What the EU does Energy policy is critical for European competitiveness and security and to achieving climate neutrality. It is a shared competence between the EU and its member countries, defined in Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In a spirit of solidarity, the EU’s policy action responds to 3 main challenges: ensuring a secure and safe energy supplyworking towards the affordability of energy for business and citizens and supporting Europe’s competitivenesspromoting clean and sustainable energy production and use for the EU to meet its decarbonisation goals Mjere Komisije Europska komisija predano radi na provođenju politika kojima će se doprinijeti postizanju ugljične neutralnosti do 2050. u okviru europskog zelenog plana. Cilj tih politika je i ojačati unutarnje energetsko tržište te učiniti našu energiju sigurnijom, održivijom i cjenovno pristupačnijom. Iako svaka država članica EU-a odabire vlastitu kombinaciju izvora energije, za energetsko tržište EU-a postoje zajednički propisi, od propisa kojima se osigurava što učinkovitiji i sigurniji lanac opskrbe energijom (uključujući nuklearnu sigurnost) do utvrđivanja ciljeva u pogledu energetske učinkovitosti, obnovljivih izvora energije i prekogranične međusobne povezanosti. Pokazalo se da su propisi o ekološkom dizajnu i označivanju energetske učinkovitosti poticajni i na razini potrošača te da dovode do ulaganja u energetski učinkovitije tehnologije. Energija ima ključnu ulogu u Komisijinu europskom zelenom planu, a Komisija je 2020. objavila niz novih inicijativa i strategija koje će pomoći u dekarbonizaciji energetskog sektora. Ciljevi Energetske politike EU-a obuhvaćaju širok raspon tema kojima je cilj ubrzati i olakšati prelazak s fosilnih goriva na tehnologije čiste energije tako da nitko ne bude zapostavljen. Dosad su politike osmišljavane kako bi se postigao trostruki cilj sigurnijeg, održivijeg i cjenovno pristupačnijeg energetskog sustava na razini EU-a. U okviru europskog zelenog plana glavni je cilj Komisije postizanje ugljične neutralnosti do 2050. Na temelju tog općeg dugoročnog cilja Komisija je 2020. objavila strategije: za energiju iz obnovljivih izvora na moru za val obnove za integraciju energetskog sustava za vodik za metan. U skladu s političkom obvezom smanjenja emisija za 55 % do 2030., koja je sada uključena u pravo EU-a, Komisija namjerava revidirati zakonodavstvo EU-a kako bi ostvarila tu ambiciju, i to na temelju koncepata utvrđenih 2020. Među njima su zakonodavni prijedlozi za reviziju propisa o obnovljivim izvorima energije, energetskoj učinkovitosti i energetskim svojstvima zgrada te mjere za poticanje dekarbonizacije tržišta plina, među ostalim korištenjem čistog vodika, i mjere za rješavanje pitanja emisija metana. Konkretni ciljevi U skladu s povećanim ambicijama u okviru europskog zelenog plana i obvezom da se emisije stakleničkih plinova do 2030. smanje za 55 % u usporedbi s razinom iz 1990. (a ne za 40 %), EU je donio nove ciljeve za 2030.: povećati udio energije iz obnovljivih izvora u ukupnoj potrošnji energije u EU-u na 40 % (a ne na 32 %) poboljšati energetsku učinkovitost za 36 % (potrošnja konačne energije), odnosno 39 % (potrošnja primarne energije) u odnosu na predviđanja potrošnje bez mjera za energetsku učinkovitost iz 2007. (a ne za 32,5 %), što je 9 % više u usporedbi s predviđanjima iz 2020. Mjere drugih institucija EU-a u području energije Expected outcomes 42.5%renewable energy target for 203011.7%expected improvement in energy efficiency by 203015%interconnection target for 2030, to encourage EU countries to connect their electricity systems to each other Areas of actionRenewable energyFind out more about EU actions to increase the share of renewable energy in Europe.Energy efficiencyEnergy is a valuable asset. Learn how the EU ensures we can make the most efficient use of it.Markets and consumersExplore the rules shaping the EU’s energy markets and protecting and empowering consumers.Energy securityHow does the EU secure reliable energy for EU citizens and businesses?InfrastructureGrids are the backbone of the EU’s energy systems. Find out how the EU strengthens and expands our grids.Research and technologyPromoting research and innovation is key to achieving the energy transition and improving competitiveness. Find out what the EU does.Nuclear energy From ensuring nuclear safety to supporting the use of radiation and nuclear technologies in medicine, explore the EU’s nuclear energy policy.International cooperation Find out how the EU acts as a global energy leader.Funding Discover funding opportunities for energy projects in the EU Key achievements Through the promotion of wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources, renewable energy represented 23% of EU final energy consumption in 2022. While there is still work to be done to achieve the 42.5% target by 2030, a significant portion of energy consumed in Europe now comes from renewables. Companies in the renewable energy sector are thriving, supporting green job creation. By 2022, the renewable energy sector in Europe employed over 1.6 million people.Investments in cross-border energy infrastructure have helped strengthen EU energy security, including by connecting several EU regions which were completely isolated. Between 2008 and 2021, the EU reduced greenhouse gas emissions by over 20%. At the same time, EU GDP increased by almost 10%. With the energy sector being responsible for more than 75% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, EU energy policies have significantly contributed to this achievement. To achieve the 2030 energy efficiency target, the EU has introduced measures in policy areas with the greatest potential for energy savings and where a harmonised approach across EU countries is needed. Such measures not only lower energy bills, but also help businesses save on operational costs, while reducing the carbon footprint. In focus People saving energy ‘People saving Energy’ is a series of short videos presenting individual portraits of people working on energy efficiency and savings across Europe. We hear of their hopes and ambitions as they make their own energy-saving contributions and learn what inspired them to pursue their unique paths.Laura works as project manager for an energy and sustainability consultancy in France, advising companies and industries on energy efficiency, decarbonisation and sustainable development. Latest Press release30. siječnja 2025.EU invests over €1.2 billion in cross-border infrastructure contributing to build our Energy Union and to boost competitivenessNews announcement29. siječnja 2025.Energy subsidies report shows progress in 2023Predviđeno vrijeme čitanja: 1 minMore news Events 18velj2025Javne debateYouth Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Dan Jørgensen - Shaping a clean, sustainable and fair energy future27velj2025Partnerski sastanciThird Plenary Meeting of the Investors Dialogue on EnergySee more events Povezane informacijePolitikeZakonodavstvoSavjetovanja
Energy policy is critical for European competitiveness and security and to achieving climate neutrality. It is a shared competence between the EU and its member countries, defined in Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In a spirit of solidarity, the EU’s policy action responds to 3 main challenges: ensuring a secure and safe energy supplyworking towards the affordability of energy for business and citizens and supporting Europe’s competitivenesspromoting clean and sustainable energy production and use for the EU to meet its decarbonisation goals
Energy efficiencyEnergy is a valuable asset. Learn how the EU ensures we can make the most efficient use of it.
Markets and consumersExplore the rules shaping the EU’s energy markets and protecting and empowering consumers.
InfrastructureGrids are the backbone of the EU’s energy systems. Find out how the EU strengthens and expands our grids.
Research and technologyPromoting research and innovation is key to achieving the energy transition and improving competitiveness. Find out what the EU does.
Nuclear energy From ensuring nuclear safety to supporting the use of radiation and nuclear technologies in medicine, explore the EU’s nuclear energy policy.
People saving energy ‘People saving Energy’ is a series of short videos presenting individual portraits of people working on energy efficiency and savings across Europe. We hear of their hopes and ambitions as they make their own energy-saving contributions and learn what inspired them to pursue their unique paths.Laura works as project manager for an energy and sustainability consultancy in France, advising companies and industries on energy efficiency, decarbonisation and sustainable development.
Press release30. siječnja 2025.EU invests over €1.2 billion in cross-border infrastructure contributing to build our Energy Union and to boost competitiveness
News announcement29. siječnja 2025.Energy subsidies report shows progress in 2023Predviđeno vrijeme čitanja: 1 min
18velj2025Javne debateYouth Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Dan Jørgensen - Shaping a clean, sustainable and fair energy future