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送交者: urine[☆★都看不见我★☆] 于 2020-12-08 8:23 已读 5542 次 7 赞  


这次川普严打中共官员,致使其纷纷出售美国资产,导致美国房价下跌40%,美国股市下跌50%。 6park.com

而民主自由的台湾,官员清廉,虽然每年大陆惠台,每年只有10亿美元的逆差,在40年内,台湾竟然积累了惊人的4000亿美元的外汇储备。令人敬佩不已,实在是华人世界政客的模范。 6park.com

Senior CCP officials are corrupt. According to the US CIA, senior CCP officials have used money from corruption to buy 20% of American stocks and 5% of luxury houses. 6park.com

This time Trump cracked down on CCP officials, causing them to sell US assets one after another, resulting in a 40% drop in US housing prices and a 50% drop in the US stock market. 6park.com


On the other hand, in a democratic and free Taiwan, officials are incorruptible. Although the mainland benefits Taiwan each year and only has a deficit of US$1 billion per year, in 40 years, Taiwan has accumulated an astonishing US$400 billion in foreign exchange reserves. It is admirable, and it is indeed a model of Chinese politicians in the world.
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