Ashish Hedau13 hours ago Lol look who is talking about international law... Fuck you... First open your eyes to see the laws of world... Oh sorry ur Chinese Sean Wang12 hours ago Im not so surprise when see you are fucking left and fucking right, you also fuck girls around you, which just proved that India is a country of rape and Indian males are all rapists, you are dirty you are curry smelly and you say yes while shaking your head to confuse people communicate with you. Don't be mad to the above conclusion, they are the facts, and I'm just saying it out loud, see the newspaper and the anti-rape protests, those news are genuine and they are easy to find online everywhere. Also it is true that most Indians are dirty, in Ganga river there are dead cats and dogs and sometimes floating human corpse, people wash cloth and take bath in Ganga for religious purpose who believe that Ganga river will wash away their sins, Indians wish to die in their mother river which this created terrible health issue. Indian people don't use paper when poo, but with left hand. don't deny it, you don't even use your left hand when in social. There are cows, chicken, monkey, cat, dog, elephant on the street which Indians believe that human and animals should be in harmony, I respect that, but that also has consequence, low efficiency, your democracy is also in low efficiency that talk to much with no action, same thing to your caste system, men/women right, and also low efficiency in language, there are hundred of languages across states, also rebels issue, separated taxation system. The Rupee withdraw Modi made aimed to build a integrated taxation system, but economic downside is significant, the unstable economy situation encourages him to make bold move on the border, he also aims for the next election. When India has so many domestic issues, challenging a strong neighbour is not wise, his gambling India's future. Don't be angry, I'm pragmatical person, and I respect your religion, and truly I believe Indians are wisdom enough to truly look into yourself and find a good way to solve them. Rather than holding the the former colonist's legacy (taking other nations territory) which you also against it while in your independency, you should really ask yourself the following question: What is REALLY good for Indian people, to start war to prove you are strong nation? or ways to improve people's lives, develop your country to a better place? Bully to your small neighbours? or to partner with your neighbours. The future of Sino-India relationship lies in your hands as we are not the one who cross border. If you seek enemy we will make a good one or maybe two, if you want 2.5 fronts we may give you 5, 1 John Jon12 hours ago Sean wang. I respect your opinion but I'm telling you The video lacks sense of humour and sarcasm was horrible and it's terribly failed to look funny. It's not your peoples fault. Communism has actually imposed so many restrictions that your sense of humour couldn't evolve under such environment. Do you get proper education? I see lots of comments insensitive and uncivilised. I thought china was advanced I was wrong But it's alright eeveyone has idiots in their countries Sean Wang12 hours ago Good point, and I agree with you that if you count the uncivillized, India wins Rahul Naithani11 hours ago Sean Wang Don't call urself pragmatical person Mr wang it is a insults to them U r a ignorant person without any knowledge and dumb enough to give a comment without knowing anything about the treaties. U r that ignorant person who when don't have any point to prove his point started cursing at people, u call all Indian rapist that shows how much of intellectual u are, atleast u should have read the report which highlighted which country have highest crime against women,but u didn't feel need of that because for u ur communist newspaper statement is only thing acceptable. What a joke u are Mr Wang. U didn't answered a single questions of mine and I was even able to prove the evidence provided by china a facade, u didn't able to prove anything. I expected that u would make comeback with something better, but u come up with derogatory remarks and abuses. U will not even be able to open two front for India,forget about five, even ur hypothesis of war is so childish and naive. U live in a fantasy and will always be. So true empty vessel make much noise. Sean Wang11 hours ago when seeing all indians here are fucking left and right here, it is easy to draw conclusion. 1 Rahul Naithani10 hours ago Sean Wang And that's best u can do Repeat ur comments Standard of being knowledgeable has stoop very low for the chinese Mr Wang u don't have enough knowledge to draw conclusions, First study and build up ur views based on facts and figures Arpit Pandey9 hours ago You son of a dog who eats literally any insect or even a fly, tribal . who literally boils little dogs alive and enjoys eating it. you all will burn in hell, Racist ching chong chinese Sean Wang7 hours ago When I say India is DIRTY, I have prof, it is fact that India is dirty, even you deny it, but it doesn't matter, since you are all poor keyboard worriers that deny every fact, I just wasted a little precious time of mine for your guidance to the truth. Some video are shot by your fello Indians and some from foreigners and BBC, you do believe in BBC right? oh yeah, see what they say:
1 Sean Wang7 hours ago Again, I'm just saying the fact, and I DO RESECT the people have the right to keep living in that way. 1 Sean Wang7 hours ago oops, sorry I forgot the rape video, but since rapists are busy while they harming women, they didn't shot any crime videos of their own but I assure you can find a lot of protests and news online. The great India is a systematical evil place at night for Indian women, foreigners women and even teenage girls. Good luck for your guns and boats toward your neighbours, and god bless your poor women. And I believe you are proud to call it superior democracy country isn't it? 1 Sean Wang7 hours ago At last, say the word, fuck me back on sideways, and I let me know more about you Indians. 1 Sean Wang3 minutes ago Despite if this video is racism or not. Pity you keyboard warriors are concerning racism more than dying people in Ganga river? Poor starving people don't even have enough energy to protest on street, I bet it will be a more chaotic place if they do, facing this democracy, Indias' strong nation is a dream. Like I previously said I respect pathetic people choosing living in that way that they believed in after life religious of thing as that's what people called freedom on religion, but please I beg you people just keep this kind of living style within India, don't spread this out to China, I understand Indias' ambitions and want to introduce this life style to the world also the caste system etc, but sorry, I'm scary to see shithole and dead animals on street. Again, above is based on the facts, I don't care if you think i'm right or wrong, I just saw those videos everywhere from western travellers. If you wish to fool yourself that's your own problems and I don't surprise. I can imagine how angry you are, but I'm sorry that's reality, and I can see the coming fucking words on me, come on, then spit it to me, I want to see how dirty you really are both physically and mentally.
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