Thursday, January 28, 2016

# 14 Things orange

#15 Things Orange

Don't know how this got in here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

#1 From Jerry Digney

#2 From Jerry Digney

#3 From Jerry Digney

#4 From Jerry Digney

#5 From Jerry Digney

#6 From Jerry Digney

#7 From Jerry Digney

#8 Digney Pix

Hugo Schmitt "Marcella" and "Window".
Axel told me the dog wandered into Winter quarters, Sonny started feeding him and he made himself at home to a point he would follow the elephants into the Arena during rehearsal.
They decided to lock him in the bunk house but he right away crashed thru a window and came prancing back into the ring so they added him to the act, hence the name.
Some of you might remember the Animal Display he was in with "Targa" that opened the Show for many years. He was later joined by a small Terrier named "Flea".

#9 Digney Pix

#10 Digney Pix

#11 Digney Pix

#12 Digney Pix

Looks like Swede Johnson at top, I remember Swede and Mabel From Wallace Bros. when I ran around with their son "Hunky".
My High School buddy, Duane Bowman came to visit me in Hugo and someone called "Hey Buckles" and he said, "What did he just call you?" I replied, "It's a long story."

#13 Digney Pix

#14 Digney Pix

#15 Digney Pix

#16 Digney Pix

Blue Show.....Red Show always marched the elephants single file.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Another family member......

I stole this from Jenda Smaha and "Bertha".

Computer snafu this morning.....

.....and on my Birthday of all days with my highly incompetent staff out on a boat some place!