以下是dealer邮件内容We often receive requests for pre-owned vehicle
models similar to yours. According to our records, it appears you have
approximately 12 payments remaining on your 2017 Audi Q5
and are paying approximately $x,xxx.
Being able to acquire vehicles that we have either sold, serviced or both that
we can add to our Pre-Owned inventory is the best possible scenario. In a
search of our customer records I identified your car as a perfect match for us.
As compensation to you, if we could upgrade you to a newer Audi Q5
keeping your payments about the same, would you consider letting us purchase
your car?我车是最后一批老Q5,2.0T,顶配加特别轮毂,很漂亮,街上比较少见,4年+4年延保,100k mile,五年prepaid maintenance. 老Q5用的是采埃孚(ZF)8AT发动机,全时四驱,德国造。新Q5是7速双离合(貌似口碑不怎么好),智能四驱,墨西哥造。
估计他说的“a newer Audi Q5”是款式新,未必是新车(我可能想多了哈哈),不太可能是车龄更短的老Q5,因为几乎不存在比我车龄还短的老Q5了。不知道各位大神什么看法。
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