🎉We at FRESCo hope you started your new year on a positive note! Happy New Year!🎉
As we step into 2025 and return to work, our team reflects on 2024 achievements and thanks our partners, clients, funders, and team for making it all happen:
🟢 Expansion of LandlordBC Rental Apartment Retrofit Accelerator: The RARA program is a LandlordBC initiative administered by FRESCo that started with funding from the City of Vancouver, BC Hydro, The Province of British Columbia, District of Saanich, and City of Victoria BC. Ten buildings are completing #decarbonization #retrofits, and the program is now expanding with federal funding in collaboration with Zero Emissions Innovation Centre. Multi-family rental buildings are encouraged to take advantage of free RARA services and kickstart their retrofit planning.
➡️ Register with RARA: landlordbc.ca/rara. 🚀
🟢 Development of the New CleanBC MURB Retrofit Program: We're proud to have helped BC Hydro and the Province develop this game-changing incentive program.
🟢 Innovative Research and Policy 🔎💡 : Our policy and technical teams collaborated to produce dozens of innovative reports. Highlights include:
📝 Maintenance Matters – #ElectricalPlanning for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings with CHOA and BC Housing.
📝 Technical guidelines for Strata Electrical Planning Reports with CHOA and BC Hydro (publishing this spring).
📝 A comprehensive report with the City of Vancouver on “On-Site Barriers to MURB Equipment Electrification.”
📝Investigating “Building Data to Support Energy Efficiency & Decarbonization” with LandlordBC and BC Hydro.
📢 Two Highlights of our work on #EngineeringDesign:
🟢 Providing #MechanicalEngineering services to two buildings in the Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot Program with FortisBC, RDH Building Science, and SES Consulting.
🟢 Supporting VRS Communities’ “Orchard Gardens” with innovative #HVAC #HeatPump upgrades via an Integrated Project Delivery (#IPD) model.
🟡 FortisBC Commercial Energy Assessment Program: Helping building managers and owners implement energy-saving measures, leading to cost savings and reduced carbon footprints.
🤝 #Collaboration: Our team collaborated with LandlordBC, CHOA, BOMA BC, BC Hydro, RDH Building Science, SES Consulting, AES Engineering Ltd, ZEIC, B2E - Building to Electrification Coalition, Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors, Focal Engineering, and others. This collaboration makes our work more enjoyable and impactful!
🥳 And last but not least: The FRESCo Team is Growing 🥳 : We welcomed four new team members to newly created positions. Welcome aboard Elena Dopfer, Derek Schenk, Paul Ku, and Madi Kennedy!
We’re grateful for our amazing team, partners, clients, and funders. 🙏 We're excited to continue our efforts in 2025.
#EnergyEfficiency #Sustainability #HappyNewYear #Policy #Engineering #Retrofit