当我们伸出热情的双手去真心帮助它们时,它们仍在使劲的诋毁你。请善良的中国人收起自己的怜悯之心,让傲慢,自私的西方人自生自灭吧。 这是Daily Mail 的新闻:
"China's efforts to blame coronavirus on a US army delegation to Wuhan infuriate No. 10 as Boris Johnson's advisers say Beijing's statistics on its cases could be downplayed by a factor of 40" 6park.com这是一些评论: 1. time to take back out manufacturing and stop buying chinese goods 6park.com2. 5G deal? No-hwei. 6park.com3.China and their accomplice and puppets from the WHO have created this mess. They have destroyed samples and silenced whistle blowers. All deaths outside China are on their hands. 6park.com4.Nothing will change, they manufacture cheaply and people make more money that way......unfortunately, only money matters these days, or china would be ostracized from world trade。 6park.com5.Is there no end to China's dishonesty, Cancel the Huawei no! We cannot trust them. 6park.com6.At the cost of human life and trillions, it's about bloody time!!! 6park.com7.The Chinese government has lost any respect I had for them. They win the gold medal for telling porkpies. 6park.com