele din virksomhed. Salgstal, marketinganalyser og økonomiske prognoser. Alt skal samles for at give et klart overblik, men Excel kan hurtigt blive en flaskehals. Og her kommer Power BI ind i billedet. Microsoft Power BI kan forvandle komplekse data til letforståelige indsigter på få minutter. Men hvordan ko…
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🌟 Welcome to The Doctrine of Happiness! 🌟 In this enlightening episode, Natasha Lajevardi interviews the incredible Elora Nature—an author, creative alchemist, and book doula—on her perspectives about happiness, fulfillment, and empowerment through storytelling and creativity. From her deep connection to nature to her process of helping others turn…
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Du kender sikkert scenariet alt for godt; du sidder fanget i et sent eftermiddagsmøde, hvor tiden er skredet, I er kun halvvejs igennem dagsordenen, og energien er mildt sagt sløv. Sådan behøver det dog ikke være! I dette afsnit af TI Pod vil vores gæst, Line Ullmann, gøre dig klogere på, hvordan du skaber præcis det møde, du selv drømmer om at del…
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Stress, bekymringer, angst og tankemylder fylder meget hos mange af os i disse tider. Både i arbejds- og privatlivet. Men måske er vi i virkeligheden blevet for gode til at mærke efter? Dette afsnit af TI Pod skal handle om, hvordan du kan styrke din trivsel ved hjælp af metakognitive værktøjer. Lyt med og få inspiration til, hvordan du kan mindske…
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Det siges, at forandring er svært. Men sådan behøver det ikke at være. At håndtere forandring i en organisation er blevet et professionelt håndværk, som du kan lære. Men hvad kræver det at lede en forandring? Det skal Thomas Essensdrop gøre os klogere på i dette afsnit. Gæst: Thomas Essendrop Vært: Anette Lilleøre Kontakt TI Pod på mail: kurser@tek…
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GLOSSARY This is a glossary with an explanation of the words in the book, where I have chosen to deliberately capitalize their initial letters, and how I interpret them in their Context of Understanding. The Wordings in the book are untraditional and appeal to your personal Understanding and thus your Perspective. The glossary cannot be used for th…
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What I have realized today, but which is certainly also Vari(Able) and Changes with Time, is: We are here to be Developing Happy People. Not just a Scientific Man, not just a Spiritual Man, not just a religious man, not just a Feminine or Masculine human being, but SIMPLY A HAPPY PERSON IN DEVELOPMENT. We are not our stories, what the norms, societ…
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PART 29 BOOK 3 part 1- CHAPTER 4 THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND BACK TO AARHUS A NEW CHAPTER Being the CEO of an Owner-Manager is one of the hardest tasks I have ever had, as you often work with a creative owner who cannot “See” clearly. But having to be the CEO of one’s Future husband - phew. The thought scared me, and in a meeting before he was due to b…
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PART 34 BOOK 3 part 2- CHAPTER 8 WHEN LIFE PLAYS A TRICK - MARCH 2023 If you start buying new ingredients that are Organic, and want to Change your entire diet, it is no use having your whole cupboard filled with old items that you no longer want to eat. So we have to clean up the cupboards completely, even if it would cost us getting rid of some t…
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PART 32 BOOK 3 part 2- CHAPTER 7 28th - 30th SEPTEMBER 2021 - BIARRITZ COINCIDENCE(ABILITY) NATASHA: With a heavy heart, where everything hurts to say goodbye to the children, we start the journey from Aarhus to Biarritz. The journey here went, as you now travel during the “Corona Time” - Everything has Changed, and it is all new in the old Way. I …
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PART 31 BOOK 3 part 2- CHAPTER 6 BLOG CAMINO FRANCES The upcoming blog is written by my husband and me during his Camino. I have linked some Hypotheses into our Conversations on the Way as we walked, to Create some examples of how they can be put into Perspective. Today, March 16, 2023, I have walked over 7 Caminos and over 7,000 km. since my first…
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THE WAY FORWARD - PART 2 CAMINO !n! ABOUT - February 2019 During the Time I took clients on a course, I sent many on the Camino Frances. It was my own dream to get there one day, where I could unplug and get away for as many weeks as it takes to walk an entire Camino. I got the Opportunity in 2019, and it is a journey I shall NEVER forget. You will…
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PART 28 BOOK 3 part 1- CHAPTER 3 THE DIVORCE THAT LED TO THE PANDORA’S BOX OF MY FEMININITY My divorce from my first Danish husband in 2010 became a catalyst for fully finding my Balance - and for more than a decade with research and geekery, ending up with a Theory, a couple of Laws and 6 Hypotheses, which later Created an Algorithm and Tools for …
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PART 27 BOOK 3 part 1- CHAPTER 2 NEW CHAPTER - NEW WAY The day I moved to Nyborg, my father did not get up. He could not say goodbye to me. He could not Comprehend that I wanted to move, and he knew I would Prob(Ably) never come back again. It was a Strange Experience, but I knew the man and the Way he could not Handle Emotions, so... on with me to…
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CAMINO !n! ABOUT STORYTELLING FOR THE GREATEST THINKERS THE WAY FORWARD - PART 1 CHAPTER 1 Camino means “Way” in Spanish. In this book I shall start by telling you a little about my Way in Life, from the day I was born until now. The Book will end with a couple of prospectuses. They are examples and show how I today use the entire Knowledge you are…
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CHAPTER 12 BASIS EQ TEST - METHODOLOGY BASIC TEST AND EXERCISE Here you get the Possibility to make your own basic EQ Analysis & Test. If you are trained as a kind of therapist, it will be easier for you to read the result. However, I have to point Out that to get the best Understanding you should have someone help you through the process, who is c…
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Ordet facilitering kommer af latin og betyder ”let at gøre”. Formålet med facilitering er kort fortalt at få arbejdsprocesser til at glide nemmere. Men hvad er god facilitering? Lyt med, når gæst Line Ullmann gør dig klogere på, hvordan du bliver god til at facilitere, og hvad du for alt i verden ikke må gøre som facilitator. Gæst: Line Ullmann Vær…
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Bæredygtighed, CSR, grøn omstilling, socialt ansvar, og ESG. Der er buzzwords nok, når emnet falder på bæredygtighed. Men hvordan navigerer man i forskellige bæredygtighedskoncepter - og hvad vil det sige at arbejde med bæredygtighed i en virksomhed? Det gør Martin Aggerbeck os klogere på i dette afsnit af TI Pod. I afsnittet kommer Martin med to b…
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Afbrydelser, overspringshandlinger, travlhed og pressede situationer kan stå i vejen for, at du når det, du havde tænkt dig i løbet af din arbejdsdag. Effektive arbejdsvaner er en god vej til at få mere fra hånden og opnå større produktivitet. Det kræver først og fremmest, at du tager kontrollen over din tid og lærer at planlægge og prioritere dine…
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We are thrilled to present to you Book 1 in a series of 4 captivating Books. As you embark on this literary journey, we highly recommend reading the books in sequence to fully immerse yourself in the unfolding narrative of happiness. We wish you a delightful and enriching reading experience. May these pages be both enjoyable and enlightening as you…
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CHAPTER 1 20th April 2022 - San Vicente del Valle - Burgos - Northern Spain CAUSE & EFFECT We moved to Spain half-time a couple of months ago, and we had just finished a mini Camino, before I was supposed to start with the book again. The Telephone rang two days ago, when we were on our Way home from the O’Cebreiro - Camino Santiago. My soulmate - …
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CHAPTER 2 PREFACE - META DUALITY THEORY® Universal META DUALITY THEORY® is Based On a simple and yet complicated “Thought Theory”. Everything in our Physical world is built with its own Opposite Pole except for one thing. Can you guess what that is? What exists in our world that has not only 1 Opposite Pole? We shall get into that later. The Intera…
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CHAPTER 4 CONSCIOUSNESSES WITH DIVERGENT ABILITIES CREATE NEW SYSTEMS CONFLICTS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR A PHASE OUT OR A DEVELOPMENT. If a Condition of Chaos is long-term without bringing a Solution - an agreement in its Duality, where it is Able to hit the Zero Point, and where it can achieve its turn-around / turning point, - then the Condition will…
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THE BRAIN TWISTER - THE ULTIMATE I- & EQ BUILDER MIND-BOGGLING TOOLBOX “We were born with two Purposes all at once - to live Life to the fullest and be HAPPY, until we must die. We are born in the Dualities.” This Book is a collection of an Evolutionary story for you, who Needs a new Understanding of the world. A world upside down, where you can Ch…
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WHOLENESSES & UNITS CONSCIOUSNESS AND CONSCIOUSNESS ABILITIES - FORMS OF INTELLIGENCES Collective and Individual Consciousness When we speak about a Unit, then we speak about a Consciousness with a single system - you or me, who have an own personal system with our Thoughts, our Physical Condition, our Forms of Intelligences, our Dynamic Intuition …
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WITH EMOTIONAL THINKING, THINK EMOTIONALLY META DUALITY THEORY® - SINCE 2013 WHAT, WHEN, WHY AND HOW? MY WHY FOR THIS BOOK? Because finally and suddenly I ended up not Understanding humans anymore. Because it was just not enough to have a good education, job and family Life anymore. Because I wanted to be Able to Understand from my own Experience a…
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THE DOCTRINE OF META DUALITY PHILOSOPHY & THE THOUGHT FORM This Doctrine is going to teach you how to Create your own quite Unique Thought Form and Learn to know all your Abilities, Develop those you want, and find those you have not yet Developed or Activated. When I wrote we and you, then it is because this is irrespective of our Physical gender,…
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ADJUSTMENT TOOLS PART 1 Isn’t funny, how I have used my Logical Abilities, my Operational Abilities and the Experiences of my Organic Instincts to Develop a Theory, a Methodology and an Algorithm to Handle the Emotional Conditions in order to Develop our EQ? Let us dive into what the Operational world and the Emotional world may offer here, more Co…
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COMBINED INTELLIGENCE - COMBINED CONSCIOUSNESS® Emotional & Operational Intelligence Consciousness SYSTEM ERROR OR ILLNESS If our Opposite pole is the Opposite - the stranger - but our Opposite Pole is also our provocateur and thus our activator for movement - Changes - Development - Transformation - our Energy Input, - why then do we not have more…
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PART 11 - CHAPTER 6 FAITH *NOTE - ERROR = IMBALANCE MY MANIFESTO Errors are just a Possibility of Developing, and anything else is to me an outdated Thought Form. I am not talking about repeated Faults, as this would have the Opposite Effect - and get Phased Out. The old Thought Form that stems from the outdated religions and cultures, where - if y…
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