Friday, November 26, 2010

Collected Items #5

Scan13261, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Collected Items #6

Scan13260, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

James Bros. #1

Scan13267, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

While on this outdoor tour we had a lay-off in Muskegon, Michigan and
as previously elaborated, boarded our car on a ferry the 5th of July and crossed over to Milwaukee to catch the Red Show where John and Mary Ruth showed us around.
On our return I proclaimed to one and all, "Shake the hand of the man who shook the hand of Gunther Gebel-Williams!"

James Bros. #2

Scan13268, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

James Bros. #3

Scan13270, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1970 was also Shannon's first year on tour.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

From Peter Rosa

From Mike Naughton

Mickey Mouse Circus made it's debut 55 years ago today!

just a few seconds, but worth the watch


Happy Thanksgiving!

5185987294_976facddbb, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Thanks giving is Giving Thanks for all His Blessings that we have received this year.

Giving Thanks for our own parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, and friends and all that they have given to us, in their love, compassion, concern and hard work for each one of us, who are in the Circus, Carnival and Car Racing.
Giving Thanks for all our deceased members of the circus, carnival, car racing and of our own family and thank them for what they have given us in life and are always remembered.

Giving Thanks for all the good health and blesssings that we have received in life.
Giving Thanks for all those who are retired or are sick and in gratitude to all they have done in bringing enjoyment to "Children of All Ages."

Giving Thanks for all those performers, workers, and in administration in the Circus, Carnival and Car racing entertainment today, remembering the hard work they do each day in their unique vocation and also in constant travel to bring joy and laughter to everyone..

Giving Thanks to all those who are priests, Brothers, Sisters, Lay People, Ministers and others who support the entertainment industry by their prayers, encouragement, counseling etc in times of difficulties.

Giving Thanks to each one of you for just being YOU and for what you mean to me and to each other.

Bro. Frank Dolphin, M.M.
Maryknoll Missioners


2010 Evansville Shrine #1

DSC00343, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Got to town a bit late this year in Evansville, ( My alibi for this set of photos this early in the morning.)
I counted nine bulls in the barn. Cats-horses-dogs are in already. They are at this hour hanging the aerial act's riggings.
PS. Raining to beat all heck on set in day. Real show weather. Don't you just love it !
That's all for now.

2010 Evansville Shrine #2

_DSC0339, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

2010 Evansville Shrine #3

_DSC0349, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

2010 Evansville Shrine #4

DSC00342, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

2010 Evansville Shrine #5

DSC00352, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

2010 Evansville Shrine #6

DSC00351, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Evansville Shrine Over A Half Century Ago!

Scan10457, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I showed this date at three different locations, first in a High School
Gymnasium, last in the current building and in between a Ball Park
where this picture was taken.
One of the features that year was Jack Joyce's Performing Camels
"Ozzie", "Coogie" and "Sidney", these three outstanding camel drovers remain unidentified.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

From Brandon Sterk

!cid_image003_jpg@01CB8A3A, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Took the family to see the newest Ringling (Feld) offering—Barnum’s FUNundrum. Overall I thought this was a great show….their best show in years. Fast pacing, beautiful props, and some really good acts—the trampoline act that closes the show and the ‘pirate ‘themed teeter board act were fantastic. For the first time in years there seemed to be an actual “spec. “ or at least an attempt at one, interestingly at one time during the spec. they had the equivalent to 4 acts working at 1 time-all hand balancing, probably the first true 4-act display since they abandoned the stages between the rings—(late 60’s?). Probably the coolest part of the show was the video screens that moved throughout the show (4 on each side and 2 on the end). At the start of the show all the screens were lowered to ground level and a graphic of circus train moving along the screens was show, then the screens were raised to reveal the start of the opening number (and for some reason the lowering and raising of the cage for the cats from the ceiling always impresses me). My only complaints were that the Blue show needs to give the “globe of death” a rest as it has been a featured act in every blue show for years and I think the “all access pre-show” has lost a lot of its luster (when this was introduced in the late 90’s I thought this idea was genius, now it seems like they rush you off the floor after about 30 min. and there is not much interactive stuff going on). Finally the “free parking for ticket holders” was a great perk….not sure if this was Feld’s idea, but it makes total business sense—Feld pays the arena a fee for the parking---ticket holders save $20---ticket holders more likely to spend $20 on merchandise—I know for us it was a little easier to part with some dough for the DVD and cotton candy knowing we hadn’t shelled out $20 to park.

Looking forward to see what the Feld girls come up with for the new Red Show---“Fully Charged”

Brandon Sterk

Chicago, IL

From Tim Tegge #1

TEGGE'S CRITTERS in BNR, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles -

Baraboo's annual "Holly Jolly Light parade" took to the square on Saturday night (Dec. 20). Lots of people lined the streets downtown for the event. I had a unit in the parade this year and, much to my surprise (and delight), we made the front page of today's Baraboo News Republic. The animal characters were given to me by the late Barry Sloan and his lovely wife, Sheelagh, some years back. We trouped together on Beatty-Cole in 1994-95, and '96. At the end of the '96 season, Barry and Sheelagh retired. After spec of the closing show, Barry brought an armful of their wardrobe to me for my archives. Then, a number of years later (after Barry passed away), Sheelagh gave me several more heads and costumes. I've used a few pieces in museum and gallery exhibits over the years, but this was the first time I'd ever actually paraded with them. I think Barry would have enjoyed knowing that they were being used again. We had a ball, by the way!

From Tim Tegge #2

Deppe, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

There was also an article in today's paper about Deppe's circus and elephant "Bertha." I have attached a scan of the story, should you wish to run this.

Cirque Pinder 2010 #1

Houcke Pinder 2010, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles,

A few more photos of Sasha Houcke showed up on the French circus website ""

These were taken this year on Cirque Pinder.

All the best,

Don Covington

Cirque Pinder 2010 #2

Houcke camels Pinder 2010, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.