Raul Mora

Raul Mora

Basel, Basel, Schweiz
2357 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Enterprise future state design expert, with extensive (ca. 20 years) experience on…



Anmelden, um alle Aktivitäten zu sehen


  • Roche Grafik


    Basel, Switzerland

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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    Basel Area, Switzerland

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    Basel Area, Switzerland

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    Zürich Area, Switzerland

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    Baden, Switzerland

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    París y alrededores, Francia

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    Bogota, Colombia


  • MIT Sloan Executive Education Grafik
  • Renewable energies technologies
    Energy projects economics
    Thermoptim simulation
    Heat engines & boilers
    Solar & Geothermal technologies

  • Energy Policy
    International negotiations
    Introduction to Organizations
    Innovation & Technology
    Management Skills

  • Minor in Heterogeneous Catalysis - Enzyme immobilization over ionic resins
    Minor in Chemical Process simulation with Aspen Plus
    Scholar of 'Best highschool students' during the entire career.

  • Elevate your leadership in a dynamic business world, whether that means understanding the implications of AI and analytics or strengthening your skills in negotiation and complex problem solving.

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Aiducation International Grafik


    Aiducation International

    –Heute 10 Jahre 10 Monate


    Aiducation International (AI, commonly known as Aiducation), founded in 2007, is an international non-profit organization (NPO) in the field of education. It sources scholarships from private persons in developed countries (the donors are called "AiduMakers") and awards these scholarships on a merit basis to needy students in developing countries. Its focus is on Kenya.


  • Glocal Energy Efficiency Initiatives: how ownership improves bottom up consolidation of corporate targets

    ener.CON 2015 Europe

    Glocal Energy Efficiency Initiatives: How Ownership Improves Bottom up Consolidation of Corporate Targets
    Raul Mora, Manager Environment & CSR, Alstom / Switzerland
    Historic top down approach of O&T’s not delivering the expected results
    New Approach: From isolated initiatives to glocal – vertically (technology) and transversally (know how) harmonized global solutions
    Three pillars:

    Baseline (harmonized data collection)
    Tools (enablers to link baseline with awareness –…

    Glocal Energy Efficiency Initiatives: How Ownership Improves Bottom up Consolidation of Corporate Targets
    Raul Mora, Manager Environment & CSR, Alstom / Switzerland
    Historic top down approach of O&T’s not delivering the expected results
    New Approach: From isolated initiatives to glocal – vertically (technology) and transversally (know how) harmonized global solutions
    Three pillars:

    Baseline (harmonized data collection)
    Tools (enablers to link baseline with awareness – competency development
    Awareness (senior management, site management and environmental Champion training
    4th pillar: bringing everything together with Lean Six Sigma

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen


  • Advanced Firefighting - Industrial emergencies


  • Archeoastronomy


  • BPM - Business Process Management

    Advanced Thinking

  • Biology of human and animal behavior


  • Business Process Management


  • Corporate Social Responsibility Practitioner


  • Energy Efficiency Management


  • Heterogenous Catalysis - Enzime immobilization over ionic resins


  • ISO 14001 Internal Auditor


  • ISO 18001 Internal Auditor


  • Incident Commander in Emergencies with Hazardous Materials

    Texas A&M

  • PMP - Project Management Professional


  • SOURCE Root Cause Analysis


  • Senior Business Improvement Leader


  • Six Sigma Black Belt


  • Six Sigma Green Belt



  • Future state process blueprint – content reuse & automation (CRA) and enhanced insights from data


    under the
    CRAO collaborate with the content team to deliver early prototypes of how adoption by the business can be established.
    Support and advise how early (deterministic) decision models will define the data to content process; demonstrate how this
    will enable the systematic generation of content

  • Strategic Workforce Planning Framework

    Develop a framework to establish how a 5000+ organization will define, establish and sustain its strategic workforce needs, enabled by advanced data analytics and simplified forecast and projection models along with early recommendation engines for senior leadership informed decision making.

  • Enhanced program delivery service model – Faster Filing


    under the Program Excellence Triad (PMO, OCM, OI),
    provided the infrastructure and operating model to deliver transparent value to the acceleration of the end-to-end filing
    timeline. Use case of how a strategic initiative could be set up to ensure it fits the ‘bigger picture’ of the Pharma vision.

  • Acceleration platform (AxP) – advanced architecture visualization


    develop a comprehensive and holistic Product Development wide architecture platform that will allow to visually displaying the impact of strategic decisions on the future state of the organization.

  • Field Service Tool Container upgrade


    Full upgrade of the tool container preparation process, including:
    - Through Kaizen event and using Lean tools, identification of 80+ improvement items in the tool container (TC) preparation process, as well as 90+ permanent tasks requiring revision.
    - Development of a totally new TC concept, including a modular approach (kits) to improve preparation and inspection times, as well as easier on-site movement and use. Among others, detailed design of new tool listas, pneumatic, hydraulic…

    Full upgrade of the tool container preparation process, including:
    - Through Kaizen event and using Lean tools, identification of 80+ improvement items in the tool container (TC) preparation process, as well as 90+ permanent tasks requiring revision.
    - Development of a totally new TC concept, including a modular approach (kits) to improve preparation and inspection times, as well as easier on-site movement and use. Among others, detailed design of new tool listas, pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical tool kits that consider significant technical, ergonomic and EHS related improvements.
    - Review and propose new cost tracking approach, including revised inventory management strategy, cost center structure and identification of suppliers.
    - Upgrade of Safety Cabinet PPE specs and equipment, review of risk assessments for the use of tools and integration of safety aspects in the technical SOP's for use of tooling.

  • Competence Management System - design and development


    Conceive, design and develop a framework for a revamped Competence Management System for EMA Field Service.
    Establish an umbrella document that defines the new vision and policy on Competence management to modernize the way personnel is trained and developed.
    Define a revised Competence matrix to prepare the engineers for the new market challenges.
    Search, shortlist and test CMS tools that will allow an effective management of competencies documentation and record keeping…

    Conceive, design and develop a framework for a revamped Competence Management System for EMA Field Service.
    Establish an umbrella document that defines the new vision and policy on Competence management to modernize the way personnel is trained and developed.
    Define a revised Competence matrix to prepare the engineers for the new market challenges.
    Search, shortlist and test CMS tools that will allow an effective management of competencies documentation and record keeping.
    Pilot, implement and roll out the full concept within the EMA region (on going)

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  • Project Management package


    Full revision, update and modernization of the way the organization performs project management in order to:
    - Align to recent best PM practices from recognized institutions (e.g. PMI)
    - Develop or update existing tools and guidance for planning, execution, monitoring & control and closing of projects.
    - Aim for improved standardization of processes and tools.
    - Revise the division of work and division of responsibility to identify opportunities for increased synergy and…

    Full revision, update and modernization of the way the organization performs project management in order to:
    - Align to recent best PM practices from recognized institutions (e.g. PMI)
    - Develop or update existing tools and guidance for planning, execution, monitoring & control and closing of projects.
    - Aim for improved standardization of processes and tools.
    - Revise the division of work and division of responsibility to identify opportunities for increased synergy and efficiency between and amongst functions.

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  • Business Process Management review


    Revision of selected Operations business processes in order to:
    - Improve understanding of division of work and division of responsibility of selected key roles in the organization.
    - Harmonize the approach to process mapping, standardize terminology and train all functions on BPM and it's interface with IT tools (including ERP systems)
    - Develop from process mapping revised role definition, draft revised job descriptions and identify performance indicators to monitor both process and…

    Revision of selected Operations business processes in order to:
    - Improve understanding of division of work and division of responsibility of selected key roles in the organization.
    - Harmonize the approach to process mapping, standardize terminology and train all functions on BPM and it's interface with IT tools (including ERP systems)
    - Develop from process mapping revised role definition, draft revised job descriptions and identify performance indicators to monitor both process and role performance based on sound data collection plans.

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  • ICT for boosting rural farming



    Small scale farmers often lack access to market information and have limited or no choice of
    market intermediates to conduct favorable agri-business transactions.
    Small scale farmers engage in high risk transactions like buying agrochemicals and seeds in
    advance, without knowing environmental conditions and crop prices, compromising their ROI
    (return on investment).
    Often, this lack of access to information is used by…


    Small scale farmers often lack access to market information and have limited or no choice of
    market intermediates to conduct favorable agri-business transactions.
    Small scale farmers engage in high risk transactions like buying agrochemicals and seeds in
    advance, without knowing environmental conditions and crop prices, compromising their ROI
    (return on investment).
    Often, this lack of access to information is used by intermediates to speculate with the prices,
    leaving farmers in an even worse condition and compromising their future (unable to pay
    mortgages, unable to sustain productivity of owned land - if owned-, unable to compete with
    large scale farmers.

    Our Vision
    Boosting rural farming through ICT:
    - Enable small scale farmers to access information that will improve their quality of life through
    - By 2050, over half of the population will be urban mostly due to the perception that cities have
    more chances to have a 'better life'. Developing regions have high rural to urban migration
    because they do not have access to opportunities.
    - Sustainable food security for a 10 billion people world, requires as well diversity of rural
    practices and access to a fair market. Giving access to ICT, small farmers will be empowered todo so.

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    Projekt anzeigen
  • Environmentally Efficient Operations


    • Established the Environmental Efficient Operations program in the Business (24 fixed facilities) and extended it to Sector level and other 2 Businesses.
    • Developed, implemented and trained over 20 environmental champions globally in charge of executing the Environmental Efficient Operations action plan.

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  • Quality, EHS & CI tracking solution


    Mapping, standardization and development of QEHS & CI processes throughout Alstom Power (over 500 users in a 20,000 employee business impact potential) in order to specify, design and implement in an IT solution (Trackwise) to be used globally cross business, cross function.
    The project included:
    - Facilitating multiple workshops to map, standardize and optimize QEHS business processes
    - Design and specify the new standard business processes to be implemented in the IT solution

    Mapping, standardization and development of QEHS & CI processes throughout Alstom Power (over 500 users in a 20,000 employee business impact potential) in order to specify, design and implement in an IT solution (Trackwise) to be used globally cross business, cross function.
    The project included:
    - Facilitating multiple workshops to map, standardize and optimize QEHS business processes
    - Design and specify the new standard business processes to be implemented in the IT solution
    - Develop training modules for basic users, super users and admins of the tool
    - Deliver training and ensure smooth roll out of the new processes and the use of the tool
    - Present to key stakeholders key milestones, risk management options and status of the project

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  • Emergency Brigade Specialization at Atequiza Chemical process plant.

    Especialización de la brigada de respuesta a emergencias mediante la segmentación y especialización de sus participantes en:
    Brigada contra Incendios.
    Brigada de respuesta a emergencias con Materiales Peligrosos.
    Brigada de Búsqueda y Rescate.
    Brigada de atención de primeros Auxilios.

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  • End to end process redesign – Strategic roadmap development and implementation

    through 7 prototypes (including 3
    change requests to key systems), demonstrate to the organization (HQ and 5 regions endorsement achieved) how to
    redesign the inform consent process to achieve full end to end visibility under study conduct: who consented to what part of
    the trial and when. Project became two key MEP initiatives: iCOVER and ICF Selector.

  • Future state process blueprint – from document to data flow vision

    through a strategic regional (EMA) roadmap (country
    readiness), establish the decision-making and oversight model that would be enabled by a system that enhances the
    assembly of a Clinical Trial Application dossier. Delivered a future-state application prototype demonstrating 12 modules of
    a radically transformed process architecture.

  • Data Analysis for EHS

    Within the strategic action of improving the EHS core processes, one of the initiatives was to develop a training module that would give everyone in the global EHS community an overview of how Data Analysis (Six Sigma Green Belt) can be applied to EHS processes.

    The project consisted of customising existing Six Sigma training modules to the EHS context, by:
    - Using known language in the community
    - Using existing data sets used in the day to day life of an EHS professional to…

    Within the strategic action of improving the EHS core processes, one of the initiatives was to develop a training module that would give everyone in the global EHS community an overview of how Data Analysis (Six Sigma Green Belt) can be applied to EHS processes.

    The project consisted of customising existing Six Sigma training modules to the EHS context, by:
    - Using known language in the community
    - Using existing data sets used in the day to day life of an EHS professional to demonstrate how graphical and statistical analysis can be used for better decision making.
    - Deploying and executing a global training program
    - Identifying key people within the trainees that can become EHS Data Analysis Champions
    - With the coaching of the TS Master Black Belt, develop a development program for in-house (within the EHS function) trainers

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  • Process improvement on SMA co-polymer by phase separation thru inverse reaction and water-caustic-temperature control.

    Las características del proceso desarrollado, son propiedad intelectual y pertenecen a Cytec Industries.
    Los objetivos alcanzados fueron:
    Mejoramiento de la calidad final del producto terminado al obtener una distribución de pesos mas homogenea y un desempeño en aplicación mas estable.
    Reducción de tiempo de ciclo en 25% aprox.
    Reducción del consumo de energéticos en 45% aprox.
    Reducción de utilización de activos en 1 reactor y un tanque de espera.

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  • Process Safety Information - Plant System

    Development of the Plant's Process Safety Information in a IT solution to allow better management of the PSM program.
    - Data collection strategy: P&ID's, equipment, PLC controls, tank specs, etc.
    - Total Preventive Maintenance data base development
    - PHA inventory and repository
    - Development of CAD and 3D model pilots


  • English

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Spanish

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • French


  • Portuguese


  • German

    Gute Kenntnisse


  • Project Management Institute - Switzerland Chapter


  • GACSO - Global Association of Corporate Sustainability Officers



    http://www.gacso.org/Purpose&Principles Purpose As senior sustainability professionals in the corporate sector, we live and breathe sustainable development but we do not have a professional body to represent our interests or to support our continuing professional development. That is the role that GACSO aims to fill. GACSO is different from other networks and organisations because it is about: individuals, not corporates careers, not the issues. GACSO helps existing and aspiring…

    http://www.gacso.org/Purpose&Principles Purpose As senior sustainability professionals in the corporate sector, we live and breathe sustainable development but we do not have a professional body to represent our interests or to support our continuing professional development. That is the role that GACSO aims to fill. GACSO is different from other networks and organisations because it is about: individuals, not corporates careers, not the issues. GACSO helps existing and aspiring sustainability professionals: make wiser choices in jobs to be more relevant in organisations to have more impact work with more excellence be part of a more respected profession

  • IEMA - Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment

    GACSO member


    IEMA is the worldwide membership body for environment and sustainability professionals, driving global standards for sustainable practice.

  • SwissNLP


    SwissNLP is an association that aims to promote Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics and Text Analytics in Switzerland. It brings together experts, solution providers and customers from industry and academia and organizes events and projects for NLP in Switzerland.

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