We 🩷 a good laugh over here...
🫣 This ad brought me to tears... of laughter 🤣 ~ I was really not expecting to be such a fan of the #Dunkings, but here we are! 🍩 Dunkin' brought back good ol' Boston Ben for a sequel to his wild jumpsuit-wearing ad of #Superbowl 2024 and it crushed... Crushed alll the beans, and the dreams of the #barista buds. 🤣 A not-so-subtle dig at #Starbucks. Despite missing his other half (#MattDamon) because he "doesn't have haaaaaahhht" 🤣 , #BenAffleck seriously delivered with a few cameos NONE of us saw coming. Cue Jeremy Strong's method acting (in a vat of coffee) and Bill Belichick's 24 year old girlfriend in a sassy pink sweatsuit. This ad was the stuff of Super Bowl legends and proves that comedy is making a comeback. Out of 94 ads at this year's big game, "humor was present in 85% of ads this year, up from 71% in 2023" - Raja Rajamannar. I think it's a trend we're going to see a lot more of over the coming months as we experience the turmoils of what the real world has to offer. 🫠 I for one, welcome the escape! If you feel like having some more laughs together, I've reacted to a dozen different ads from #SuperBowl2025 ~ link in comments. 🥰