说是optus (澳洲)关掉3g

送交者: zfwm [♂☆人生高兴就好☆♂] 于 2024-05-09 3:46 已读 31779 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读
Hi, from September 2024, Optus will be switching off its 3G network that you use on your Coles Mobile plan. We’ve determined that the device you’re using will no longer work from this date. This includes the inability to make calls (including emergency calls to 000), send messages, and/or use data. You’ll need a new device to stay connected. More info: colesmobile.com.au/home/page/3g-networkg


我的是4g(半年前买的),应该不受影响,可哪个链接又说:Please note, it’s not just 3G devices that will be impacted, some recent 4G devices may also be impacted including models that 
may have been purchased overseas or imported which aren’t configured for Australian networks or do not support 4G VoLTE.

他奶奶的, 是不是换5g 手机就没事了?
手里还真有个中兴的5g手机spare, 但是我尽量不想换用, 因为习惯华为的


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