Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
Zürich, Schweiz
13.402 Follower:innen
500+ Kontakte
P&L executive with 17 years’ experience in tech within enterprise sales, digital…
Artikel von Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
Attention! I’m building the Volunteer Team for Code BEAM Lite London and Code BEAM America🫶 If you're passionate about tech, community, and making…
Attention! I’m building the Volunteer Team for Code BEAM Lite London and Code BEAM America🫶 If you're passionate about tech, community, and making…
Beliebt bei Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
Antallet af henvendelser i akutmodtagelsen er halveret! Det er fantastisk gode nyheder og resultatet af en formidabel systematisk indsats fra Line…
Antallet af henvendelser i akutmodtagelsen er halveret! Det er fantastisk gode nyheder og resultatet af en formidabel systematisk indsats fra Line…
Beliebt bei Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
It was a great privilege to meet State Secretary Alexandre Fasel at the Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom. As former Swiss Ambassador to…
It was a great privilege to meet State Secretary Alexandre Fasel at the Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom. As former Swiss Ambassador to…
Beliebt bei Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
Sportscar Event
–Heute 13 Jahre 7 Monate
Sportscar Event in Denmark is a non-profit organization to raise funds for children with cancer
Danish Management Society (VL)
Member of VL 81
–HeuteDanish Management Society - VL Group 81
Henley Alumni
Swiss Danish Chamber of Commerce
Erhaltene Empfehlungen
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Why your company's board needs a technology committee in 2025? We are all familiar with the audit and renumeration committees - familiar structures…
Why your company's board needs a technology committee in 2025? We are all familiar with the audit and renumeration committees - familiar structures…
Geteilt von Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
'Sæsonafslutning' på vores Forum for Emerging Tech i dag! 🙂 🙏 Fokus var denne gang etik og adfærdspsykologi i brugen og udviklingen af de…
'Sæsonafslutning' på vores Forum for Emerging Tech i dag! 🙂 🙏 Fokus var denne gang etik og adfærdspsykologi i brugen og udviklingen af de…
Geteilt von Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
I always enjoy spending time with the WindowMaster Managment Team. This year we are in Mölle in Sweden where we have been reflecting on the success…
I always enjoy spending time with the WindowMaster Managment Team. This year we are in Mölle in Sweden where we have been reflecting on the success…
Beliebt bei Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
Den her kaffe koster 48 kr. Vildt, ik? Et abonnement til Flimmer koster 49 kr. om måneden. Hvis du – ligesom mig – er forælder, der bor i storbyen…
Den her kaffe koster 48 kr. Vildt, ik? Et abonnement til Flimmer koster 49 kr. om måneden. Hvis du – ligesom mig – er forælder, der bor i storbyen…
Beliebt bei Line Christa Amanda Sørensen
Flexible, standardized, agnostic! Two years ago, we evaluated the best possible technology for making a difference in the Swiss healthcare system…
Flexible, standardized, agnostic! Two years ago, we evaluated the best possible technology for making a difference in the Swiss healthcare system…
Beliebt bei Line Christa Amanda Sørensen