Ignacio Dolado

Ignacio Dolado

Basel, Basel, Schweiz
3250 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


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  • AstraZeneca Grafik


    Zug, Switzerland

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    Zug, Switzerland

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    Basel, Switzerland

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    Basel Area, Switzerland

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    Basel, Switzerland

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    Basel Area, Switzerland

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    Zürich Area, Switzerland

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    Zürich Area, Switzerland

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    Zürich Area, Switzerland

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Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate



  • Colon cancer cells colonize the lung from established liver metastases through p38 MAPK signalling and PTHLH

    Nat Cell Biol. [Epub ahead of print]

    Andere Autor:innen
  • Inhibition of p38 MAPK sensitizes tumour cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis mediated by reactive oxygen species and JNK

    EMBO Mol Med 5(11):1759-74

    Andere Autor:innen
  • Expression and functional validation of new p38α transcriptional targets in tumorigenesis

    Biochem J. 434, p.549

    Genes involved in the regulation of tumor formation were identified by transcriptional profiling via Microarray analysis. Animal and cellular models were used to characterize and validate some of the genes and mechanisms of action involved.

    Andere Autor:innen
  • Cell density-dependent inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling by p38alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase via Sprouty2 downregulation

    Mol Cell Biol. 29, p.3332

    Mechanistic characterization of the process (contact-inhibition) whereby normal cells stop proliferating when two or more cells come into contact with each other, which is frequently disrupted in cancer cells.

    Andere Autor:innen
  • AKT and oxidative stress team up to kill cancer cells

    Cancer Cell 14, p.427

    Commentary on how it is sometimes possible to take advantage of the transforming activity of some oncogenes (ej. oxygen radical production by Akt/PKB) to selectively kill cancer cells.

    Andere Autor:innen
    • and others
  • A new p38 MAP kinase-regulated transcriptional coactivator that stimulates p53-dependent apoptosis

    EMBO J. 26, p. 2115-26

    Description of a novel regulator of the apoptotic activity of the tumor suppressor protein p53.

    Andere Autor:innen
  • p38alpha MAP kinase as a sensor of reactive oxygen species in tumorigenesis

    Cancer Cell 11, p.191

    Mechanistic characterization of how the tumor suppressor route of p38 MAPK inhibits tumor initiation triggered by some oncogenes (ej. H-Ras), which involves the detection of oncogene-induced oxygen radicals and induction of cancer cell death as consequence.

    Andere Autor:innen
  • CXCL12 and C5a trigger cell migration via a PAK1/2-p38alpha MAPK-MAPKAP-K2-HSP27 pathway

    Cell Signal. 18, p.1897

    Characterization of mechanisms regulating cellular migration induced by chemokine (ej. CXCL12) stimulation.

    Andere Autor:innen
    • and others
  • Proteomic analysis of p38alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase-regulated changes in membrane fractions of RAS-transformed fibroblasts

    Proteomics 6, p.S262

    Identificacion by proteomic analysis of membrane proteins involved in the regulation of tumorigenesis by the tumor suppresor p38 MAPK.

    Andere Autor:innen
  • p38alpha MAPK is required for contact inhibition

    Oncogene 24, p.7941

    Description of the involvement of the tumor suppressor protein p38 MAPK in contact-inhibition.

    Andere Autor:innen
    • and others
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  • Recombinant binding proteins and their use

    Ausgestellt am EU 17778226.5-1120

    Andere Erfinder:innen
    • others
  • Binding proteins comprising at least two repeat domains against HER2

    Ausgestellt am EU 12195156.0 – 2406

    Andere Erfinder:innen
    • Ulrike Fiedler
  • Designed ankyrin repeat domains with binding specificity for serum albumin

    EU 15162502.7

  • Recombinant proteins that simultaneously bind HGF, VEGF-A and serum albumin, comprising ankyrin repeat domains

    EU 15162511.8


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