#OpenToWork and asking for your support. 🥰 🙏🏼
Over the past two weeks, I have dedicated my reach on LinkedIn to support my team affected by the unfortunate closure at Timbre Games. Today, I would like to selfishly shift that spotlight to highlight my own skills and ask you all to assist in sharing my availability with your network. I've never been affected by a #layoff before, and I'll take all the help I can get.
🙌🏼 I'm a Leader in Human Resources and Talent Acquisition, experienced in #games and technology, in start-ups and established organizations. I partner with leaders to develop progressive, effective, and inclusive practices that benefit staff at all levels.
🌈 I'm passionate about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, and have experience with enforcing policies and administering changes required to center these values. I know how to walk the walk, and when to call out that #DEIB is becoming no more than just lip service.
🌱 Nothing gets me quite as excited as growing a team. I'm experienced in partnering with executives to define business needs and strategically plan for acquiring talent in this ever-shifting market. I grew Timbre Games to just over 100 incredibly skilled and wonderfully diverse folks in under 2 years and I could do it again.
My honest thanks in advance for any remote role leads you feel like sharing. If you've worked with me or interviewed with me in the past and enjoyed the experience, I'd truly appreciate hearing from you in response to this post. The voices of this community matter, and, of course, I won't turn down some words of affirmation in this tough time either. 💕
#HumanResources #TalentAcquisition #DEI #EDI #gamedevjobs #jobsintech