碰巧看到卖二手东西的网站有人卖一个Pickard的瓷盘,觉得做工不错,就搜了一下这个瓷厂的背景,发现原来是美国国务院指定美国在世界各国大使馆和外交机构官方使用的瓷器。虽然有点小贵,但还是买下做个纪念。中国的官窑买不起,就买个美国的官方用瓷吧下面是Wiki的介绍: In 1977, Pickard was selected by the U.S. Department of State to manufacture the official service of china used by American embassies and other diplomatic missions around the world. The special decoration has an embossed gold border of stars and stripes and an embossed reproduction of the Great Seal of the United States. Pickard was also selected to produce exclusive fine china services for heads of state, corporations, and hotels, including the King of Saudi Arabia, Hilton Hotels, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, Marriott Corporation, General Motors, the U.S. Air Force, New York's Gracie Mansion, the United Nations, Air Force One, Blair House and Camp David.新浪博客也有个藏友写过一些介绍:"美国国务院的国宴和美国空军一号总统专机都使用皮卡德的瓷器,还有布莱尔宫和美国总统度假,密商重要国际事物的戴维营也使用皮卡德瓷器。皮卡德瓷器多年来也被选为很多国家元首和许多著名的酒店,饭店和公司独特的服务。例如沙特阿拉伯王室,英国女王和王室也使用。希尔顿,喜来登的万豪酒店用以招待特别贵宾而使用的餐具。"评分完成:已经给 小猫鼬 加上 100 银元!
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