Category:Second Sino-Japanese War
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English: Second Sino-Japanese War
Japanese invasion of China (1937–1945) | |||||
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Tas pats kaip | China Incident | ||||
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Rodomos 54 subkategorijos (iš viso yra 54 subkategorijos).
- Hachi (leopard) (6 F)
- Zhanshi Huakan (17 F)
- 日寇暴行實錄 (4 F)
- 日支事変と最近の国際情勢 (1 F)
- 日本帝國主義者對華的無理行動 (1 F)
- 神聖的民族戰—最後勝利是我們的 (1 F)
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Rodomi 172 šios kategorijos rinkmenos (iš viso kategorijoje yra 172 rinkmenos).
"China-First to Fight - NARA - 513567.jpg 2 012 × 3 000; 970 KiB
0964.a.0985.tif 6 213 × 4 157; 147,81 MiB
0964.a.1022.tif 6 346 × 4 149; 150,68 MiB
0964.a.2384.tif 6 074 × 4 366; 151,77 MiB
1945年8月16日重慶掃蕩報.jpg 897 × 580; 348 KiB
208-PU-171-F-21 (29058838990).jpg 1 598 × 2 286; 1,08 MiB
American officers instructing Chinese task forces on the India mission.jpg 1 938 × 2 746; 1,76 MiB
Announcement national bonds selling nippon.jpg 600 × 401; 164 KiB
Anti-Japanese Muslim guerillas in Northwest China, c. 1939.jpg 960 × 607; 100 KiB
Armed training of Japanese women in Manchuria.JPG 800 × 540; 326 KiB
Blood chit leather version.jpg 340 × 325; 31 KiB
Blood chit silk version with CBI emblem.jpg 298 × 402; 29 KiB
Blood chit with various languages.jpg 332 × 353; 43 KiB
Blood chit0040.jpg 269 × 386; 28 KiB
Blood chit0051.jpg 320 × 414; 23 KiB
Blood chit1.jpg 450 × 309; 29 KiB
Blood chit2.jpg 305 × 450; 33 KiB
Blood chit3.jpg 446 × 314; 34 KiB
Blood chit6607.jpg 310 × 427; 46 KiB
Canton JP 8.jpg 371 × 571; 59 KiB
Canton JP 9.jpg 731 × 463; 78 KiB
Captain Tsang Hsi-lan is awarded the Silver Star by LTG Stilwell (24542634695).jpg 2 064 × 2 080; 1 001 KiB
China Motor Corporation top crew.jpg 1 424 × 1 184; 368 KiB
Chinese army India-Burma campaign pictorial.jpg 538 × 800; 62 KiB
Chinese artillery with guns.jpg 448 × 174; 24 KiB
Chinese collaborators army.jpg 700 × 523; 111 KiB
Chinese during inspection.jpg 388 × 195; 35 KiB
Chinese Florence Nightingale.jpg 473 × 335; 82 KiB
Chinese nationalist troops crossing the Three Gorges at West Hupei.jpg 500 × 336; 94 KiB
Chinese picture collection.jpg 1 320 × 1 956; 1,74 MiB
Chinese soldiers 1939.jpg 640 × 465; 195 KiB
Chinese soldiers aiming Shansi Type 17.jpg 400 × 500; 97 KiB
Chinese soldiers training to operate mountain gun.jpg 448 × 307; 31 KiB
Disguising Shi 102 Boat Before the Strike, Aug 1937.jpg 800 × 568; 84 KiB
EvacuaciónDeGuilinSeptiembre1944.jpg 1 432 × 1 112; 1,14 MiB
Flag of the South East Asia Command.svg 1 200 × 600; 36 KiB
FreeThaiinChina.jpg 350 × 194; 32 KiB
Gellhorn Hemingway 1941.jpg 1 877 × 1 509; 1,41 MiB
General He Zhong Han.jpg 785 × 996; 294 KiB
IJN torpedo boat hayabusa 1932.jpg 2 665 × 1 562; 958 KiB
Insignia of the South East Asia Command.svg 246 × 247; 7 KiB
InstrucciónEnGuilinJunio1944.jpg 1 716 × 1 200; 1,52 MiB
Interior of a DC-3 with its complement of Chinese soldiers enroute to India.jpg 2 827 × 1 928; 1,7 MiB
Izumo hōgeki.JPG 454 × 347; 30 KiB
Izumo naibu.JPG 320 × 441; 30 KiB
Japanese prisoners captured by Chinese troops at Changsha, China, 1942 (23914444524).jpg 2 719 × 1 624; 1,38 MiB
Japanese prisoners captured by Chinese troops at Changsha, January 1942 (23915835183).jpg 2 912 × 1 752; 2,5 MiB
Japanese soldiers with beheaded Chinese in front of the Great Wall.jpg 1 590 × 912; 473 KiB
Japanese Surrender China 1945.jpg 512 × 327; 68 KiB
Juesidui.jpg 300 × 197; 19 KiB
Jyt1942balj.jpg 600 × 591; 232 KiB
Kasasagi on the Yangtze River.jpg 2 674 × 1 410; 1,11 MiB
Ki-27 vs Hawk III.gif 640 × 360; 23,25 MiB
Linggu-5th-and-19th-Army-monument-plaque-2909.jpg 1 280 × 960; 633 KiB
List of NRA weapons.jpg 543 × 514; 87 KiB
Lot 11614-1 (23914478014).jpg 2 807 × 1 984; 2,15 MiB
Lot 11614-10 (24247037560) (cropped).jpg 800 × 800; 301 KiB
Lot 11614-10 (24247037560).jpg 2 254 × 2 865; 1,76 MiB
Lot 11614-12 (24460237361).jpg 2 008 × 1 480; 635 KiB
Lot 11614-13 (23915762483).jpg 2 272 × 2 827; 1,81 MiB
Lot 11614-14 (24434266022).jpg 2 615 × 1 920; 1,43 MiB
Lot 11614-15 (24516364046).jpg 1 901 × 2 696; 1,77 MiB
Lot 11614-16 (23914371904).jpg 1 388 × 1 780; 709 KiB
Lot 11614-17 (23915741713).jpg 1 918 × 2 863; 1,39 MiB
Lot 11614-18 (24434246542).jpg 2 856 × 2 120; 2,21 MiB
Lot 11614-19 (24460199871).jpg 2 700 × 2 092; 1,76 MiB
Lot 11614-2 (23914471564).jpg 2 712 × 1 604; 2,02 MiB
Lot 11614-21 (24460187071).jpg 1 832 × 1 188; 753 KiB
Lot 11614-8 (24434307902).jpg 3 036 × 1 812; 1,73 MiB
Lot 11614-9 (24516401436).jpg 1 584 × 2 842; 1,31 MiB
M1A1-75-mm-howitzer-china-1942.jpg 504 × 355; 67 KiB
Martha Gellhorn (1941).jpg 292 × 390; 76 KiB
Menggukangriyoujidui.jpg 690 × 352; 44 KiB
Northern Taipeshan Foothills Operation.png 816 × 518; 292 KiB
One unit of the Japanese Army in China.jpg 1 080 × 1 440; 528 KiB
Pack animal caravan.jpg 478 × 222; 49 KiB
Poster saving for nation nippon 01.jpg 434 × 600; 209 KiB
Poster saving for nation nippon 02.jpg 428 × 600; 214 KiB
Put Down Your Whip performance.jpg 550 × 353; 154 KiB
Salween River Bridge for foot traffic only.jpg 448 × 324; 48 KiB
Save for nation nippon.jpg 846 × 591; 172 KiB
Second Sino-Japanese War collection.png 482 × 507; 363 KiB
Shi 102 Boat Sinking after the Strike.jpg 1 024 × 674; 74 KiB
Sihangwarehouseburning.jpg 1 020 × 705; 186 KiB
Situation after Battle of Xuzhou, 1938.png 816 × 519; 337 KiB
Soong Ching-ling and Richard Young.jpg 1 012 × 720; 185 KiB
Soong Ching-ling in Zhenru.jpg 502 × 803; 376 KiB
Soong Ching-ling visit soldiers.jpg 1 009 × 717; 227 KiB
South East Asian Command insignia.gif 245 × 266; 11 KiB
Stamps in WWII Japan 1.jpg 1 033 × 707; 204 KiB
Stamps in WWII Japan.jpg 1 038 × 718; 186 KiB
Stiwell with captured Japanese flag..jpg 381 × 273; 46 KiB
The Japanese 11th Army's assault on Wuhan, 1938.png 816 × 1 265; 452 KiB
The Landscape of Pro Communism and Anti Communism in the Pacific around 1940.svg 744 × 1 052; 287 KiB
Three then Japanese Celebs Buying War Bonds.png 1 475 × 1 092; 1,38 MiB
TV Soong in Chungking.jpg 360 × 264; 39 KiB
Tweede Wereldoorlog, SFA022804845.jpg 3 539 × 2 668; 1,02 MiB
Type 38 150mm cannon.jpg 512 × 396; 28 KiB
United China Relief 1.png 326 × 497; 321 KiB
US soldiers retreat from Burma to India.jpg 257 × 400; 40 KiB
Wartime saving bonds kangyo bank 04.jpg 943 × 1 246; 274 KiB
We clear the way The Corps of Engineers.jpg 448 × 324; 34 KiB
Wensen Female Team.jpg 276 × 151; 16 KiB
Xingyahuangjun Army Headquarter.jpg 450 × 300; 21 KiB
Yat Sen trying to refloat her.jpg 586 × 424; 40 KiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 02.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,49 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 03.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,47 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 04.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,23 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 05.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,66 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 06.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,65 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 07.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,91 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 08.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,93 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 09.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,32 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 10.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,55 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 11.jpg 3 000 × 4 000; 4,18 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 12.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,26 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 13.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,13 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 14.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,11 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 15.jpg 3 000 × 4 000; 4,42 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 16.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,12 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 17.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,43 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 18.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,27 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 19.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,78 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 20.jpg 3 000 × 4 000; 3,63 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 21.jpg 3 000 × 4 000; 3,97 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 22.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,33 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 23.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,91 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 24.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,51 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 25.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,58 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 26.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,95 MiB
ZS 中山 Zhongshan Museum Guangdong red party 抗日戰爭 歷史 history May 2023 Px3 27.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 3,77 MiB
东北义勇军二十一军司令部关防印.jpg 6 000 × 4 000; 15,61 MiB
克敵週刊第十期封面.jpg 4 608 × 2 592; 3,06 MiB
在华日人反战同盟苏中支队传单.JPG 3 296 × 2 160; 6,49 MiB
地道战 1965.webm 1 h 36 min 16 s, 850 × 640; 1,25 GiB
地雷战 1962.webm 1 h 15 min 48 s, 1 278 × 962; 2,47 GiB
大青山抗日标语.jpg 1 456 × 2 592; 2,31 MiB
抗战地雷.JPG 3 840 × 2 160; 3,3 MiB
抗戰時期的桂林.jpg 243 × 307; 26 KiB
新四军对日宣传单.JPG 1 448 × 728; 1,19 MiB
来华飞行员识别标志.JPG 2 496 × 2 312; 6,24 MiB