Joining Comms Council UK

Benefits of Membership

Members of Comms Council UK enjoy a number benefits that assist their day-to day operations, offer commercial savings, provide educational opportunities for their teams and help promote business growth.

We are a collaborative association and our work is driven by the membership. We welcome any additional ideas or initiatives that support the sector and the members who gain most value are those who plugged into the various activities and commit time to engage. We encourage members to promote the activities of Comms Council UK internally so numerous people from each member company can actively participate to gain the maximum value.

  • Membership of the UK’s leading VoIP and advanced communications industry association
  • Use of the Comms Council UK logo for promotional purposes
    Membership requires compliance with CCUK’s Code of Practice, which is synonymous with quality of service and adhering to industry best practice.
  • Active lobbying on key issues that affect members’ interest. Regular dialogue with Ofcom, Government, parliamentarians and standards authorities
  • Production of Comms Council UK responses to industry and Government consultations through membership collaboration
  • Opportunities for company representation at key industry regulatory meetings
  • Press and marketing opportunities to ensure the industry position is clearly communicated
  • Regular members’ events, including workshops, Summer Forum, Fraud Summit, CCUK Awards and dinners that provide a forum to learn new developments and improve best practice
  • Extend your network of contacts for exchanging information and building new business opportunities with like-minded people
  • Invitations to other key events involving Government ministers, parliamentarians, regulators and the media
  • Free membership of the dispute resolution service Communications Ombudsman (for the companies with the annual turnover under £20m)
    The Communications Act requires all communication service providers to offer access to an external dispute resolution scheme for their customers or face a fine of up to £50,000
  • Exclusive deals on training courses, trade shows and services
  • Free or discounted tickets to events and opportunities relating to the telecoms, internet and tech sector
  • Free Code of Conduct surrounding General Condition 14 compliance (managing of customers’ complaints) from Osborne Clarke LLP
  • Free guidance on end user terms and conditions compliance from Preiskel and Co LLP
  • Free guidance on GDPR from Osborne Clarke LLP
  • The Sip School discount on all their world leading training and certification programs.
  • CCUK Wiki provides members with comprehensive industry-specific information that will aid them in their work, including from both the Industry Developments and Operations Working Groups. The site provides access to all of the guidance documents and briefings that have been produced by Comms Council UK.
  • Annual information pack for members outlining key industry documents of relevance to your business to review and comply with
  • Keep up-to-date with Comms Council UK’s fortnightly members’ newsletter, summarising key industry news, Ofcom and Government announcements as well as future events and meetings
  • Receive regular regulatory and technical briefings as well as Best Practice documents to help on specific industry initiatives and to assist membership adoption
  • Member and Secretariat support to assist in resolving queries
  • PR opportunities including article/blog contributions to industry publications
  • Associate membership of the NICC to ensure Comms Council UK can contribute to industry standards developments where relevant
  • PR opportunity to promote your company through our In Focus articles on social media/website/members emails
  • Opportunities for your staff members to get involved in the work of Comms Council UK, providing useful opportunities to expand their skills and assist in career development
  • Support the activity of the four key Comms Council UK working groups
    • Industry Developments – focussed on regulatory and political developments that affect your business – issues of focus include numbering, switching, charge control reviews, net neutrality, number portability, nuisance calls as well as EU and UK communication reviews
    • Operations – focussed on issues such as security, communications data retention, telephony fraud and relevant best practice initiatives
    • Women in Telecoms Group – supporting women in your company through this group 
    • Fraud & Scams Group
  • Equal opportunities for staff members to join the Council/Board of Comms Council UK – the executive group that guides the overarching strategy

Associate Membership is open to any organisation related to the VoIP and next generation communications sector (hardware and software vendors, distributors, law firms, consultancies, recruitment firms, etc). Although Associate Members may fully participate in all working groups and forums, they cannot vote on policy or be a Council Member.

On top or some of the benefits that Full Members receive, those companies who join as Associate Members will also enjoy additional benefits

  • Display products and services, participate on panels and promote services at designated events
  • Participate in relevant working groups to help resolve problems (be they regulatory or technical), contribute to work streams and build credibility amongst the service provider community
  • Opportunities to highlight new products and services via the fortnightly Comms Council UK update to build brand awareness amongst the membership
  • Regular networking opportunities at events, which offer potential business opportunities and the ability to be introduced to specific companies
  • Discounts surrounding Comms Council UK sponsorship opportunities

Digital Inclusion Action Plan

28th February 2025
This week, the Government released its long-awaited Digital Inclusion Action Plan. The plan outlines five actions to improve access to technology and the skills…

2025 Comms Council UK Awards

Comms Council UK are sponsored by Magrathea

The awards entries open in January and winners will be announced at the ceremony on 25th September at 116 Pall Mall.