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送交者: ontariopage[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2021-02-13 10:18 已读 1401 次  


一个星期内发生的,请看完 6park.com

1. Tesla invests $1.5B in #Bitcoin  6park.com

2. New #Bitcoin  ATH 6park.com

3. St. Louis Fed tweets DeFi paper  6park.com

4. Miami Mayor to add BTC to BS 6park.com

5. BNY Mellon to custody #Bitcoin  6park.com

6. Mastercard to allow merchants to accept crypto 6park.com

7. PayPal adding crypto to Venmo in first half 6park.com

8. Amazon to create digital currency for Prime members in Mexico 6park.com

9. The Senate of Nigeria, "#Bitcoin  has made our currency almost useless and valueless." 6park.com

10. First commercial bank in the US to have #Bitcoin  ATMs 6park.com

11. #Bitcoin   larger than the Swiss Franc 🇨🇭 (M1) in size 6park.com

12. RBC Capital Markets report, “Apple could be next to buy #Bitcoin " 6park.com

13. All 5 of the most downloaded finance apps in the UK are #Bitcoin   exchanges or wallets 6park.com

14. The Iranian government reportedly now owns over 45k #Bitcoin   mining machines 6park.com

15. $1.9 trillion stimulus passed 6park.com

16. Citibank report states #Bitcoin   "could reach $300k" by eoy 6park.com

17. Bill Miller disclosed his fund's plan to invest $300 million into #Bitcoin   6park.com

18. Ray Dalio a keynote for Consensus 6park.com

19. Morgan Stanley says crypto here to stay 6park.com

20. SEC Commissioner, “We’re ready for a bitcoin ETP.”
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