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<nowiki>Kilt; Skotapils; Kilt; Kilt; Kilt; 蘇格蘭裙; Kilt; Кілт; 蘇格蘭裙; 苏格兰裙; Kilt; Kilt; kilto; Kilt; Fillee beg; kilt; KILT; Kilt; kilts; Kilt; Килт; kilt; 苏格兰裙; kilt; kilt; Kilt; تەنووری سکۆتلاندی; kilt; إزار اسكتلندي; kilt; Kilt; kilt; Килт; Килт; Cilt; Kilt; filleadh beag; Քիլթ; 蘇格蘭裙; Kilt; キルト; קילט; kiltti; kilt; kilt; 蘇格蘭裙; 苏格兰裙; Kilt; Kilt; kilt; Kilt; คิลต์; Kilt; Kilt; kilt; Kilt; Kilt; 킬트; Kilt; Kilt; Fèileadh; kilt; Kilt; Кілт; دامن اسکاتلندی; Kilt; Kilt; Kilt; Κιλτ; kilt; tradicionalno dokolensko keltsko in škotsko krilo; rodzaj odzieży noszony tradycyjnie w Szkocji; jupe écossaise; indumento scozzese; traditionellt skotskt klädesplagg; zeltek erabiltzen dituzten gonak; לבוש סקוטי מסורתי; skottilainen vaatekappale; предмет мужской шотландской национальной одежды; vestuário até ao joelho de origem celta e escocesa; traditionelles schottisches Kleidungsstück; vestuário até ao joelho de origem celta e escocesa; knee-length garment of Celtic and Scottish origin; atuendo tradicional escocés; Šoti traditsiooniline meesteseelik; шкотски одевни предмет; İskoç eteği; Kilts; Falda escocesa; Kilts; Kilt; Killt; Kiltens historia; eskoziar gona; חצאית סקוטית; Schotse rok; Кильт; تنورة كلتية; تنورة إسكتلندية; تنورة اسكتلندية; الإزار الإسكتلندي; Kilt; skottilaishame; skottihame; Faldilla escocesa; Faldilla escocesa de quadres; کیلت; Schottenrock; Rock; Кільт</nowiki>
knee-length garment of Celtic and Scottish origin
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  • c. 1720s
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The kilt category consists of images of traditional Scottish kilts as might be seen at Highland Games gatherings in Scotland or elsewhere around the world, or of people wearing such kilts.

Such a kilt, in its modern version, has the overall structure of a wrap-around skirt with overlapping front aprons and pleats around the rest of the circumference of the garment. These kilts are almost always made out of twill woven worsted wool and, with rare exceptions, they exhibit a symmetric tartan pattern (plaid) which is either registered with some organization such as the Scottish Tartans Authority or otherwise recognized as a clan tartan by official Scottish clans.

Also included are:

  1. images of those historical kilt-like garments from which the modern-day Scottish kilt was directly derived (for example, the Great kilt or belted plaid, and the philabeg, as well as other historical Scottish kilts or modern-day reproductions of such historical garments); and
  2. images of kilts or kilt-like garments traditional to other Celtic cultures, such as the Irish kilt.


This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.

Media in category "Kilts"

The following 26 files are in this category, out of 26 total.