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送交者: 中國釣魚島[♂☆★爱国心中国仁★☆♂] 于 2022-03-31 12:14 已读 1292 次 1 赞  


US ramps up imports of ‘banned’ Russian oil

Tom Paiva Photography / Getty Images
Purchases have risen to 100,000 barrels a day, data shows 6park.com

The volume of Russian oil imports by the United States has increased by 43% from March 19 to 25 compared to the previous week, according to a new report by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Data showed the US imported up to 100,000 barrels of Russian crude per day.

Imports had been suspended during the week of February 19 to February 25. However, in early March, the weekly supply of Russian oil reached its maximum value in 2022, amounting to 148,000 barrels per day.

The ramp up comes despite US President Joe Biden’s signing of an executive order on March 8, banning energy imports from Russia and new investment in the Russian energy sector. The US Treasury has set a deadline for the completion of transactions for the import of oil, oil products, LNG, and coal from Russia into the country until April 22. 6park.com

READ MORE: Wall Street bank raises US economy alarm

In 2021, Russian oil supplies to the United States more than doubled compared to 2020, reaching 72.608 million barrels. That is 3.3% of the US’ total imports. Russia has also provided 20% of the total supply of petroleum products to the United States. 6park.com


来源:海外网 6park.com


俄罗斯石油储罐站 6park.com

海外网3月31日电据“今日俄罗斯”30日报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)发布报告称,3月19日至25日,美国从俄罗斯进口的石油数量比前一个星期增加了43%。数据显示,美国每天从俄罗斯进口多达10万桶石油。 6park.com

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