Elliot Rylands

Elliot Rylands

989 followers 500+ connections


Crafting experiences that resonate, lead, and scale.


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  • Scan.com Graphic


    London, England, United Kingdom

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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    London, United Kingdom

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    London Area, United Kingdom

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  • University of Essex Graphic

    University of Essex


    Activities and Societies: Over my three year period, I developed an in depth understanding upon the Publishing and Digital Media Industries, of which along the way I partook in the creation of a student magazine and heading an article based on the ins and outs of the Music Industry in our local area. Along the way I gained an in depth experience using professional industry software such as Quark, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Dreamweaver, and Adobe After Effects.

    I studied an Advanced Diploma in Publishing, achieving Distinction

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    Activities and Societies: Extra Curricular ICT GNVQ

    I studied my GCSE's, achieving 11 A*-C grades.

Licenses & Certifications

  • BTEC Advanced Diploma in Publishing Graphic

    BTEC Advanced Diploma in Publishing


Volunteer Experience

  • Marine Life conservation

    Awesome Adventures

    - Present 15 years 9 months

    Animal Welfare

    Throughout my Gap year, I ventured to the vast Islands of the South Pacific.
    One of the most sought after dreams I've withheld from a child has been to attribute in any way I can to help conserve Marine Life, to which I'm grateful to say I did so.

    I enrolled myself on a 13 day adventure, as to where I took part in the helping workers on the Main Island in Nadi at a Marine Life Hospice. This involved supplying food to Marine Wildlife within the hospice, and assisting in the care of…

    Throughout my Gap year, I ventured to the vast Islands of the South Pacific.
    One of the most sought after dreams I've withheld from a child has been to attribute in any way I can to help conserve Marine Life, to which I'm grateful to say I did so.

    I enrolled myself on a 13 day adventure, as to where I took part in the helping workers on the Main Island in Nadi at a Marine Life Hospice. This involved supplying food to Marine Wildlife within the hospice, and assisting in the care of creatures such as turtles, fish, and small sharks.
    The Volunteer work then took me into the area of Beach Maintenance, and understanding the importance of the role we have as humans, to insure our beaches are cleaned.

    The work took me from the main island, and all around the northern Yasawa Islands. It allowed me to swim with Wild sharks, turtles, Dolphins, and whales.

  • GLOBALTEER Graphic

    Elephant Sactuary Assistant


    - Present 15 years 10 months

    Animal Welfare

    I ventured three hours south of Bangkok in Thailand to a small village next to a lake.
    The living environment was possibly one of the most unique experiences of my life.

    I assisted in the general welfare and maintenance of the Elephants living environment, and developed an engaging relationship and understanding with many of the people and elephants within the sanctuary.
    It was fantastic fun, as well as completely educational.


  • Advanced Publishing BTEC


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