Tuesday, April 30, 2013

From Kari Johnson

Don't miss Equestrian Nation on RFD-TV tomorrow, where we show step by step instructions of how to ride your horse past an elephant.This entertaining episode was featured in the attached magazine article.

1st airing Wednesday
2nd airing Wednesday
3rd airing
4th airing

Chapter Five #1 (From Eric Beheim)

Jim and Mike are caught in an explosion set by Slade to destroy the Cobra’s arsenal.

Chapter Five #2

Blown off its hinges by the explosion, the arsenal’s heavy door acts as a shield that protects Jim and Mike from serious injury.

Chapter Five #3

Meanwhile, Joan is wounded when Redmond’s rifle accidentally goes off during his escape from the tunnel.

Chapter Five #4

Hidden inside a cave by the faithful Kolu, Joan soon finds herself in deadly peril . . .

Chapter Five #5

. . . when a passing tiger decides to investigate the cave.

Chapter Five #6

With the tiger closing in on her . . . 

Chapter Five #7

. . . Joan’s cries of “SimmBaaa” brings one of her lions . . .

Chapter Five #8

. . . which immediately attacks the tiger.

Chapter Five #9

Chapter Five #10

After driving off the tiger, the lion joins Joan in the cave . . . 

Chapter Five #11

. . . and assumes the role of her protector.

Chapter Five #12

Alerted to Joan’s peril by Kolu, Jim and Mike hurry to her aid, only to encounter a deep gorge spanned by a single rope.

Chapter Five #13

As Jim makes his way hand over hand along the rope . . .  

Chapter Five #14

. . . he is spotted by Slade, Redmond and LaBat. Taking careful aim, LaBat makes a once-in-a-lifetime shot . . . 

Chapter Five #15

. . . which parts the rope and sends Jim plunging down into the gorge.

Chapter Five #16

Monday, April 29, 2013

New Ringling Act? (From Mark Rosenthal)


2009 Calendar #25

Performers with midget clown, RBBB, 1955,

2009 Calendar #26

Clown Fred Hanson, RBBB, 1948.

2009 Caalendar #27

Contortionist, Cole Bros. Circus, 1949.

2009 Calendar # 28

Equestrienne Corky Cristiani, member of the legendary Cristiani family of Italian bareback riders.

2009 Calendar #29

Kitty Clark with the Konyot Troupe, 1943.

2009 Calendar #30

Heidi LaLage on the Roman rings, Polack Bros. Circus, 1951.

2009 Calendar #31

Showgirl, RBBB, 1947.

2009 Calendar #32

Acrobat Takeo Usui, performing outdoors, RBBB, 1956.

"Mr. Usui, without the aid of a balance pole, would slide down forward, turn around scramble back up the wire, slide down backward and then, as seen above, slide down on his butt. He wore some kind of leather shorts for that stunt."

2009 Calendar #33

Contortionist, Mills Bros. Circus, 1950.

2009 Calendar #34

The Cordon Troupe, RBBB, 1955.

"I saw the show this year and having spent several seasons around Rex, Jimmy and Benny Rossi, I found it lacking.....cowboy wise."

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stewart Craven

As elephant herds with circuses grew larger, Craven is credited as being the innovator of the pyramid type elephant act in America introducing long mounts on bull tubs etc.
The first being with Howes Great London and later improved versions with the Forepaugh Show and Cooper & Bailey.
He later became a successful Animal Dealer and the owner of a large ranch near Dallas, Texas where he died Jan. 16, 1890.

Eph Thompson #1

Born in Ypsilanti, Mich. July 7, 1855
Learned elephant training from Stewart Craven while with the 4-Paw Show and later did all the training presented by Addie Forepaugh.
Said to have left 4-Paw Show in 1886 and spent the rest of his career in Europe.
1887 Circus Karl Hagenbeck.

Died in 1916.

Eph Thompson #2

William Newman #1

1877-80 P.T. Barnum Show
1881-87 Barnun & London
1888-99 Barnum & Bailey

William Newman #2

George Conklin #1

Menagerie and Elephant Supt.
1870-74 John O'Brien Show
1875-86 W.W. Cole
1887- 07 Barnun & Bailey

Died in Bridgeport Feb. 25 1924.

George Conklin #2

Edouard "Perl" Souder #1

1880-81 Sells Bros. Circus

1894-08 Ringling Bros. Circus

Edouard "Perl" Souder #2

Edouard "Perl" Souder #3

Bill Woodcock's Letters

Saturday, April 27, 2013

From Eric Beheim

Opening title for one of Johnny Mack Brown's 1936 B-Westerns.

From Dominic Yodice

Hi Buckles,
I am having trouble getting into Google to make a comment on the costume for "Extra Bonus" so I am sending it this way.
The costume in question is from the 1944 spec -"Pantos Paradise".
Several of these orange and black striped costumes were worn by the elephant empresses.
The attached photo is from the Sverre Braathen collection and is copyright by the Illinois State University - Milner Digital Collection.

Rhoda Royal Elephants #1 (From Buckles)

This is one of the Rhoda Royal elephants "Muggins" in the Sells-Floto parade that John Herriott referred to a few days ago.
First Class Stuff!

Rhoda Royal Elephants #2

"Tiny May" and Carrie Royal.

Rhoda Royal Elephants #3

Rhoda Royal Elephants #4

"This is a larger elephant, looks like the same dog and pony tho."

Added Bonus!

Barbara mentioned that the first elephant act she worked in was on the Dailey Show and similar to Miss Royal's act. It was thrown together and presented in a display, took three people to work it and she was in charge of the dog.
The other two hotsy-totsy chicks are Donna McMahan and Tony Martin.
She added that her costume was salvaged Ringling stuff.
Dom Yodice would know from what year.

Terrell Jacobs #1

Terrell Jacobs #2

Terrell Jacobs #3

Surprise Pictures #1

"Going thru an assortment of unidentified photos and noticed on several the stamp of fellow Blogger, Harry L. Kingston."