刚刚在留园首页看到这样一篇新闻:美军基地发生枪击 指挥官:发生内部武装骚动 6park.com 6park.com发生了什么,为什么发生,结果如果都不重要,重要的是看看什么是中国式的胡说八道 文章里说 6park.com美国佛罗里达州的空军基地哈尔伯特营地(Hurlburt Field)当地时间24日下午发生枪击案,虽然仅造成1死1伤,伤亡并不严重,但诡异的是特种作战第1飞行联队指挥官在脸书发文生声称,发生内部武装骚动(armed domestic disturbance)。,“我们基地发生了武装内乱,造成1人死亡、1人受伤,联队绝不容忍这种内部暴力行为,我们将不断透过各种资源,缓解这种不必要的暴力行为” 我查了一下英文报道:My condolences go out to all affected by this senseless tragedy. Today there was an armed domestic disturbance on our base leaving one dead and one injured. The 1st Special Operations Wing does not condone domestic violence. We constantly work to mitigate this needless violence through our on-base resources and programs that are offered to all Hurlburt Field members. I greatly appreciate the outstanding response by our Defenders and the Okaloosa County Sheriffs. I am thankful to the community for your continued support of our airmen and families during this time. 6park.comdomestic disturbance 指的是超越争吵的家庭暴力,比如先生说太太菜做到不好,结果太太把麻婆豆腐倒在先生脑袋上这类的。armed domestic disturbance 就是有一方持枪威胁包括开枪。 6park.com而中国式的胡说八道: 硬给翻译成“武装内乱” “内部武装骚动” 6park.com这里特别提醒爱国人士, domestic 是指家里。 比如domestic animal 说的是猪狗羊猫之类的。 可不是内部动物。 男人的小鸡鸡才是内部动物。 我总说,反美是你的权利, 胡说八道似的反美会降低你党的可信度。