Matt Parkin, CAPM®

Matt Parkin, CAPM®

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
19K followers 500+ connections


I'm currently leading partnerships at Fulfil (eCommerce ERP), focused on:



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  • Fulfil Graphic


    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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  • Ivey Business School at Western University Graphic

    Ivey Business School at Western University

    Activities and Societies: HBA Association, Ivey Consulting Club, USC Board of Directors

    Dean's Honours List (Top 25%)

    Robert V. Hicks Scholarship
    -Awarded to an HBA student with high academic standing and a career interest in HR Management

    J.J. Wettlaufer Award
    -Awarded to the male student in each section who, in the opinion of their peers, excels in activities within and outside the Business School

    Deloitte Innovation Forum Finalist

  • Activities and Societies: DECA, Pre-Business Students' Network, SWAM, Concussion Awareness Society, USC Recognition & Awards Committee, USC Board of Directors, USC Student Feedback & Engagement Committee, USC Income Tax Committee, Delaware Hall Residents’ Council, Purple Spur Society.

    Business 2257 Feasibility Study Section Winner
    CIBC Catalyze Case Competition
    Dean's Honour List
    The Western Scholarship of Excellence

  • Took three online courses:
    -Customer Analytics
    -People Analytics
    -Accounting Analytics

  • Took an online course on Computer Science for Business Professionals

  • Took an online course on Marketing Analytics

  • Took an online course on Computer Science

  • Activities and Societies: Athletic Council, Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving Council, Relay for Life Committee, Orientation Leader

    Ontario Scholar
    1000 hours of community service

Licenses & Certifications

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Volunteer Experience

  • City of Toronto Graphic

    Entrepreneurship Mentor - Small Business Centre

    City of Toronto

    - Present 2 years 1 month

    -Hosting office hours for entrepreneurs about sales, marketing and personal branding
    -Meeting 1:1 with entrepreneurs to share go-to-market strategies

  • Morrissette Entrepreneurship Graphic


    Morrissette Entrepreneurship

    - Present 1 year 11 months

  • Laurier StartUp Lab Graphic


    Laurier StartUp Lab

    - Present 2 years

    -Reviewing pitches and giving feedback on presentations from startups looking to enter the accelerator program
    -Mentoring startups on sales, marketing, personal branding and go-to-market strategies

  • Georgian College Graphic

    Business Entrepreneurship Program Advisory Committee

    Georgian College

    - Present 1 year 6 months

  • Ontario DECA Graphic

    Provincials Judge & Internationals Trainer

    Ontario DECA

    - Present 4 years 2 months

    Judged the Automotive Services Marketing event and the Finance Operations event for DECA Ontario High School Provincials.

    Trained 7 international competitors in the Human Resources Management event to prepare them for internationals (ICDC); 4/7 made finals, including a 3rd and 5th place finish.

  • LEAP Canada Graphic

    Co-Founder & Governance/HR Committee Chair - Board of Directors, Ex-CHRO

    LEAP Canada

    - 3 years 9 months

    LEAP is a federally-incorporated non profit organization that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and connections they need to bridge the gap between high school and post-secondary education. We have partnered with CIBC, TD, KPMG, and Pearson Education to help 10 000 students across 90 countries. We have been featured on CTV News London for our work helping students transition to post-secondary!

    I led the federal incorporation process, bylaw development, and Board creation. I…

    LEAP is a federally-incorporated non profit organization that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and connections they need to bridge the gap between high school and post-secondary education. We have partnered with CIBC, TD, KPMG, and Pearson Education to help 10 000 students across 90 countries. We have been featured on CTV News London for our work helping students transition to post-secondary!

    I led the federal incorporation process, bylaw development, and Board creation. I chair the Governance & HR Committee, supervising the CEO, supporting the CHRO, and providing strategic oversight for the organization.

    I co-founded LEAP Canada, scaling our internal team from 4 to 44 volunteers. I spearheaded Human Resources Strategy for the organization, overseeing our mentorship program and internal development. I conducted gap analyses and collaborated with 4 department heads to ensure their teams are well-equipped with the talent they need. I supervised full-cycle talent acquisition processes across 5 departments nation-wide, interviewing 100+ candidates.

    Some projects I worked on include:

    -Researching and writing a report outlining ways to improve employee engagement and minimize burnout for remote teams.

    -Developing and executing a monthly 360 Feedback program to maintain employee growth and development.

    -Planning team socials and professional development workshops to maximize employee engagement.

    CTV News Feature:

  • ACCES Employment Graphic

    Entrepreneurship Mentor

    ACCES Employment

    - 1 year 1 month

    Mentoring entrepreneurs who are new to Canada

  • HRPA Toronto Chapter  Graphic

    HRPA Member

    HRPA Toronto Chapter

    - 1 year 4 months

  • University Students'​ Council at Western University Graphic

    HR Committee Chair, Board of Directors | Tax Analyst | Consultant | Recognition & Awards Coordinator

    University Students'​ Council at Western University

    - 3 years 9 months

    The USC is the largest nonprofit, student union in Canada with 40+ full-time staff, 400+ part-time staff, and an annual budget of $30 million. The USC operates a retail store, movie theater, and two restaurants while providing programming and other services for 40 000+ of students.

    I sit on the Board of Directors and Human Resources Committee while supervising the Chief Operating Officer and providing strategic oversight for the corporate side of the organization.

    I spearhead…

    The USC is the largest nonprofit, student union in Canada with 40+ full-time staff, 400+ part-time staff, and an annual budget of $30 million. The USC operates a retail store, movie theater, and two restaurants while providing programming and other services for 40 000+ of students.

    I sit on the Board of Directors and Human Resources Committee while supervising the Chief Operating Officer and providing strategic oversight for the corporate side of the organization.

    I spearhead complex quantitative, strategic, and financial analyses of monthly and annual financial statements, investments, and contracts.

    I uphold fiduciary responsibility, steering the organization through the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.

    I analyze recommendations from three senior managers, reviewing 10+ HR policies and procedures to mitigate risks and ensure legal compliance.

    I oversee development of the Board, assessing exit survey data and implementing solutions to improve member experience for 9 board members.
    As a volunteer tax analyst during the COVID-19 pandemic, I assisted in executing a virtual Income Tax Clinic as part of the Canadian Revenue Agency's Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP).
    Acted as a consultant for the Student Feedback & Engagement Committee, supporting the Associate Vice President, Student Feedback and the Student Feedback Coordinator.

    Managed survey non response bias through the design and implementation of improved placement and promotional strategies to increase the diversity of feedback received.

    -Hired and trained 20 students, facilitating 6 meetings to enable the presentation of student leadership awards.
    -Accelerated nomination process and strategically eliminated inefficiencies to grow data set by 108%.
    -Increased awareness, growing award applications by 43%

  • W5 -  Western Entrepreneur Association Graphic


    W5 - Western Entrepreneur Association

    - 5 months

    Mentoring 25 student entrepreneurs during three-month flagship incubator program, sharing personal stories and lessons learned from my four entrepreneurial ventures to help them scale their startups.

  • Western University Graphic

    Career Profile Advisor (Top Contributor)

    Western University

    - 11 months

    Helped 70+ students through Western's Employment Resource Center with their resume, cover letter, CV, and LinkedIn profile, receiving volunteer of the month and top contributor for the semester awards (out of 50+ volunteers).

  • Ivey Business School at Western University Graphic

    Conference Director, Mentor, & VP Academic | HBA Association

    Ivey Business School at Western University

    - 1 year 8 months

    The Ivey HBA Association (HBAA) represents 1300+ students.

    Conference Director (2021-2022)
    -Curate a list of events across North America for HBAs to attend
    -Manage the $13 000 Conference Subsidy Program

    Section 7 VP Academic (2020-2021)
    -I attend HBAA meetings and vote on key motions to represent my 77 peers in Section 7.
    -I collaborate with faculty, program services, and fellow section executives to support my section with their academic experience.
    -I create…

    The Ivey HBA Association (HBAA) represents 1300+ students.

    Conference Director (2021-2022)
    -Curate a list of events across North America for HBAs to attend
    -Manage the $13 000 Conference Subsidy Program

    Section 7 VP Academic (2020-2021)
    -I attend HBAA meetings and vote on key motions to represent my 77 peers in Section 7.
    -I collaborate with faculty, program services, and fellow section executives to support my section with their academic experience.
    -I create weekly schedules to inform everyone of the assigned work and important dates, while acting as a source of information for academic-related questions and resources.

  • Project Snapshot Graphic

    HR Manager, HR Specialist - Talent Management

    Project Snapshot

    - 4 months

    Project Snapshot is an educational fellowship which empowers, inspires, and connects student leaders to their future careers through case competitions, mentorship, and research opportunities in Canada and the United States.

    I was promoted to Manager where I led a team of 3 HR Specialists, spearheading HR strategy and managing 10+ projects. I liaised with 7 department managers and senior leadership to establish strategic priorities for the organization.

    Some of the projects I…

    Project Snapshot is an educational fellowship which empowers, inspires, and connects student leaders to their future careers through case competitions, mentorship, and research opportunities in Canada and the United States.

    I was promoted to Manager where I led a team of 3 HR Specialists, spearheading HR strategy and managing 10+ projects. I liaised with 7 department managers and senior leadership to establish strategic priorities for the organization.

    Some of the projects I worked on include:

    Developing policies and procedures and creating a staff manual

    Designing a job board to streamline hiring processes


    I was a member of the founding team, scaling the organization from 8 to 35 executives. I researched best practices for human resources, completing recruitment for 175 international leadership roles across 7 departments and 3 programs. I collaborated with 35 executives across 2 countries, enabling global communications with Google Suite and Slack.

    Some projects that I have worked on include:

    Restructuring the organizational structure to meet the evolving needs of the growing organization.

    Implementing succession planning processes to ensure smooth onboarding and transition of new members.

    Hosting 3 international workshops for 100s on Interview Strategies, Finding Your Passion, and Leveraging LinkedIn.

  • Ivey Consulting Club Graphic


    Ivey Consulting Club

    - 9 months

  • FBLA Canada Graphic

    CNLC Judge

    FBLA Canada

    - 1 month


    Judged 24 competitors in the Marketing Category for the Canadian National Leadership Conference

  • PMI Toronto Chapter Graphic


    PMI Toronto Chapter

    - Present 4 years 7 months

  • Road to University | RTU Graphic

    Forum Responder & Mentor

    Road to University | RTU

    - 1 year


  • The Mentorship Spot Graphic


    The Mentorship Spot

    - 1 year 2 months


  • Special Olympics Ontario Graphic


    Special Olympics Ontario

    - Present 7 years 11 months

    -Worked with participants of varying intellectual and physical abilities to develop physical literacy and basic motor skills through drills and games.
    -Transferred my knowledge of baseball and umpiring to coach softball, educating participants on fundamental movement skills and positioning.
    -Furthered my knowledge by taking 5 professional development modules:

    -Coaching Athletes with Down Syndrome
    -Diversity & Inclusion in Action
    -Exercise-Induced Asthma Training

    -Worked with participants of varying intellectual and physical abilities to develop physical literacy and basic motor skills through drills and games.
    -Transferred my knowledge of baseball and umpiring to coach softball, educating participants on fundamental movement skills and positioning.
    -Furthered my knowledge by taking 5 professional development modules:

    -Coaching Athletes with Down Syndrome
    -Diversity & Inclusion in Action
    -Exercise-Induced Asthma Training
    -Embracing Unexpected Change
    -Supporting Individuals with Autism in a Recreation Setting

  • UniFind Canada Graphic

    University Rep

    UniFind Canada

    - 7 months

  • SWAM Canada Graphic

    Vice President Internal, London Chapter

    SWAM Canada

    - 1 year 1 month


    A nonprofit that provides affordable and accessible on-on-one swimming instruction to children with special needs.

    -Managed weekly operations, offering affordable and accessible swim lessons to 100+ children with special needs.
    -Communicated with 12 teammates, recruiting, training and mentoring 125 volunteer swim instructors.
    -Provided exceptional customer service to ensure a safe and enjoyable user experience for 100s of families.

  • Radio Western / 94.9 CHRW Graphic

    Co Host

    Radio Western / 94.9 CHRW

    - 7 months

    -Co-hosted a Spanish radio show, "Western Despierta", playing and introducing Spanish music to improve my proficiency with the language.
    -Planned and hosted my own 2 hour show, utilizing the sound board and creating a playlist and discussion topics for the morning.
    -Advertised a variety of events on campus to educate the student population and expand outreach to the Hispanic community.

  • SWAM Canada Graphic

    Swim Instructor

    SWAM Canada

    - 7 months


    -Worked one-on-one with participants of varying intellectual and physical abilities to develop swimming skills and an increased comfort level around water.

  • Western University Housing Graphic

    Various Roles (Residents' Council, Orientation Leader and Tour Guide)

    Western University Housing

    - 1 year 6 months

    -Collaborated with 50 leadership members to create a safe environment and mentor 450 students with confidence.
    -Acted as a point of contact for 450 residents and directed them to 25+ leadership resources on campus.
    -Guided 100s of guests at 3 special events, training new staff in customer service with confidence.
    -Guided 50 members to create programming for 450 students, using Google Suite to collaborate with confidence.
    -Planned a week long event to welcome 450 students back from…

    -Collaborated with 50 leadership members to create a safe environment and mentor 450 students with confidence.
    -Acted as a point of contact for 450 residents and directed them to 25+ leadership resources on campus.
    -Guided 100s of guests at 3 special events, training new staff in customer service with confidence.
    -Guided 50 members to create programming for 450 students, using Google Suite to collaborate with confidence.
    -Planned a week long event to welcome 450 students back from the winter break, creating excitement for the second term.

  • StudentsCanTutor Graphic

    Volunteer Tutor


    - 2 months


  • Outreach360 Graphic



    - 1 month


    -Constructed lesson plans for elementary school English classes in the Dominican Republic, creating an excitement around the thought of learning a new language.
    -Succeeded in delivering key vocabulary to students, enhancing their educational experience through the implementation of song, dance, and play.

  • DECA Western Graphic

    General Member Board

    DECA Western

    - 8 months

    -Competed at DECA U Provincials in the Management Consulting Category, developing critical thinking skills and exposing myself to the growing consulting industry.

  • Canadian Cancer Society Graphic

    Student Volunteer

    Canadian Cancer Society

    - 2 years 1 month


  • Western international Graphic


    Western international

    - 8 months


  • Concussion Awareness Western University Graphic

    General Member Board

    Concussion Awareness Western University

    - 8 months

  • OSAID Inc. Graphic

    Chapter President

    OSAID Inc.

    - 10 months

    -Managed logistics and operations for the entire 40 person council, coordinating with external stakeholders to maximize member experience.
    -Planned school-wide events to raise awareness, educating the student body and the local community about the devastating effects of impaired driving.

  • Cardinal Carter Catholic High School (Aurora) Graphic

    President | Vice President | Publicity Officer - Athletic Council

    Cardinal Carter Catholic High School (Aurora)

    - 3 years 1 month

    -Managed logistics for the entire 40 person council, facilitating meetings and delegating tasks to ensure operational efficiency.
    -Organized the inaugural Relay for Life event, supervising a 12 person committee and bringing in over $28 000 of fundraising for cancer research.
    -Planned school-wide events to promote physical literacy and a healthy lifestyle, spearheading the inaugural Homecoming event, leading to my receipt of the Athletic Leadership Award.
    -Approved the annual $3000…

    -Managed logistics for the entire 40 person council, facilitating meetings and delegating tasks to ensure operational efficiency.
    -Organized the inaugural Relay for Life event, supervising a 12 person committee and bringing in over $28 000 of fundraising for cancer research.
    -Planned school-wide events to promote physical literacy and a healthy lifestyle, spearheading the inaugural Homecoming event, leading to my receipt of the Athletic Leadership Award.
    -Approved the annual $3000 budget, ensuring fiduciary responsibility.


    Vice President | Jun 2016 - Jun 2017
    -Supervised a subcommittee to ensure the stability of the athletics program at the school, training and scheduling scorekeepers for all home games.
    -Assisted with council operations, facilitating meetings in the absence of the President.
    -Organized school-wide events to promote physical literacy and a healthy lifestyle.

    Publicity Officer | Jun 2015 - Jun 2016
    -Created an Instagram account to promote school athletics, complimenting the previously existing Twitter account.
    -Leveraged social media to post game schedules and scores for all 31 sports teams.


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  • Accounting & Business Analysis


  • Accounting & Financial Fundamentals


  • Business Blogging

    HubSpot Academy

  • Coaching and Developing Employees


  • Communications


  • Customer Analytics


  • Decision Making with Analytics


  • Developing Your Emotional Intelligence


  • Economic Analysis of Law


  • Excel 2016: Advanced Formulas, Functions, and Formatting Techniques


  • Excel 2016: Pivot Tables & Charts in Depth


  • Excel Essential Training (Office 365)


  • Excel: Power Pivot, Macros and VBA for Beginners


  • Exercise-Induced Asthma Training


  • Finance


  • Human Resources Foundations


  • Human Resources: Payroll


  • Information Systems & Design

    CS 1032

  • Intro to Financial Security Systems

    Actuarial Science 1021

  • Introduction to Business


  • Inventory Management Foundations


  • Leading Productive Meetings


  • Learning Data Analytics


  • Macro/Micro Economics

    1021, 1022

  • Macroeconomic Theory 1&2

    2152, 2153

  • Managerial Economics


  • Microeconomic Theory 1


  • Multimedia & Communications

    CS 1033

  • New Manager Foundations


  • Onboarding New Hires as a Manager


  • Organizational Behaviour


  • People Analytics


  • Performance Management


  • Persuading Others


  • PowerPoint 2016: Tips and Tricks


  • PowerPoint Essential Training (Office 365)


  • PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides


  • Price & Promotion Analytics


  • Project Management Basics


  • Psychology at Work


  • SAP ERP Essential Training


  • SQL Essential Training


  • Sales Foundations


  • Spanish (Beginner & Intermediate)

    1030, 2200

  • Strategic Thinking


  • Time Management


  • Transitioning from Individual Contributor to Manager


  • Understanding Capital Markets


  • Unlock Your Team's Creativity


  • WordPress 5 Essential Training



  • Pro Lineup Feasibility Study


    -Collaborated with 7 team members, exploring the feasibility of a business that would produce audio recordings for minor hockey team lineups.
    -Conducted market research, establishing consumer preferences to guide operational decisions and develop a promotional strategy.
    -Voted by classmates to represent our section in the quarterfinals of the Business 2257 Feasibility Competition.

    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Top Emerging Leaders Under 30


  • #24 on Top Hottest Companies to Watch for Without Any Venture Capital


  • J.J. Wettlaufer Award


    Awarded to the male student in each section who, in the opinion of their peers, excels in activities within and outside the Business School

  • Robert V. Hicks Scholarship


    Awarded to an HBA student with high academic standing and a career interest in HR Management

  • Deloitte Innovation Forum Finalist

    Ivey Business School

  • Dean's Honour List

    Western University


  • Selected to officiate 18U B OBA Championship


  • Selected to officiate Ontario Cup


    Officiated Team Ontario 17U selection camp in a 3 Umpire system, leading to an “emerging” evaluation with elements of “accomplished”.

  • Dean’s Honour List

    Western University


  • Delaware Hall First-Year Involvement Award

    Western Housing

    Nominated by an upper-year student leader for my positive leadership skills and engagement as well as being a role model for Housing and the University’s expectations and visions.

  • Certificate of Academic Engagement

    Western University Learning Skills Services

  • Athletic Council Service and Leadership Award


  • Carol Hall Memorial Award


  • Junior Letter


  • Ontario Scholar


  • YSCPC Athletic Leadership Award


  • Selected to officiate Atom AAA OMHA Championships


  • Selected to officiate Peewee AAA YSBA Championships


  • Healthy Active Living Education Subject Award


  • Spirit Award


  • YSCPC Athletic Leadership Award


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