Check out our interview with Kelly Thompson where we discussed how our technology maximises sunlight exposure, plus our harvesting method, as well our plans for creating a marketable algal byproduct.
Why is the ZeeWeed membrane inventor venturing into algae wastewater treatment? That’s the question I set out to answer this week. I had a conversation with Pierre Côté, who has created AlgaFilm Technologies’ proprietary Algae Forest system. It uses static media cones to grow a biofilm of algae, as opposed to some other solutions that grow the cells in suspension. Alongside others in the AlgaFilm team – Ahren Britton and Robert P Beres – we discussed how the technology maximises sunlight exposure and its harvesting method, and also the company’s plans for creating a marketable algal byproduct. AlgaFilm Technologies has recently received investment from Burnt Island Ventures, and is an interesting addition to the market as more players appear to overcome the obstacles posed by historical algae treatment technologies. Read all about it here: #algae #circulareconomy #wastewater