After editions in Seoul, Montreal, Bilbao, Mexico City and Dakar, Bordeaux will host the 2025 (biennial) edition of this international gathering of people dedicated to the Social and Solidarity Economy. They call for the “primacy...
City of Bordeaux
Welcome to DEAR - the EU's Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme.
The DEAR Programme supports projects that engage people in Europe in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development. DEAR works with civil society organisations and local authorities to promote global justice, human rights, sustainable development and democratic participation. Find the work of DEAR projects on social media #euDEARprogramme and find out more here.
Through calls for proposals every few years, the DEAR Programme funds large pan-European projects, with partners across Europe and the globe. These Capactiy4Dev DEAR pages are for the greater DEAR community: for educators, researchers, policy makers, and all practitioners in Development and Global Citizenship Education. Click on an image to learn more.