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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-07-05 20:34 已读 5161 次 1 赞  


海二, 优地, 米线:

张波, 蓝培:

《相约永久/Baqxe Neecaev》
     (哈尼语版/Hani¹ Version)              Date of Eternity 6park.com

词 : 杨泽华, 苍包 (Lyrics : Yang Zehua, Cang Bao) 曲 : 张波 (Music : Zhang Bo) 谱 : .... 暂无 .... 6park.com

Lyrics: [ M=Male, F=Female, D=Duet ] (This is a secondary translation based on the Chinese lyrics in the subtitles, with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 1 : M ] (Rhyme : aaaa)————• 6park.com

不是扁球 滚出了跑道啊 It's not that the flatball rolls out of track or lines, 6park.com

不是弩箭 射偏了靶心 It's not that the crossbow arrow misses the bullseye. 6park.com

阿妹的五谷 错过了栽种的季节啊 *Ah Mui you have missed the planting season for your rice, 6park.com

阿妹的婚姻 失去了择偶的时机 Ah Mui you've lost the chance to pick an ideal mate for life. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 2 : M ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

五谷不一定 早种早灌浆呀 Early rice planting does not mean early watering, 6park.com

婚姻不一定 早结就美满呀 Early marriage no guarantee for happy endings. 6park.com

早种的五谷 有时会长白穗啊 Rice planted too early may yield empty, 6park.com

早结的婚姻 有的会很悲惨耶 Married too early may end up in misery. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 3 : F ] (Rhyme : abab)————• 6park.com

你说的话语 实实在在啊 What you said is so frank and candid ; 6park.com

你说的话语 真真切切 What you said is so real so true. 6park.com

你说的话语 像砂子掷地有声啊 Your words' like stones hitting the floor sound so solid ; 6park.com

你的话语 像撒秧的谷种 颗颗饱满 Your words' like the sowing seeds, each grain is so full. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 4 : F ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

阿妹小时候 心智不成熟 Ah Mui was childish, mindset immature ; 6park.com

阿妹年轻时 考虑不周到 Ah Mui was too young to mull it over. 6park.com

男人的甜言 阿妹当了真呀 Sweet talk from the men, Ah Mui was too foolish, 6park.com

轻率的婚姻 造成了今天的不幸 Hasty marriage results in today's hardships. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 5 : D ] (Rhyme : aaaa)————• 6park.com

哎... / Eh... 6park.com

如果是相亲相爱的情人啊, 阿妹啊 For lovers whose hearts are given to each other, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

如果是相依相伴的情侣啊, 阿妹啊 For couple who want to be together, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

相亲相爱的人要成对呀, 阿妹啊 Lovers with vows exchanged shall become couple, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

相依相伴的人要成双呀, 阿妹啊 Couple shall forever stay together, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 6 : D ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

自己的婚姻 自己要做主呀, 阿妹啊 Your own marriage, you should call the shots, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

自己的生活 要自己安排呀, 阿妹啊 It is your own life, you should take full charge, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

我们去傣寨边 安家落户呀, 阿妹啊 Let's go to Dai² village to build our homestead, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

我们去彝村上 落户安家呀, 阿妹啊 Let's move to Yi³ hamlet to make our love nest, Ah Mui eh.. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 7 : D ] (Rhyme : aa)—————• 6park.com

哎... 哎... / Eh... Eh... 6park.com

如是今生不能成对啊, 来生啊来世 If this life we can't be together, vow for next life, 6park.com

我们也要做恩爱的一双啊, 阿妹啊... Next life we shall be a loving husband-and-wife, Ah Mui eh... . . . Translated by ck 2020-09-24 •===================================• Notes : 6park.com

*Ah Mui : Literally, “sis”, an affectionate way to address a younger female, much like the terms “sweetheart” or “dear” in western cultures. It can also be used as a pronoun to self-address. 6park.com

1, 2, 3. Hani (哈尼), Dai (傣), Yi (彝) : Ethnic minorities in the southwest of China. ———————————————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Hani (Akha) version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated lyrics.  6park.com

The Hani script is re-written approximately in the Chinese Pinyin system (in italics) without the extra unpronounced add-on alphabets for ease of following the song.  6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 1 : M ]————————• 6park.com

不是扁球 - 滚 - 出了跑道啊 (10) A be qi qiu lo ae - ho ge - ze e ma nge mi a, (14) It's not that the flatball - rolls - out of track or lines, (12) 6park.com

不是弩箭 - 射偏了 - 靶心 (9) Ka be a pia lo ae - la ta jie e - ma nge mi a. (14) It's not that the crossbow - arrow misses - the bullseye. (13) 6park.com

阿妹的五谷 - 错过了- 栽种的季节啊 (14) Mi lo wo cuo - hui ge - ze i nie wa xia mi a, (13) Ah Mui you have - missed the - planting season for your rice, (13) 6park.com

阿妹的婚姻 - 失去了 - 择偶的 - 时机 (13) Mi lo za xia - la ta - jie nie - wa xia mi a. (12) Ah Mui you've lost the - chance to pick - an ideal - mate for life. (14) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 2 : M ]————————• 6park.com

五谷不一定 - 早 - 种早灌浆呀 (11) ho cuo nga ae qie ma - za lie - nga e ma nge jie eh, (14) Early rice planting does - not - mean early watering, (13) 6park.com

婚姻不一定 - 早结就 - 美满呀 (11) Zen xia na ae da ma - la za nga e - ma nge jie eh. (14) Early marriage no - guarantee for - happy endings. (14) 6park.com

早种的五谷 - 有时 - 会长白穗啊 (12) Ngu cuo na na - ngu do - do piu u mia nga jie, (12) Rice planted too - early - may yield empty, (10) 6park.com

早结的婚姻 - 有的会 - 很悲惨耶 (12) Zen xia na na - da ma - xia zan mia nga jie. (11) Married too early - may end - up in misery. (12) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 3 : F ]————————• 6park.com

你说的话语 - 实实在在啊 (10) Ma ca a do - ma cuo lei lo mi a ; (10) What you said is - so frank and candid ; (9) 6park.com

你说的话语 - 真真切切 (9) Ma jian ma ma do - i ti do ma nga mi a. (12) What you said is - so real so true. (8) 6park.com

你说的话语像 - 砂子掷地有声啊 (13) Do ma a di nya ae - ha xi be te lo ae ; (12) Your words' like stones hitting - the floor sound so solid ; (12) 6park.com

你的话语 像撒秧的 - 谷种 颗颗饱满 (14) Qie me bo eh du gia ai - o ke xie ngae lo ae. (13) Your words' like the sowing seeds, - each grain is so full. (12) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 4 : F ]————————• 6park.com

阿妹小时候 - 心智不成熟 (10) A lu ma lo - ne da ma dui ae ; (9) Ah Mui was childish, - mindset immature ; (10) 6park.com

阿妹年轻时 - 考虑不周到 (10) A mui ya nyi ngeh i - neh ka ma gu ae. (11) Ah Mui was too young - to mull it over. (10) 6park.com

男人的甜言 - 阿妹当了真呀 (11) A qiao cuo geng eh - la yo qie leh ka mi, (11) Sweet talk from the men, - Ah Mui was too foolish, (11) 6park.com

轻率的婚姻 造成了 - 今天的不幸 (13) Mi lo do mo oh nae eh - zan xia um xia a nia. (13) Hasty marriage results - in today's hardships. (12) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 5 : D ]————————• 6park.com

哎... / Eh... 6park.com

如果是相亲 - 相爱的情人啊, - 阿妹啊 (14) So ma ni la mo qi - a co do lo a na eh - a mui eh.. (16) For lovers whose hearts are - given to each other, - Ah Mui eh.. (15) 6park.com

如果是相依 - 相伴的情侣啊, - 阿妹啊 (14) Jie ma ni xi mo qi - a xia do lo a na eh - a mui eh.. (16) For couple who want - to be together, - Ah Mui eh.. (13) 6park.com

相亲相爱的人 - 要成对呀, - 阿妹啊 (13) Qio ma ni la mo oh - zan la xia ke be - a mui eh.. (14) Lovers with vows exchanged - shall become couple, - Ah Mui eh.. (14) 6park.com

相依相伴的人 - 要成双呀, - 阿妹啊 (13) Jie ma ni xi ma oh - oh la qio ka ba - a mui eh.. (14) Couple shall forever - stay together, - Ah Mui eh.. (13) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 6 : D ]————————• 6park.com

自己的婚姻 - 自己要做主呀, - 阿妹啊 (14) Ni zui da ma ma mo - ka an ti za jia ja be - a mui eh.. (16) Your own marriage, - you should call the shots, - Ah Mui eh.. (13) 6park.com

自己的生活 - 要自己安排呀, - 阿妹啊 (14) Ni zui da ma ma xi - ka an ti go ba i be - a mui eh.. (16) It is your own life, - you should take full charge, - Ah Mui eh.. (13) 6park.com

我们去傣寨边 - 安家落户呀, - 阿妹啊 (14) A qio ho to i oh - ti lo jia yi be - a mui eh.. (14) Let's go to Dai village - to build our homestead, - Ah Mui eh.. (14) 6park.com

我们去彝村上 - 落户安家呀, - 阿妹啊 (14) A wo ho to i oh - ti go ba i be - a mui eh.. (14) Let's move to Yi hamlet - to make our love nest, - Ah Mui eh.. (14) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 7 : D ]————————• 6park.com

哎... 哎... / Eh... Eh... 6park.com

如是今生不能 - 成对啊 - 来生啊来世 (14) Dae ba qi zer ma ya - um la xi ba - to so ya zer, (14) If this life we can't be - together, - vow for next life, (13) 6park.com

我们也要做 - 恩爱的一双啊 - 阿妹啊... (14) Xi ba to so ya zer - a ka um lie be i - a mui eh... (15) Next life we shall be a - loving husband-and-wife, - Ah Mui eh... (15) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2024_07_05 22:33:22编辑
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