To migrate chat history, users, and channels from other services to Sendbird, you can use the migration feature provided by SendBird’s API. Here is an example of how to migrate chat history from another service to SendBird:
- Register the users of your current chat solution to your Sendbird application using the user creation API. This will ensure that the users are recognized by SendBird and can participate in conversations.
- Create either an open or a group channel to migrate the messages of your chat solution. Note that the SendBird system doesn’t automatically create a channel for your migration. You can create a channel using the Sendbird API.
- Adjust the number of messages to process at once through the API. The maximum number of migrated messages per call is 100.
- Use the migration API endpoint to migrate messages from another system into SendBird’s system. The HTTP request for this action is:
POST /migration/{target_channel_url}
where {target_channel_url} is the URL of the channel you created in step 2.
For example, if you created a group channel with the URL my-group-channel, the HTTP request would be:
POST /migration/my-group-channel
This will migrate the messages from the other service to the SendBird channel.
It is important to note that the migration feature is only available for certain SendBird plans and requires contacting SendBird’s support team to enable it.
In addition to migrating chat history, you can also migrate users and channels from other services to SendBird using similar steps. The key is to ensure that the users and channels are registered and created in SendBird before migrating any data.
Overall, the migration feature provided by SendBird’s API makes it easy to migrate chat history, users, and channels from other services to SendBird. By following the necessary steps and using the appropriate API endpoints, you can seamlessly transfer your data to SendBird and continue your conversations without interruption.
More details here: