Richard Marshall, MEB, P.Eng.

Richard Marshall, MEB, P.Eng.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
2K followers 500+ connections


As Director of Design and Innovation, I help clients solve problems.

I lead…

Articles by Richard

  • Standing the test of time

    Standing the test of time

    Back in 2011, I was managing a renovation of an industrial building for Neptune Properties, and Calvin Polet, MBA…

  • Standing Committee on Environmental Separation meeting

    Standing Committee on Environmental Separation meeting

    The Standing Committee on Environmental Separation (Part 5 of the National Building Code) held their 4th meeting of the…

  • Building Lasting Change 2017

    Building Lasting Change 2017

    I attended the Net Zero Carbon Building Summit and the CaGBC annual conference, Building Lasting Change 2017, last week…

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  • University of Waterloo Graphic

    University of Waterloo


    The Master of Environment and Business (MEB) is an MBA-equivalent degree program that meets the growing need for business sustainability. MEB graduates have the skills, information, tools and expertise to integrate environment with business in very practical ways. The program includes fundamentals of sustainability, the business case for sustainability, environmental finance, enterprise marketing and social accountability, sustainability in business operations, strategy development for…

    The Master of Environment and Business (MEB) is an MBA-equivalent degree program that meets the growing need for business sustainability. MEB graduates have the skills, information, tools and expertise to integrate environment with business in very practical ways. The program includes fundamentals of sustainability, the business case for sustainability, environmental finance, enterprise marketing and social accountability, sustainability in business operations, strategy development for sustainable enterprises, sustainability reporting, and product life cycle assessment and management.

    Capstone project:
    Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Buildings: Barriers and Opportunities in the Canadian Commercial and Industrial Space Market

  • -

    Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; major in Construction Management, minor in Structural Engineering.

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    Post-graduate studies in Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Finance, Corporate Finance, Business Law, Economics, Marketing, Statistics, and Real Estate & Urban Land Development.

    The Ohio State University, 1985 to 1989

    These courses constituted prerequisites for the MBA program.

Licenses & Certifications

  • CI 103 User Decision Analysis For Commercial Real Estate Graphic

    CI 103 User Decision Analysis For Commercial Real Estate

    CCIM Institute

  • CI 102 Market Analysis For Commercial Real Estate Graphic

    CI 102 Market Analysis For Commercial Real Estate

    CCIM Institute

  • CI 101 Financial Analysis for Commercial Real Estate Graphic

    CI 101 Financial Analysis for Commercial Real Estate

    CCIM Institute

  • Certified Permit Coordinator

    City of Winnipeg, Planning, Property, and Development Department


    Canadian Green Building Council

  • Professional Engineer Graphic

    Professional Engineer

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba

    Credential ID 8474
  • Gold Seal Certification, Estimating (GSC)

    Canadian Construction Association


Volunteer Experience

  • CBHCC - CCHCC Graphic

    Voting Member - National Model Code Committee on Climate Adaptation


    - Present 3 months


    The National Model Code Committee on Climate Adaptation will update the 2030 National Building Code and 2030 National Energy Code for Buildings, to better deal with climate change.

  • CBHCC - CCHCC Graphic

    Voting Member - Standing Committee on Energy Efficency


    - 17 years 1 month


    Total of four terms on the the Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency and the Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency on Buildings, and were responsible for both The National Energy Code of Buildings, and Part 9.36 of the National Building Code of Canada.

    During my tenure, I chaired the Task Group on Code Consolidation and the Task Group on Energy Targets.

  • CBHCC - CCHCC Graphic

    Voting Member - Standing Committee on Environmental Separation


    - 14 years 5 months


    Three consecutive 5-year terms on the Standing Committee on Environmental Separation, which was responsible for writing and maintaining Part 5 of the National Building Code of Canada.

    2015 code cycle - member of the Performance-based Requirements and Protection from Precipitation task groups.

    2010 code cycle - Chair of the Joint Task Group on EIFS requirements and member of the Performance-based Requirements task group.

  • Commissioner

    Winnipeg Building Commission

    - Present 10 years 3 months


    The Winnipeg Building Commission is established through the Winnipeg Charter. Over the past decade or more, the WBC has primarily acted as a technical appeal body to deal with orders to comply with the Residential Buildings Fire Safety By‐law 4304, which deals with building standards for older residential multiple family dwelling buildings; In 2012 City Council expanded the authority of the WBC to make recommendations on technical building, electrical, and fire code matters associated with…

    The Winnipeg Building Commission is established through the Winnipeg Charter. Over the past decade or more, the WBC has primarily acted as a technical appeal body to deal with orders to comply with the Residential Buildings Fire Safety By‐law 4304, which deals with building standards for older residential multiple family dwelling buildings; In 2012 City Council expanded the authority of the WBC to make recommendations on technical building, electrical, and fire code matters associated with new construction, code equivalencies or alternative solutions, and orders to comply with construction related by‐laws.

  • Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Graphic

    Member, BRACE Working Group

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba

    - Present 5 years 1 month


    The BRACE program aims to build capacity within and across targeted sectors and regions to understand, assess and reduce the risks posed by a changing climate.
    The program works in partnership with the provinces and responds to unique climate change adaptation needs and priorities across Canada.

  • Voting Member and Alternate Chair -Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency in Buildings


    - 10 years 10 months


    I served three complete terms on the The Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, which is responsible for writing and maintaining the National Energy Code for Buildings in Canada. I am proud to have been involved in writing NECB 2011 and also in getting it adopted in Manitoba.

    In the 2015 code cycle, I chaired the Energy Target Task Group, whose mandate is to develop Energy Use Intensities (EUIs) for buildings as an alternative compliance path. I also sit on the Code…

    I served three complete terms on the The Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, which is responsible for writing and maintaining the National Energy Code for Buildings in Canada. I am proud to have been involved in writing NECB 2011 and also in getting it adopted in Manitoba.

    In the 2015 code cycle, I chaired the Energy Target Task Group, whose mandate is to develop Energy Use Intensities (EUIs) for buildings as an alternative compliance path. I also sit on the Code Coordination Task Group, helping to set general policy policy direction for the Code.

    For the 2011 code cycle, I chaired the Code Consolidation Task Group, which developed the policy direction of the Code. I also served on the Building Envelope Task Group.

  • Member, representing Engineers and Geoscientists Manitoba (EGM)

    Building Standards Board, Province of Manitoba

    - 5 years 1 month


    The Building Standards Board advised the Labour Ministry and the Fire Commissioner's Office on all Building Code related matters, and reviews proposed code changes and initiatives.

  • Red River College Polytechnic Graphic

    Building Efficiency Technical Access Centre - Advisory Board Member

    Red River College Polytechnic

    - Present 9 years 9 months


    The Building Efficiency Technology Access Centre (BETAC) provides a multidisciplinary environment to facilitate advancements in building envelope technology primarily for durability and energy efficiency, while addressing the building’s intended use, life service and climate zone location.

    I am proud to serve on the Advisory Board of this important endeavour.

  • Red River College Graphic

    Construction Sector Strategic Council

    Red River College

    - Present 8 years 3 months


    I am pleased to have been invited by Paul Vogt, former President and CEO of Red River College, to serve on the Construction Strategic Council. "The Construction Strategic Council will further develop and maintain a strong working relationship between the Construction sector and Red River College through Strategic planning and prompt action to address opportunities and challenges".
    I look forward to the advice and counsel that I can bring to this important endeavour.

  • Chair, Subcommittee on Heritage and Existing Buildings

    Building Standards Board, Manitoba

    - Present 11 years 6 months


    The Subcommittee on Heritage and Existing Buildings has a mandate to study codes in other jurisdictions, determine whether new code requirements for Manitoba are warranted, and if so; write new code requirements and make recommendations for adoption to the Building Standards Board and the Office of the Fire Commissioner of Manitoba.

  • Chair

    Joint Task Group on EIFS Standards

    - 2 years 9 months


    The Joint Task Group on EIFS Standards reported to the Standing Committee on Environmental Separation, the Standing Committee on Housing and Small Buildings, and the Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. I chaired this effort which reviewed the ULC 716 "family" of standards and wrote new requirements for inclusion in the 2015 National Building Code of Canada.

  • City of Winnipeg Graphic

    Member - Mayor's Environmental Advisory Committee

    City of Winnipeg

    - 1 year 3 months


    The Mayor's Environmental Advisory Committee advised former Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz on all matters pertaining to the environment, to build a better Winnipeg for our citizens.


  • CI 101

    CCIM Institute

  • CI 102

    CCIM Institute

  • CI 103

    CCIM Institute


  • English



  • Sustainable Manitoba

    Corporate Member

    - Present
  • Canada Green Building Council

    Corporate Member

  • Manitoba Building Envelope Council

    Corporate Member

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