Tomisin Jenrola

Tomisin Jenrola

4K followers 500+ connections

Articles by Tomisin

  • Top 8 Productivity Hacks Using AI agents

    Top 8 Productivity Hacks Using AI agents

    Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time to finish everything on your to-do list? Studies show that an…


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  • SwarmZero Graphic


    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, ON, Canada

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

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    Computer Science Help Centre

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    Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada


Licenses & Certifications



  • SenMark

    During the Hacking Health Toronto Hackathon 2019, our team iterated and built a prototype for a marketplace where seniors could get access to a pool of healthcare providers of their choice. This provides seniors with more convenient home care services and allows healthcare providers to increase their income stream.

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    See project
  • SentryFood NL

    Food security is both a global and local problem that ranges from food affordability to accessibility. I worked with a committed team at the "Feeding 9 Billion" challenge organised by the Center for Social Enterprise to create a solution for food waste and disposal in Newfoundland.

    We developed a demo that reduces the cost of food waste to grocery stores and the economy by providing opportunities for food banks to access them at lower prices.

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  • StableSwap

    A lot of work with cryptocurrencies still needs to be done. Volatility of coins is a main factor that deters adoption. StableSwap is a platform that allows traders to accept ERC20 tokens and store them as a stable coin which counters the effect of volatile price changes.

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  • OpenLoop

    OpenLoop is a team of interdisciplinary students competing in the Spacex hyperloop design and build competition

    See project
  • Sagrix


    A proof of concept healthcare platform allowing patients to access their healthcare data anywhere and anytime.

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  • Accentometer


    Accentometer is an online language game that rates user's pronunciation of words. It is a freelance project for an Instagram business profile.

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    Web app with a smooth and responsive mobile view.

    Languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript.
    APIs: Google Maps, OpenStreet Map
    Others: jQuery, Bootstrap, Git

    This project will be continued by other developers beginning January 2017.
    Future versions will make the site dynamic so that new conferences/events can be created.

    See project
  • Volley Tourney


    This is a system where volleyball tournament organizers can create tournaments and set the tournament types along with the team brackets.

    We built this along with a few others as our final project for COMP 3716 (Software Methodology)

    The aim was to develop an application by applying Object Oriented Analysis & Design principles.

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  • Kattis Problems Solutions


    This is my set of solutions to the programming questions and tasks from the Kattis Problem Archive (


    See project
  • Chatty


    Chatty is a website with a single chat room for anyone to sign up and chat on.

    It provides common functions such as file uploads, emojis and profiles.

    Made with HTML, CSS, JS, Ajax, jQuery, PHP, MySQL

    The website was developed as the final project of the Network Computing and WEB Applications course (COMP 3715).


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  • Eagle Editor


    Eagle Editor is a simple text editor made with the Java AWT and Swing APIs.

    Its features include copy, cut, paste, find, find all, replace, word count and character count.

    This was done for the course, COMP 2760 (Encountering the Computer: Society and the Individual).


    See project

Honors & Awards

  • VeriBot: Circuit Breaker ZK Hackathon

    ETHGlobal & Sindri


    - Best use of Sindri in a ML x Web3
    - ETHGlobal Finalist

  • "Startups From The Sea" hackathon

    Town of Holyrood | Startup Weekend | Oceans Holyrood Initiative

    This event organised by the Town of Holyrood, Genesis Center and StartupNL was an initiative to get people together and build a solution to issues in the Ocean Technology space. My team and I were a mix of students and an industry specialist. We built a prototype system for monitoring activities on vessels and oil rigs by using concepts from Internet of Things to improve communication processes.

  • Hacking Health Hackathon 2017 Winning Team

    Hacking Health St. John's

    Hacking Health is a global organisation that aims to combine the knowledge and resources of the healthcare sector with technology.

    I participated in the first hackathon in my city. My team developed and application to help people spend less time at blood clinics by optimizing the unused meta data found at clinics.

    I wrote the front end and used data provided by other team members to produce a graph that showed the number of people at each blood clinic at a specific hour of the…

    Hacking Health is a global organisation that aims to combine the knowledge and resources of the healthcare sector with technology.

    I participated in the first hackathon in my city. My team developed and application to help people spend less time at blood clinics by optimizing the unused meta data found at clinics.

    I wrote the front end and used data provided by other team members to produce a graph that showed the number of people at each blood clinic at a specific hour of the week.

    The demo for MetaClinic can be found at:

  • MUN Mentors Certificate of Distinction

    Julia Hiscock, MUN Mentors Program Coordinator

    Awarded on successful completion of all duties as a mentor to new undergraduate international students

  • Best graduating student in Civic Education

    Dowen College Lagos

  • Top ten finalist of the National Essay Competition 2013

    Youth Support Counselling Consult (YSCC)

  • First place, Microsoft Office 2007 Power Point competition

    IC3 Read Manna Digital Literacy

  • Semi-finalist, Ben Okonkwo Art Competition

    Ben Okonkwo Foundation

  • Top ten finish in the United Nations arts competition “Survival of the Nigerian child”

    First City Monument Bank (FCMB), in partnership with UNICEF

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