Create, modify, and extract from Unix archives. Typically used for static libraries (.a) and Debian packages (.deb). See also: tar. More information: <>.
- All systems
- Debian
apt-get install binutils-i586-linux-gnu
- Ubuntu
apt-get install binutils-2.26
apk add binutils
- Arch Linux
pacman -S aarch64-linux-gnu-binutils
- Kali Linux
apt-get install binutils-x86-64-kfreebsd-gnu
- CentOS
yum install binutils
- Fedora
dnf install binutils-arc-linux-gnu
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install binutils-2.26
- OS X
brew install binutils
- Raspbian
apt-get install binutils-multiarch
- Dockerfile
- Docker
docker run ar
powered by Commando
Create, modify, and extract from Unix archives. Typically used for static libraries (.a) and Debian packages (.deb). See also: tar. More information: <>.
E[x]tract all members from an archive:
ar x path/to/file.a
Lis[t] contents in a specific archive:
ar t path/to/
[r]eplace or add specific files to an archive:
ar r path/to/file.deb path/to/debian-binary path/to/control.tar.gz path/to/data.tar.xz ...
In[s]ert an object file index (equivalent to using `ranlib`):
ar s path/to/file.a
Create an archive with specific files and an accompanying object file index:
ar rs path/to/file.a path/to/file1.o path/to/file2.o ...
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